Interlude - Stars

Interlude - Stars


Ryun sat on the couch in the living room area. They were all back in the quarters assigned to them in the Citadel. All of them had been attacked. None had died, of course, people that had come here had come for a reason. They were strong, stronger than anyone else that couldve come, or at least who wouldve been allowed to. There had been a few injuries. Vryull had a suffered a wound on his shoulder, but that had been healed quickly by the Empires healers. Eratemus had lost three of his skeletons, which from what Ryun had observed of them was impressive. Still, Ryun didnt think that their attackers actually knew much about who they were attacking.

Zacharia and his partner, Nahamassa stood behind him, leaned on the wall. Maleatus was nearby, and Vryull was standing next to the couch on Ryuns right. Eratemus was on the other side of the couch, sitting in a chair. Ryuns eyes were pointed at Teeran Hoofline, the Custodian of the Citadel, but all of his attention was on Erdania sitting next to him, with one of the Empires healers working on her. Selia stood behind the two of them, with her arms crossed over her chest and her back straight. Through their link he could feel the anger that she wasnt showing outwardly, and Ryun found that he shared that sentiment.

The healer worked on regrowing Erdanias left arm, feeding her potions and using abilities and perks on her. She didnt appear to be bothered by the loss, and with people like them it rarely was anything really crippling, if you survived, you could get healed of almost anything. Though the process wasnt exactly quick. Regrowing a body part of a Cultivator like her whose body was more than just flesh and bone was apparently a bit more difficult.

When he had arrived to their chamber, rushing through the citadel through even the Empires own people, and found the two of them he was met with a bloody sight. The two of them had been attacked by seven people, and all of their attackers were dead. But Ryun hadnt cared about that, Selias feelings had been filling his mind as he fully opened their link. When he had seen Erdania missing an arm it wasnt her feelings that he felt, only his own. His own anger rose up, memories of the past resurfaced, of a time when he was too weak and too slow to save someone that he loved.

With her hand fully regrown, Erdania shuffled on the couch, looking at the newly grown flesh.

Ugh, she groaned, then leaned her head to look at Selia. You are going to have to redo this entire arm.

Ryun was pretty sure that she was talking about her tattoos, which hadnt regrown with her arm. He knew that they were formations, though he wasnt quite sure what they did. He also hadnt known that Selia had been the one to do them, he hadnt known that she knew how to do that.

You never shouldve lost it, Selia said, sounding as if she was angry, but Ryun knew that she was afraid. He didnt know how their fight went, but if her feelings were anything to go by, she at least thought that it couldve been worse.

He sensed her head turn in the direction of Teeran, who stood across from them with two guards next to him. Many more were outside and everywhere else in this part of the Citadel. His eyes had never left the minotaur, and he could tell that the Custodian was shaken.

There is no excuse, the minotaur said. These attacks should have never happened. The only defense that I can provide is the very reason you are here. We are stretched too thin, otherwise this wouldnt have happened.

Ryun kept his mouth shut. When they had attacked him, it hadnt really mattered to him who they were. It still didnt, and the ones that had Selia and Erdania were dead as well.

Who were they? Zach asked.

They were part of a small Dealmaker cult, Teeran said. Prior to the enemy attack they had been a nuisance. But with everything that happened more people had lost hope, more people had started to believe.

And what, Eratemus started. Do they believe in?

Teeran sighed. They believe in freedom, or so they claim. That every person should be free to survive on their own. That us banding together is not what this world was intended for. They see the enemy attack as the Dealmaker trying to correct things.

Ryun narrowed his eyes at him, but didnt comment.

He could tell that the others werent really interested.

Teeran continued talking. It is obvious now that we had failed. I am having a meeting with our leadership, after that I will be able to tell you more.

No one said anything in response, and after a while Teeran got the message. He and his people shuffled out of their rooms, leaving them alone.

A few minutes after they had all left, Maleatus spoke.

Well, I did not come here so that I could die before we even try to get a stab at the big guy.

It was Eratemus who answered him. I am relieved in a way that this happened.

How so? Maleatus asked.

It tells me that the Empire is not so different than the Core, Eratemus answered him. They have problems as well.

With that, he stood up and looked at everyone in the room. But this should also serve as a lesson, he added. We must be much more careful. This mission is dangerous, but we need to survive to reach it.

