Chapter 338: Tali and Ryun

Chapter 338: Tali and Ryun


The red mist filled the glade, with Ryun in the center. He had spent only a few of his javelins to kill the largest groupings of monster, focusing on taking down the queens. It took five days for his forge to create another masterwork item copy, so he didnt want to spend too many. Of course, he had been making copies of this javelin since he had still been in the Empires territory. He had always used such thrown weapons as a way to reach some enemies. Still, she watched as he focused on using his Void beams to kill the remaining monsters, though many were running back into their burrows. They had hit the monster population hard, but they didnt intend to clear them fully. Having some monsters in the territory could be beneficial if he intended to make this his home in the future. Might deter people from annoying him.

Tali took a deep breath and decided to head down as well and help him out. She shaped a technique and brought down the might of the sky down on the monsters with her descent.

Another few thousand monsters and a little while later, the two of them stood on one of the staircase-like plateaus.

Here you think? Tali asked.New n0vel chapters are published on

In lieu of an answer Ryun plopped a handful of Void crystals into his mouth and hummed.

Oh, yes Tali, here would be great, she tried to mimic his tone, in a mocking manner.

He glanced in her direction and threw another crystal in his mouth.

Why are you like this? She asked him.

Im still thinking, dont rush me, he told her. I want to find the perfect place.

Weve been standing here for the last half an hour, staring at the side of a cliff, Tali said, just a tiny bit annoyed.

Ryun tilted his head in her direction. Just because Im standing still, doesnt mean that Im not looking, he waved a hand in a circle next to his head and she grimaced.

Right, she said, she still forgot sometimes the insane range that his skill had. So, do you at least have any ideas?

I do, Ryun said.

She waited, then started tapping her foot against the ground. After another five minutes of silence, she finally broke. And you are not going to share these thoughts with me?

Ryun blinked. I havent made a decision yet.

And it doesnt occur to you that perhaps I could help with that?

He frowned.

Seriously Ryun, you come to ask me advice about all kinds of nonsensical things, but nothing about this?

I ask you about things I know you have knowledge about. I wasnt aware that you knew anything about the best placements for territory Interfaces, Ryun said slowly.

Tali sighed in defeat. Even if I dont know anything related, you should still ask, it is courteous, Tali said.

Fine, he waved his hand. So where should I put it down?

Well, since we are not going to be building anything here right now, probably somewhere hidden, Tali answered.

Ryun nodded. So, one of those caves?

Something is strange here, Tali added after a while.

What do you mean? Ryun asked.

Dont you feel it? There is something oppressive in the air, Tali said.

Ryun frowned. He wasnt really feeling anything, but he closed his eyes and tried to feel it anyway. He used his |Mental Fortitude| skill, but he didnt feel anything trying to invade his mind. His sensory skill didnt sense anything amiss either. He glanced at Tali, she was wearing her combat robes, while he was inside his armor. He removed the helmet for a moment, but still he couldnt tell. Was she imagining it? Doubtful, Tali was old and powerful she didnt imagine things. He put his helmet back on, and remained on guard.

Tell me if you sense something more, Ryun said.

Tali nodded, and they continued.

It took them a few hours at their pace to reach the bottom and step into the large cavern. It was massive, the size of a city with a tall ceiling and flat floor. Except for the stone formation in the center of the cavern. It was tall, at least fifty meters high, and rounded. Like a snake curled up on itself in a spiral, a massive and thick snake. The walls of the structure were rough, uneven, but no different in his eyes than the stone all around them. He could feel nothing strange about it.

It is worse here, Tali said slowly. You really dont feel anything?

No, Ryun said. What does it feel like?

As if something is pressing down on me, I dont know how else to explain it. Like we are in a presence of something great.

Ryun narrowed his eyes. The only answer that he could see make sense was that the reason he wasnt feeling it was because their differences. What did Ryun lack that she didnt? She was in the higher Stage, had more Path perks. She also had Soulfull perk, from her Crucible of the Soulwas she just more sensitive than he was? Or did he have something that protected him? Indomitable, Reapers Aura, the Eternal Hunter. It could be anything, the reason didnt matter, he trusted Tali.

Keep watch, he said slowly. Im going to see if there is something about this structure.

He refused to believe that the structure had nothing to do with this scenario.

He walked up to the stone wall and looked at it closely. The essence was of the highest tier, but it was different than any he had seen before somehow. Denser, and just like the walls around them, he couldnt sense anything deep inside, only the surface. Were they supposed to break in? He didnt immediately resort to that, instead he walked around it. The scale of it didnt really sink in until he started walking. The diameter of the structure was hundreds of meters across. It filled a significant portion of the already large cavern.

Anything? Ryun asked as Tali landed. She had scouted the top while he walked the bottom.

Nothing, but then I cant really see in the dark. I sent a few blasts of wind over it though, nothing stands out, Tali answered.

Ryun grimaced and then made a decision. Ill try to get through then, he walked up to the stone and placed his focus against it, then started channeling his technique through it. A moment later he fired a beam of the Void. It hit the stone and slowly, far too slowly, he felt the stone losing out. His void was tier 9, but the stone was tougher than anything he had ever tried to damage before, he was barely scratching the surface. He kept his hand on it though, in contact with the stone, pushing physically just as much as he was with Qi.

And then, in a single moment, something changed. The ground rumbled, a sound of stone grinding exploded and Ryun screamed as his eardrums exploded, or whatever it was that he had in their stead. He felt his insides tearing themselves apart, the Essence that made up his body shaking and crumbling. Something pulled, through his hand laying on stone.

He was healing, his Qi repairing the damage as it was happening, but then Qi burst through his arm exploding his conduits as it overloaded them. The stone pulled his Qi out of his body and into the stone. His eyes widened and he tried to move back, but something prevented him. With a roar he shaped claws on his other hand and stabbed into his right arm as he dismissed his armor, then he tore the arm from his shoulder. He stumbled back and shaped a pillar beneath his feet, pushing himself up and back. His sense was filled with noise, he could barely sense anything, and his hearing was coming back only to be damaged and healed again. He regrew his arm and put his armor back on as well as another copy of his focusthe last one, he didnt have the time for Bright Star to make more.

And then the sound and the vibrations stilled, and the structure in the middle of the room moved.

A third of his Qi was just gone, from healing, but mostly from whatever it was that had pulled the Qi out of him.

He saw Tali flying to his side, a sphere of blended Essence around her, Bond and Sky, protecting her. He looked back at the structure and saw what it really was.

Worldstone Worm: The One That Sings Of Stone (Tier 27; Image of Worldstone; Bloodline of the World Worm)

He stopped on a platform of void and looked as the massive creature raised its head up. A round head with no discernible features turned in their direction, and then it opened its mouth showing a gaping maw filled with jagged teeth made of stone. For a split second he could feel inside the creature, but then it roared and everything turned to noise. He tried to use his scanning ring, but it gave him nothing.

He could already tell that this was going to be difficult.