From far to near, the little red dots quickly arrived not far in front of them, allowing them to see their appearance clearly in the flashlight of the strong youth.

I saw that there were more than a dozen strange gray-skinned creatures that looked like monkeys. They were not tall, and were basically less than four feet tall. They had ugly faces like evil spirits, their eyes were bloodthirsty red, and their lips protruded forward. Pointy teeth.

When these gray-skinned monkey monsters saw the five people in front of them, they immediately grinned and screamed violently, and then suddenly accelerated one by one, rushing towards them with their hands and feet.

"These monsters are not strong, let's kill them all together!"

The strong young brother Wang who was standing in the front immediately said loudly, and then he reached out and handed the flashlight to the petite girl closest to him, a circular shield appeared in his left hand, and in the blink of an eye he armed himself into a sword and shield warrior.

"Xiao Li, stand a little behind and give us light."

"Ok... OK."

The petite girl, Xiao Li, was obviously a little nervous at this time. She took the flashlight and withdrew to the back, passing by Zhou Chen who came forward with an iron rod.

Not far behind Zhou Chen, the tall girl quickly walked forward with a knife. As for the thin and tall young man, she didn't move her pace, as if she planned to stop with silence.

The reason why Zhou Chen was so active was naturally because he wanted to kill monsters and plunder passive skills, or to see if he could get some rewards depending on his luck. He walked straight to the back of the strong sword and shield youth in the front, intending to have an echo with him. Tactics.

But the tall girl followed him to the other side behind the strong sword and shield youth, so that the three of them formed a triangular position.

"That's also good... less pressure... but you have to be careful not to let special monsters be robbed by them..."

Zhou Chen didn’t feel much pressure on the dozen or so gray monsters rushing forward, because the opponent’s size determines how strong they are alone, and even less when he has a few seemingly reliable teammates. What a threat.

All this happened within three or four seconds. After three or four seconds, the young man with strong sword and shield was the first to hand in hand with the gray-skinned monkey monster.

I saw that he rushed a few meters forward with his shield, and knocked two gray-skinned monkeys upside down and flew out. Then the long sword in his right hand drew a semicircle in the light of the flashlight, and there was a gray-skinned monster. In a different place, the body became two halves.

However, the killing of the sword and shield youth did not make these gray-skinned monkeys retreat, but aroused their ferocity. The other gray-skinned monkeys quickly circled behind the sword and shield youth with their hands and feet, intending to jump on his back.

However, at this time Zhou Chen had already followed. He gave the iron rod in his hand forcefully, and it penetrated the neck of a gray-skinned monster who was about to attack the sword and shield man's back, killing him on the spot.

[Passive Predator Trigger: You have plundered the passive skill "Shimmer Vision I" of the Cave Scarlet Monkey. Do you want to merge it? 】


Finding that he had achieved passive skills in the first shot, Zhou Chen couldn't help feeling very good, and immediately chose to merge.

Almost instantly, he felt his eyes light up, and the dim area that was originally outside the flashlight's light became clearer. Although it was still far from the level of the day, it was enough to see a lot of things clearly.

In a clearer vision, Zhou Chen quickly pulled his iron rod from the monkey monster’s neck, and then pulled it to the side, causing the head of an attacking monkey monster to crack again. life.

At this time, a monkey monster on the other side of him also rushed over. Zhou Chen didn't have time to attack, so he flexibly retreated and avoided.

But at this moment, a blade of light flashed, solving the monster for him.


Seeing that the strong sword and shield youth had already stabbed the last monkey monster with a sword at this time, Zhou Chen thanked the tall girl with a sword beside him.

"No, I just want to kill monsters and explode equipment."

The girl faintly responded, slowly retracting the knife into its sheath, beside her, there were the **** corpses of four monkey monsters.

"The strength of this woman is pretty good..."

Seeing this, Zhou Chen couldn't help but secretly said in his heart that the battle just now lasted only about three seconds, and he only killed two monsters. The girl killed four, which was amazingly efficient.

"Hehe, everyone is not injured, right?"

The strong sword and shield man also turned and walked over at this time. He looked at a few people with a smile, his face was not blushing, as if he hadn't bothered at all just now.

"No, Brother Wang and two big bosses were so brave just now, the monsters can't get through at all!"

Xiao Li, a petite girl with a flashlight in the back, hopped forward.

"Sorry, I'm short-sighted and can't see clearly, so I didn't step forward just now."

Xiaoqiang, a thin and tall young man, put away the dagger in his hand and said apologetically.

"It's okay, this kind of monster doesn't need everyone to act."

The strong sword and shield man Wang didn't seem to mind, he smiled and looked at the petite girl again.

"Xiao Li, we are going to continue. You should just hold this flashlight and show us the way. With us, you don't have to worry about any danger."


The petite girl readily accepted Wang's suggestion, and quickly walked to the forefront with a flashlight.

Zhou Chen and the other four followed her.

"Did the two of you burst out just now? I probably killed the most monsters, but nothing burst out."

As he walked forward, Brother Wang looked at Zhou Chen and the tall girl and asked if they had any rewards.

"I didn't explode anything."

Zhou Chen told the truth.


The tall girl also shook her head.

"Hehe, it seems that this system is still as stingy as before. I hope it will be more generous when we encounter monsters again."

Several people talked while walking slowly in the cave, passing several forks, until the petite girl at the front sounded the alarm:

"Brother Wang, there seems to be a lot of small things flying over in front of you!"

Several people immediately looked into the depths of the cave after hearing the words, and found that there were indeed a lot of small gray dots flying in the sky, and it was easy to ignore them if they were not paying attention.

"Can any of you deal with this kind of thing?"

A serious look quickly appeared on Brother Wang's face. This kind of flying monster with a small size and a large number was very difficult to deal with. He didn't want to face such an opponent.

"No, withdraw quickly."

The tall girl was the first to utter a rare voice, then turned and ran.

Several other people also quickly followed, because everyone found that those things were about to be close, they were a lot in number, and they came fiercely. If they were caught up, the consequences would be bad.

Several people fled back the same way, and it didn't take long for them to reach a fork in the road they had passed before.

"Everyone ran away! Xiao Li and I took flashlights to turn them away first!"

When Brother Wang got here, he proposed a way out, because the things behind were chasing very closely, and everyone would be in danger if they didn't get rid of them quickly.


Zhou Chen agreed directly. He was thinking of finding an opportunity to leave them and go on his own. Now is the right time.