Chapter 428: Naha

Chapter 428: Naha


As Naha ventured further into the Castle of Knowledge, she found herself in a space that seemed to be frozen in time and space, a mirror reflection of the real place she was residing in. This temporal stasis permeated the entire castle, affecting everything, from the spirits residing there, to also the very air itself. Despite the stillness, Naha pressed on, her senses attuned to any indication of Zachs presence.

Carefully, she examined the spirits suspended in time and space, their once-fluid movements now arrested in mid-motion. These beings of the Ethereal Realm appeared as if they were captured in a moment of existence, their Essence distilled into a single, unchanging instant. Observing the various spirits, Naha tried to determine which of them might pose a threat, and how she could deal with them quickly.

As she continued her search, Naha continued to formulate strategies to confront the myriad of spirits, should it become necessary. She would spare none if it meant risking Zach. Already he had been out of contact for what was for him days. She could only assume that he was captured, placed somewhere that was shielded enough to prevent their True Link perks from linking fully.

She analyzed the spirits and assessed their potential strengths and weaknesses, mentally preparing herself for the possibility of a battle against these frozen adversaries. Each spirit offered a unique challenge, and Naha knew that she would need to be resourceful and adaptive if she were to fight her way through them all.

But she also knew her strengths, and not all spirits present were violent. There were many of them, but ultimately she would cut her way through them all if she had to. She made her way to the locations that her senses couldnt pierce, knowing that those were the most likely locations where Zach would be held.

The first one was on top of a tree, in the Repository of Knowledge. It still looked the same as when they had first entered it, the Mirror Realm didnt change after she created it. She found the door high up on a tree, nestled between the branches. She couldnt move anything inside this realm, but thankfully the door had a gap at the bottom, enough that she could feel the shadow beneath. She sunk into the shadow and lifted out of the one inside, only to find a hazy room inside.

Immediately, she grimaced, knowing that something inside was interfering with her items ability. It was either a property of the room itself, or something very powerful was in there.

Seeing no way to progress deeper, she turned around and headed to the second area, still taking the time to study the spirits she encountered and formulating a plan on how to take them out if needed.

She reached a set of stairs leading down beneath the ground, and followed the route. She encountered a series of hallways that branched, with doors all along them. Some were opened as a spirit was in the process of entering or exiting. Some rooms were suited for chosen inhabitation, others looked more suited for the spirits. She saw one room that was just a cave filled with lava and another that was filled with water.

Then she found a room that looked strange. It was filled with chains, and slowly Naha entered. Then she stopped frozen as she saw hooks, with a person mounted on them. It was a chosen, a kreacean, long dead, their body opened up and spirits looking at what was inside. Next to them were recording devices, documenting what they were seeing. It was apparent what they were doing immediately, gathering knowledge. Naha had no way of knowing if the kreacan was dead before it was brought here, or if it was tortured. But it made her feel uneasy. Things that had nagged at her mind since she entered this place.New novel chapters are published at

Knowledge was a broad term, and the morality of spirits was not the morality of the chosen. And she had seen the depravity that chosen could sink to, she had been that low herself.

She continued exploring, seeing things that made even her hesitate.

She made her way through it all until she reached another large double door. Again, she could feel shadows inside, except for what felt like the center of the room. She stepped through the shadow and entered what looked like a large arena. There were spirits all over the room, all focused on the center of it. In the center there was a massive half-sphere that she couldnt see inside of, but she could see a ring of formations just outside of the hazy area. She didnt know much about formations, but she had lived for long enough that she could recognize the purpose of some of them. These were meant as barriers.

Nahas heart started to beat faster as she studied the room. It was obvious from the setup that there was something being kept inside. She couldnt assume that it was Zach, and she couldnt risk coming here in reality without being certain.

She took her time studying the spirits and plotting, walking through the entirety of the Castle again, making sure that she knew where everything was.

* * *

She stepped out of the Mirror of Reality and back into Ereclaws shadow. Somehow, he noticed the moment she did so and spoke in a whisper, telling her what she had seen.

Ereclaw listened without reacting, then spoke.

Did you find him? He asked.

No, but I have an idea where he might be, she answered slowly. I just want to be certain.

As Naha stalked through the Castle of Knowledge, her resolve to save Zach had hardened into a cold, merciless determination. She moved from shadow to shadow, her presence nothing more than a whisper in the darkness.

The spirits inhabiting the castle went about their usual activities, oblivious to the doom approaching them. She remembered the promise she had made him, to not be what she had become so long ago. But sometimes, being a monster was required.

Nahas eyes narrowed as she selected her first target, a spirit of flame flickering through the corridors. With Critical Strike anda swift motion, she reached out from the shadows, forming a blade of darkness that impaled the spirit through its core. It let out a wail of agony before being consumed by a burst of flames, leaving nothing behind but a cold, empty darkness.

