"Post a video on the Internet? I'm an old man, how can these things of your young people..."

Uncle Liu immediately shook his head after hearing Zhou Chen's words, saying that he knew nothing about the Internet.

"Uncle, you don't know how to post videos and I can help."

Zhou Chen replied casually when he heard him say this.

But as soon as the words were spoken, he regretted it. He is a survivor struggling with life and death. Why should he blend into this strange old man's affairs in a little easy time?

"Young man, I did not misunderstand you, you are not only a martial arts wizard, but also an enthusiastic person! Then this matter will trouble you!"

Uncle Liu saw that Zhou Chen had spoken, his old face showed a smile, and he was very happy to accept Zhou Chen's help.

"Okay... wait until the noodles are finished..."

Zhou Chen felt a little speechless in his heart, but since he had said everything, it was not easy to take it back.

Besides, it's just a martial arts video, it's not that difficult.

An hour later, Zhou Chen first took Mr. Liu to the mobile phone shop to buy a smartphone, because he found that Mr. Liu's phone was very backward in style and had no shooting function.

After buying a smartphone with his uncle, Zhou Chen used his uncle's smartphone to register a video blogger account for him on the most popular Dragon Video website in the Long Kingdom, and then taught him how to shoot and upload martial arts videos.

As a demonstration, Uncle Liu's first martial arts video was completed by Zhou Chen using Uncle's mobile phone, and it took a total of half an hour.

At the same time, Zhou Chen also set up a somewhat exaggerated title for the uncle's video: shock! The 60-year-old martial arts master came back out of the arena for this event!

No way, this world is similar to Zhou Chen's original place, and the title is not exaggerated and cannot attract people.

"Xiao Zhou, you made this video well! Are you really not thinking about becoming my disciple? I can teach you three months for free."

After posting the video, Uncle Liu watched his convulsive martial arts performance on the phone screen, but he didn't feel anything wrong at all. On the contrary, the more he watched, the more he felt like a master, and he invited Zhou Chen to join him again.

"No, no, Uncle Liu, your martial arts is too advanced and I can't learn it. Don't worry, if your video becomes popular, there will definitely be many people who will come to learn it. It's not bad for me."

Zhou Chen refused again without even thinking about it, and even including food, housing and free of charge couldn't attract him.

"Xiao Zhou, you are right, gold will shine everywhere... I believe my Hell Promise Video will become popular on this website, leading young people to learn and make progress..."

The more Uncle Liu watched his martial arts videos, the more he smiled, as if he saw that he had become a martial arts master who is famous all over the world.

"You already know the uncle's self-portrait video and the process of posting it on the Internet. You can try to shoot it yourself. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

After completing this, Zhou Chen bid farewell to Uncle Liu and left the Weijiang Martial Arts Hall.

In fact, he himself is not in a hurry, but he doesn't want to mess around with Uncle Liu all the time.

"The days of ease are too precious... Two days later, I don't know what copy is waiting for me..."

While walking on the street while thinking, Zhou Chen suddenly heard the system prompt in his mind. This is the first time he heard the prompt because it was the prompt to receive a friend's message.

"That person sent me a message? It seems that he also passed the zombie copy."

Zhou Chen immediately turned on the light screen of the system and began to check the messages sent by his only friend on the street.

He tested something like a light screen a few days ago, and no one can see it at all, so it can be used in the public.

[Mike: Are you there? 】

The message from his only friend was very brief, and seemed to be asking if he was still alive.

"This guy... is obviously a nickname from the Long Kingdom but is in foreign language..."

By default, the names of friends are displayed as nicknames. Unless the other party is willing, they cannot see their real names. For example, the nickname Zhou Chen sets for himself now is a "star" character.

[Star: Yes... Don't worry, I survived. 】

As soon as Zhou Chen replied, there was a reply immediately over there:

[Mike: Of course I know that you survived, and your name hasn't turned black... I am looking for you to remind you that recently, be careful, there are some crazy people hunting for survivors everywhere. 】

[Star: Is there such a thing? Are they trying to explode the things in our backpacks? 】

[Mike: Yes, some of them are survivors who want to get the things in the backpack space of other survivors to increase their ability to survive, and some should be very interested in certain things produced by the system. 】

[Star: That's it... Although I had expected it, thank you for reminding me. 】

[Mike: In addition to other survivors, our Dragon Kingdom officials have also made some moves recently, and we need to pay attention to them. In the end, we might have to go to a foreign country to hide. 】

[Star: Indeed, it depends on the situation. 】

[Mike: By the way, do you want to sell the rewards you burst? If you have any demand, you can ask me for a quote, and the price will satisfy you. 】

[Star: Okay, but I don’t plan to sell the little things I currently have, and I won’t be able to sell them at a price. I will look for you when I have good things. 】

Zhou Chen chatted with this friend whose nickname was Mike for a while and then ended the exchange.

He is not familiar with this Mike, he has only seen him in the city of zombies before, and he has cooperated with special zombies. The trust is not very high, but the other party should not be a sinister person, so he can continue to make friends.

This friend reminded Zhou Chen that Zhou Chen also expected it. After all, he did not study for nothing on the forum some time ago. He knew that the survivors had a chance of exploding the items in the backpack space, so there was natural hostility among the survivors. Base.

In addition, according to the forum on the topic of governments and non-governmental organizations, the infinite survival system and survivors can be said to have been known by the officials of major countries. It’s not surprising that the system was reported, and the system didn’t seem to respond to it, and didn’t care how Blue Star’s ruling class would respond to it.

"It feels like Dragon Kingdom will come to a census of survivors... In that case, am I going to hide in a foreign country..."

Zhou Chen still tends to hide himself, because the talent he has obtained is unusual, and it would be a bit dangerous to be discovered before it reaches a certain level.

"In the future, you will have to get a mask or something to wear in the copy... I don't know if I can buy it in the trading area..."

Zhou Chen also felt that he had to make arrangements for this matter. At present, he has not experienced many copies, and the survivors have no shooting tools. He may not leave traces, but it will be difficult to say in the future.