Chapter 344: Kael

Chapter 344: Kael


How long had he been here? Trapped in the open, a forest and a waterfall. Running and always coming back to the same place. He couldnt escape this trap, either because something influenced his mind and always turned him around, or because this place was some separate piece of land that curved back on itself. Or perhaps, this was just the reality of this piece of the Ethereal Realm. What worried him was that he couldnt tell the passage of time, it was a sensation unlike any other. And without knowing how much time had passed he worried that he would slip and become a shade. His protections wouldnt last forever.

A moment or a year later, he still sat at the edge of the waterfall, thinking and worrying about his situation, paralyzed by the very nature of this place. Then, something changed. The world snapped into focus, and footsteps alerted him. Kael turned and saw him. Tall, wrapped in a silver armor covered with symbols that emitted an eerie light blue glow. A yeti, a monster with white fur of the purest snow and gray ringed eyes. So many rings that just looking at them sent chills down Kaels bones. An old shade, a powerful shade.

What? The yeti grinned at him. No attempts to ambush me? To fight and escape?

Kael had already witnessed this beings power, and knew that there was nothing that he could do. He was at the shades mercy. He didnt respond.

The yetis grin widened, turning almost unnaturally wide. Smart, perhaps you will be useful after all. But first

He pulled out the same orb as one that he had before when he took him from the dungeon. This time it wasnt glowing, though. The yeti approached, and Kael forced himself to remain calm, Tranquility flowed through his conduits. The yeti was now close enough to touch, and the orb was pressed against Kaels chest.

The yeti frowned and then pulled back, he knocked on the orb in what looked like confusion. I hoped that it was just a temporary issue, but something is changed, the yeti whispered. Then he raised his eyes from the orb and looked at Kael. Do you know what changed?New n0vel chapters are published on

Kael shook his head. No, he answered, hoping that he didnt trigger the clearly insane shade somehow.

The yeti nodded, then he gestured at the orb. I created this from the Essence of a Spirit I killed, a spirit tied to time. It could point me in the direction of the things that I need, things that I could use to bring about the most favorable outcome for myself. It led me to you, the yeti said. But now, it is silent.

The yeti tilted his head, then his left arm blurred and he carved a symbol in the air next to them. It shone with a green glow, and pulsed rhythmically. Something is wrong, I can feel moments, seconds, minutes, hours or days if I push but there are no mirrors to look at, no far off possibilities. Only what is just ahead. And it rumbles, it burbles, and it roars. Something moving ahead, pushed by a great weight

Kael remained still as the yeti lost himself in his own little world. He wondered if he should try and take advantage, if should attack and hope that he could catch the shade off-guard.

It is unlikely that we would win, the voice of his awakened object, Rem, said.

I know, Kael responded. It was a fools hope anyway.

The yeti turned back and looked at Kael again.

Well, regardless, he threw the orb to the side, where it landed in the pool of water with a big splash. What to do now?

Kael didnt understand what was happening, most likely the shade was just completely insane and nothing he did would change anything. And yet, he couldnt just resign himself to death. He had people who waited for him, who depended on him. He had a purpose, to fulfill, and his work had only just started. Their plan had caused chaos in the core, but they needed to capitalize on it. To tear down those who oppress, those who stand above and guide the world in the directions they wanted them to go.

And while the solitude was great, he had advanced beyond anything he couldve dreamed about. His teacher had provided him with spirits of Tranquility, taught him how to consume them and take their Essence, how to cycle it. A few decades later, he had advanced to the Ascended Realm, and chosen Fury as his second Aspect, on Raazels advice. Raazel didnt want him to mix them, telling him that they were only temporary, tools to prepare him for the future. Half a century later he had reached the Eternal Realm. He knew that this was just a preparation, strengthening of his soul. Raazel said that the Framework limited a lot, but he had to admit that the advancement of the soul was streamlined and faster than what he had to go through.

And Kael knew just how necessary a powerful soul and will were for Raazels way of using power.

He walked over the water to greet his teacher. He would often leave and deal with matters outside. Kael didnt know what he was doing, but his teacher had enemies. Aside from learning how to enforce his understanding on the world through soul and will, Kael had learned a lot about the world that his teacher grew up in. The previous version of the Framework. The cruelty of it knew no bounds.

Teacher, Kael bowed his head as the yeti grinned at him.

Ah, Kael, it is time, Raazel said.

Kael blinked. Already?

Youve reached the end of your path, your soul is strong enough now, Raazel said. Then he gestured.

Two cages appeared next to him, each containing a powerful spirit inside. He could tell that they were old, it was a thing he had learned before he met Raazel. The old spirits tended to have an effect on the Ethereal, and while this place was separate, he could feel an echo of it. None of the spirits that his teacher had brought before had been powerful enough to manifest such an effect in this place. One was an antlered spirit, with feathers made of purest white covering its entire body, and with antlers of dimly glowing pale light. Its blue eyes looked at him with calm that penetrated all of his protections, it made him want to sleep and dream of peace.

He wrenched his eyes away and looked at the other. A spirit resembling a winged and scaled wolf only far more monstrous. With a narrow snout and wicked fangs, covered in orange scales and scars of deep red trailing over its limbs. Its eyes were burning with hate, with a fury that could turn the entire world to ash. Its mere presence stirred Kaels own anger and fury. It promised the end of all in his path, if only he succumbed and let everything go.

Spirit of the Moons Tranquil Dream: Lapareu, Dream Weaver (Tier 25)

Spirit of the Suns Flaming Fury: Infaarg, Ashen Trail (Tier 25)

These ones are..? Kael asked slowly.

Raazel nodded with a grin. Yes, it had taken me a while to find the right material, but they will do. Are you ready?

It seemed like his teacher wasnt going to delay at all.

I am, Kael said, his decision made.

And so, our agreement is made. I will remake you, give you power, and in return you need only find someone in the Real Realm for me, and activate what I left behind, Raazel extended a thread of soul from his chest to Kaels.

A Framework window appeared, words muddled and incomprehensible, it had no direct ways of establishing a soul contract, not in the way that Raazel could. It enforced things through its own ways, ridding them all of personal choices and consequence. Kael accepted and felt the agreement between them settle.

Good, Raazel said. Now, Ill need your little soulbound friend to act as an anchor, sadly that might destroy the thing residing inside, but Sacrifices. Oh, and this might hurt.

Before Kael could say anything the world exploded into light. And, he was right, it did hurt.