Naha continued her path of destruction, teleporting through the shadows to strike down unsuspecting spirits. An earth spirit, its form comprised of rocks and soil, crumbled to dust as she cut fissures into its body, soil flowing from the wounds. Then she used Life Rend and its life force spilled out of the open cracks. She manipulated shadows and tore it apart, her mastery of the Shadow Aspect singing inside her head. A water spirit, caught off guard, was ripped apart as the shadows ensnared it, a Shadow Stab through its core ended it, leaving only a dissipating mist in its wake.

She created chaos everywhere she went, and soon the deaths were noticed.

Her heart rate quickened as the horror of her actions unfolded around her, but she knew there was no turning back. The wails and screams of the dying spirits echoed throughout the Castle, creating an eerie symphony of terror. The air thickened with fear as the remaining spirits began to realize the danger they were in, but none could escape Nahas relentless pursuit. Shadows trembled as her image deepened them, as her mastery over it made her that much more effective. She stepped through the shadows with Shadow Step, killing then disappearing from everyones notice, resetting her combat cooldown.

An air spirit, attempting to flee, found itself ensnared by her [Shadow Embrace], its ethereal form constricting and compressing until it imploded, leaving only a faint breeze behind. A spirit of growth, its form a constantly shifting mass of leaves and vines, met a grisly end as the shadows sliced through it like a scythe through wheat.

She disappeared into a shadow, shifting form into that of her Primal Metamorphosis, a cat-like monster that stalked in the shadows. There was panic and confusion everywhere, and finally as she reached the courtyard, one of the stronger spirits appeared. A giant of metal and marble. An armored statue with a giant sword.

She prepared her Shadow Paragons Blow, then pounced from the shadow, her claws hitting the back of the spirit and rending with [Paragons Strike]. The metal parted beneath her claws and the spirit stumbled forward on its knees.

She danced to the side as it swung its sword, cutting through the air with such intensity that she felt herself being pulled into its wake. She stepped through a shadow, coming out on its shoulders. A |Burst of Strength| and |Perfect Lacerate: My Strikes, Tearing Apart| helped her tear its head from its shoulders.

It didnt die, instead it charged and hit her with an elbow as it turned its sword for another strike. Naha grimaced, then sunk into the shadow as it attacked. Her sense showed her the fatal flow in the spirits body and she focused, using Shadows Judgment. A giant fist made out of shadows appeared above the spirit and smashed into it, crushing it into nothing but rubble.

More spirits were coming, while others were fleeing in terror. Despite the carnage, Naha remained focused on her mission. She knew that only by rescuing Zach could she put an end to this nightmare. As the spirits dying screams echoed through the Castle of Knowledge, she moved with purpose, the shadows her only ally in the grim task that lay before her.

* * *

Oblivion erased Ereclaws presence as he moved through the Castle of Knowledge. In the distance he could hear the wails of death, and he could smell the scent of terror, of fear. He was not a chosen, nor was he a spirit. So much death was unfortunate, but he understood the laws of the wild. The spirits had imprisoned one of their own, a member of his pack, at least for this hunt. It was his duty to rescue them.

While Naha caused chaos and death, Ereclaw moved through the corridors, unseen. Even if they had paid attention, it was unlikely that he wouldve been noticed. His power had grown and changed with Ryuns. What was once Void, was now Oblivion, and his presence was hard to notice. Ereclaw reached his destination, an arena, just in time to see the powerful spirits guarding it leaving to go help against Naha.

He slipped inside as they left, and saw Zach. He was imprisoned in the center of the arena, a glowing sphere surrounding him and familiar symbols suspended in the air around it. Immediately Ereclaw knew that they were right in their actions, those symbols could only be the work of the yeti, or someone taught by him.

As Ereclaw entered, he saw the prison flashing, straining as Zach pushed against it from the inside. He also noticed the spirit standing in front of Zach, yelling at him.

How did they know? The Grand Spirit of Knowledge yelled, what Ereclaw once thought as a kind face and eyes, now turned feral.

For someone calling himself the Grand Spirit of Knowledge, you dont know as much as you think, Zach responded.

The Grand Spirit snarled and turned to spirit next to him. Send another word to the Real Realm, I need aid here, now!

Ereclaw was not going to let that happen. Before the spirits could react, Ereclaw acted. A wave of Oblivion exploded out of him, hitting the runes and the prison, doing what Oblivion did so well, erasing things from existence.

For a moment, there was a shocked silence, as everyone tried to catch up to what happened. And then Zach stood, and the world around him shook.

Now, he said. Youll tell me all that you know.