Chapter 420: Ryun

Chapter 420: Ryun


The transition was, the same as the last time, a curious thing. Ryuns head spun, less now than before, which was to be expected. His skill was greater now, more evolved, and he had prepared before he entered the gate. He had pulled back his sense, narrowed it only on his own Essence, sensing nothing beyond the confines of his own body. It was almost a painful experience. He almost did not remember a time when he did not have the sense of his surroundings. Knowing everything that happened around him was integral to who he was. He was that silent watcher, a witness. Not being able to do it made him feel disarmed, naked in a way.

As he passed through and entered the Ethereal fully, the world around him changed. In a blink of an eye the colors of the world were drained from his eyes, leaving a strange scape painted only in a single hue. He had expected it, but it still took him a moment to adjust. He grimaced as he felt a strange sensation wash over him. With the sense of his soul, he could tell that something was different. Ever since his merging of body and soul, what Zach called the soul sense, was a lot easier for Ryun to detect. Now, he felt as if he was at peace. He didnt know how else to explain it. Though, the Ethereal Realm was the home of souls and spirits, perhaps that was all that it was.

He looked around and struggled to tell where they were. His eyes saw Essence, and now everything was made out of the same one. It was as if he was color blind, and as if he couldnt see depth. It was hard to tell what the things he was looking at were. The Ethereal Realm was a world crafted out of the dreams of the real one. Or at least that was what Ryun had learned. It was a reflection, but like a dream it was constantly shifting. Entire areas of it could be created out of nothing, and destroyed a moment later, except that for those within them entire lifetimes could pass. It was strange, operating on logic that was different than that of the Real Realm.

It dawned on him just how much he relied on his other senses in order to craft the image of his surrounding inside his mind. Without his sense taking everything in, his eyes were a lot less capable of helping him distinguish things. The world was monochrome, a mess of a painting.

The last time he had been in a situation anything close to this one was back when he had no eyes. It was a hard thing to adjust to, but that was also the reason why Ryun was here. His last few years had lacked any kind of real struggle to push him further.

Still, not being able to see clearly, he risked opening up his sense a bit. His skill was a lot stronger now than it had been the last time he visited the Ethereal.

The moment his sense spread beyond his body he was overcome with a sudden vertigo. He grimaced and stumbled, a strong hand caught him immediately as the world started to spin around him. It was worse now than it had been before. He could feel the foundation of this world. He could sense how it moved, shifted constantly. It was as if they were standing on top of an uneasy sea. The discomfort grew, and he pulled his sense back.

Ryun? Nayra asked from next to him. A shape made out of flesh Essence moved into his eyesight as Ereclaw leaned down to look at him.

Im fine, Ryun said, he shifted his hand so that he was holding on to her forearm. Ive anticipated this.

A few steps away, Zach and Naha looked at him, but didnt comment. Instead, Zach turned to look somewhere in the distance.

This is the closest I could get us, Zach said. He is on top of the mountain.

Ryun kept his sense on the vast soul in the cave, visible even to his eyes. It was easier for him to see, he assumed, as others hadnt reacted yet. But then again, a massive dragon made out of countless tiny white grains of Essence sleeping inside the cave stood out a lot more when everything else was painted in one color.

The dragon shifted, and Ryun saw eyes open. The others stopped at that, finally noticing him.

Greetings, Master, Ereclaw stepped forward and said.

The dragon shifted, then stood and slowly walked out of the cave. He towered over them, but Ryun was more amazed by the intensity of his soul. It was unlike any he had seen before, although there was something that felt almost familiar to him.

Before he could dwell on that thought, the dragon spoke, his voice loud and clear, commanding.

Little hunter, youve returned, the Explorers Soul said as it looked them over. And youve brought guests.

Zach stepped forward, and Naha appeared out of his shadow to stand next to him.

It has been some time, Zacharia, the dragon said.

Greetings, Explorer, Zach said. I apologize if we intrude, we come to seek your counsel. And perhaps more.

It is no intrusion, the dragon tilted his head. My invitation is still open. But first, I would hear if you have any word on the escaped shade?

Zach sagged, his head turning toward the ground. There is much that we need to tell you.

Ryun could tell that what happened still weighed heavily on Zachs shoulders.

The dragon raised a hand and gestured. Come then, let us sit and speak.