Everyone retreated to their rooms; Ryun remained in the common area, watching as Selia and Erdania walked to their roomhe didnt follow.


Selia left Erdania in their room, walking out only after she had fallen asleep. She had been more tired after the fight than she let on, and then she had insisted that Selia start working on repairing the formation on her arm. It would take her a while, far more than it would take someone who had a Class or a Path that helped their formation making. She only had her knowledge and her Qi that she could shape with her willpower.

The fight had been closer than Selia had expected, and she knew that Erdania was trying to downplay just by how much that was. They hadnt been prepared, they hadnt noticed their enemies until they had struck the first blow. And that was something that shouldve never happened. They had to be better.

She left the quarters assigned to their group and spoke with one of the Empires guards, asking them a question. They provided an escort and led her through the Citadel. A couple of minutes later they pointed her to a large balcony overlooking one of the inner gardens, with the open night sky looming above them. There were more guards along the walls, but Ryun was sitting on the railing alone, his feet dangling over the edge.

Zach looked at his right arm, its color a deep greenalmost blackmetallic looking, though it mimicked a real hand. The hand was his greatest strength, his greatest weapon, and he had ignored an obvious avenue that would let him get stronger. In part because of the risk, and in part because of guilt. The guilt of what he had unleashed in the Ethereal Realm. The Yeti was still in there, and Zach did not want a reunion. He had tried to limit his trips to the Ethereal, and keep them as short as possible.

He sighed. They were facing stronger and stronger opponents, and the Dome Leader would be the strongest yet.

He met Nahas eyes. Im going to need to go back to the Ethereal Real, arent I?

A good hunt might do us both some good, she smiled, showing her teeth in a predatory grin.

Zach turned his eyes back to his hand. Perhaps it is time to replace a few of my sword forms.


Vryull tried not to think on the phantom pain in his shoulder. The wound was long gone, but he still couldnt move his mind from it. He had been far too close to losing his life. He had been lucky, that they hadnt killed him with the first stroke and that he had perks that allowed him to retaliate immediately upon being damaged. Otherwise

Still, it was a reminder that he had to be more mindful of his surroundings. Even as powerful as he was, no one was invincible.

What are you trying to do? Vryull asked.

He was sitting in the common room, alone with Ryun, who sat across from him. The Cultivator had asked him for a favor, to use some of his void powers and let him try something.

Ryuns eyes were focused on Vryulls palm, where an orb of void stood suspended above it. Two more orbs were floating to his sides and one behind him.

It is strange, Ryun said instead of answering the question.

What is? Vryull asked.

When you used that perk?

Yes, Vryull answered.

That perk, Ryun nodded. The Void Essence just as if out of nothing. Or hm no, it was as if it pushed through space and flooded in.

Vryull tilted his head. A Classers powers are not like Cultivators, they dont come from within us. A Class is more connected to the Framework itself.

Ryun grimaced. I dont think that there is as much difference as everyone thinks. Still, this Essence feels like tier eight Void Essence, or something in between tier eight and nine.

That did make sense to Vryull as his Class was tier 8. So, what are you trying to do?

I am attempting to control the Essence that is not my Qi, Ryun answered him, finally.

Vryull blinked. I dont think that that is something you can do.

Can you let go of this Essence? Make it not be yours? Ryun asked.

Vryull frowned, then looked at his orb. It was perk that created them and allowed him to have them float around him, intercepting any attacks. He didnt think that there was a way to do what Ryun wanted. He focused and then tried anyway. Finally, he just ended the perk and the orbs slowly fizzled out.

Ryun narrowed his eyes. Hm it was as if they were pulled back through nothing, then he tilted his head. I think that you are right, that Essence it felt tied to you in a way that made it impossible for me to touch.

Why did you think you even could do it? Vryull asked.

Ryun leaned back then waved with one hand. I can pull in Essence, any cultivator can. I can command the Essence around me to move, to come to me and into my core. Doesnt it stand to reason that I could then do more? I wanted to try with the Void first, since I understand it the most.

Vryull hadnt really thought about it like that, but it was true that Cultivators could just pull any type of Essence around them into their core. Though what Ryun was suggesting was something a lot different. Still, I dont think that you will be able to that to the Essence that belongs to someone else.

Ryun nodded his head.

Vryull then spoke again. You should talk with Eratemus about this.

Ryun stood up. Yes, I think that I should.

He walked to the necromancers doors and knocked.