When Zhou Chen got up from the ground and picked up his iron rod, it was already almost half an hour later.

His state at this time has not completely returned to normal, but it is not too far away.

"Fortunately... the effect of snake venom on me is gradually diminishing... The wound on my body from the snake bite is also very small, and there is not much blood loss..."

Zhou Chen had good luck during this period. When he was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, no new monster appeared, nor did the unknown creature that had been chasing him invisibly before.

Turning off the corpse poison ability, stretched out his hand to pat the dust on his clothes and trousers, wiped his face again, and he bent over and sat on a big rock.

He needs to rest here for a while.

Using his mind to open the backpack space, a large transparent plastic bottle soon appeared in his hand, which was filled with dark brown liquid.

This is the Coke reward he received after his last survival, with a total of 1.5 liters.

Opening the bottle cap and taking a sip, Zhou Chen's mouth quickly filled with a sweet and refreshing taste.

"It's okay... not only can quench thirst, but also replenish some energy..."

When he got this reward, Zhou Chen didn't like this Coke very much. It felt like a very perfunctory reward. Now that it was drunk and found that it is not really useless, it still has some value.

After resting for about five minutes, Zhou Chen drank some Coke and put the bottle into the backpack space, and set off again with the iron rod.

In fact, he still wanted to sit down for a while, but a dozen rat-like monsters that he had killed before suddenly rushed into the aisle where he was. The big fang mouse fought hard, so he chose to avoid it.

There was a fork in the tunnel near him, and he chose to head there.

Before the rats became interested in him, they entered the fork in the road, Zhou Chen continued to walk slowly.

Everything he does now is to be careful.

At this time, the passage he was in was slightly different from the ones he had walked before. There was a shallow trickle flowing in the rock, extending to the depths of the cave passage.

"There may be water ahead."

Zhou Chen thought this in his heart, wondering whether he should continue, whether he should choose another channel, he didn't want to fight the monster in the water.

Stepping on both sides of the small stream, he walked forward slowly, paying attention to the surrounding situation at all times, looking for the next passageway.

After walking like this for about a quarter of an hour, he made a new discovery: In the place where the water flow increased in front, a monster that looked like a salamander but with its teeth protruding from its mouth was lowering its head and drinking water.

The monster is relatively large, with a tail of two meters and a weight of at least one hundred catties. At this time, it is opening its mouth with fangs, and sticking out its long tongue to draw water into the stream.

"Not small...but there is only one, you can kill..."

Upon seeing this, Zhou Chen immediately bent down and held an iron rod and walked towards it gently. As he walked, he also activated the corpse poison ability to enchant one end of his iron rod.

If there are two such monsters, he will certainly not provoke, but it is only a single one. With his corpse poison ability, even if the state is not in good condition, he will be able to hunt successfully.

Step by step, Zhou Chen held an iron rod in the dim cave passage, and walked slowly towards the axolotl monster with a ugly appearance. He made as little noise as possible so that the sound of gurgling water covered the slight footsteps.

He doesn't expect to be able to get close to the opponent by this means, but being able to get close to one meter is one meter.

The distance between Zhou Chen and the newt monster gradually shortened, and it didn't take long to reach a distance of about five meters. At this time, Zhou Chen had entered a state of high alert, ready to guard against the monster's sudden violent rise.

Soon, the newt monster stopped drawing water, it tilted its head like a lizard, its red eyes looked in Zhou Chen's direction, and then ran in the opposite direction, fast.

"Why run! Your script is wrong?!"

Zhou Chen suddenly felt a little astonished. He anticipated several attack routes of this monster, such as rushing straight towards him, such as climbing a wall and rushing towards him, such as jumping directly, but he never expected that it would run away directly. , And extremely decisive.

"Something's wrong... The monsters in this cave used to be a foolish type with no brains and no fear... This kind of knows how to be afraid..."

Zhou Chen didn't directly chase after the newt monster escaped, but stopped and started thinking.

His biggest requirement for himself at present is to be cautious, even if he may lose some gains.

"Let's go to the previous point... if the environment is not right, then withdraw..."

Toward the direction of the monster's escape, Zhou Chen walked slowly with an iron rod in his hand. As the water on the ground gradually increased, he straddled a large number of rocks and came to a pool near a pool.

Thanks to the low-light vision he already had, Zhou Chen could find that the water in the pool was clearer overall, it looked a bit deep, and only a small area near the edge appeared muddy.

"That thing ran directly into the pool? It seems to have to give up..."

Zhou Chen didn't know how to run into the water to fight monsters.

He immediately turned around, ready to leave this place.

But at this moment, he heard a certain rustling sound in his ears. This sound is a bit subtle, but it cannot be ignored. From far and near, it changes from weak to strong, and it sounds like some kind of insect is on the ground on a large scale. The sound of crawling.

Zhou Chen immediately felt a bad feeling in his heart. He realized that his previous judgment might have been wrong. The monster might not have fled because he was afraid of him. Maybe it had detected some kind of imminent danger.

Toward the direction of the sound source, Zhou Chen looked towards the edge of his vision, waiting for the arrival of the sound master.

Or the owner of that voice simply doesn't come, that is the best result.

He is now caught between the water pool and the source of the sound, in a passive position, and can only stay where he is and wait for the development of the situation.

Finally, in the rustling noise that became more and more obvious, Zhou Chen saw the creator of the sound at the end of the road: a group of densely packed monsters with peanuts the size of which looked more like red ants. Swarming in your direction!

"My CAO!"

When Zhou Chen saw this, he felt that his soul was about to fly out. He instantly realized that this kind of mass monster was not something he could deal with, and he would definitely die miserably if he was entangled in it.

Without hesitation, Zhou Chen ran to the other side of the cave passage, where the water pool was.

While running, he felt that the big red ant-like monsters behind him were chasing it collectively, and the distance between the two sides was gradually getting closer.

Zhou Chen suddenly felt that his back was cold, and he began to desperately squeeze his physical stamina, regardless of his physical condition was not in good condition, and escaped with all his strength.

In the end, he jumped into the water pool when the front red ant had just climbed onto his trouser leg.