After escaping from the cave tunnel, Zhou Chen got rid of the poisoned ant monsters who were staring at him relatively smoothly, and reached a safe area.

At this time, he had been running for 20 minutes, and he was still safe along the way. He didn't encounter many monsters, so he found a relatively flat stone to sit down and began to rest.

While taking out Coke from the backpack space to add water and sugar, he opened the personal panel to check it, and wanted to know the specific information of the two latest passive skills he had acquired.

【Name: Zhou Chen.

Physique: 1.5.

Agility: 1.6.

Spirit: 1.6.

Talent: Passive predator.

Passive skills: Corpse Venom I, Snake Venom I, Agility Strengthening I, Spirit Strengthening I, Physical Strengthening I, Juli I, Fighting Technique I, Spear Technique I, Low Light Vision I, Life Recovery I, Underwater Breathing I.

Comprehensive evaluation: Beginner Bronze. 】

【Juli I

Type: Bronze preliminary passive skills.

Your strength is strengthened, increasing the strength equivalent to 0.6 points of physical improvement. 】

【Underwater Breathing Ⅰ

Type: Bronze preliminary passive skills.

Your skin can continuously get oxygen from the water, which can support you in low-intensity exercise in the water for a long time. 】

"The data is not very huge... but it does give me a significant sense of strength... This underwater breathing is a bit powerful. My skin does not seem to change at all, but it allows me to get oxygen in the water. From then on, I am Diving expert..."

After reading the introduction of these two passive skills, Zhou Chen knew in his heart that these two new passive skills were indeed relatively good and easy to use types.

After drinking a few more shots of Coke, he saw a calmer appearance around him, so he lay directly on the rock and continued to rest.

This time he had been resting for nearly an hour without a monster to bother him, until he heard a rush of footsteps from the distance of the cave tunnel.

Zhou Chen quickly got up from the stone and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

I saw that in the distant field of vision of the low light vision, a petite girl was running towards here panicking.

"It's Miss Li? Isn't she with Brother Wang? Why is she alone?"

Zhou Chen felt a little puzzled, an iron rod appeared in his hand instantly.

Because the light in the cave was very dim, Xiao Li, who was running, didn't find him until he was very close to Zhou Chen.

When she saw Zhou Chen sitting on the rock, she hurriedly said:

"Run! A lot of bugs are chasing you!"

Zhou Chen didn't panic when he heard this. He stood up and walked forward with an iron rod in his hand. Not only did he not escape, but he also went towards the enemy's direction.

He had seen the monster chasing Xiao Li just now. It was the kind of monster he had killed called cave worms. It was characterized by more tenacious vitality and weaker fighting power. He saw that the number of cave worms he chased was only eleven or two. Like this, I plan to deal with them all, maybe they can explode some equipment.

When he was resting, he had already painted the corpse poison on his iron rod, so he didn't need to activate the corpse poison ability anymore, he only needed to wave the iron rod for a beat.

The crawling speed of the cave worms was not very fast. Zhou Chen had the leeway to hit the iron rods on the worms rushing over, and adopted the kite-flying tactics, and he retreated without touching his body.

When his iron rod broke the worm's weak body, the opponent's body quickly turned black, and the crawling movement became very slow.

"It deserves to be a stubborn type of vitality, and you didn't die directly after being infected with corpse poison... But you in this state are completely meat on the chopping board..."

Relying on the effects of toxins, as well as his own high agility and powerful strength, Zhou Chen didn't take a long time to send all these cave worms to the west, but he himself was not harmed by the worm at all.

"Boss, you are so amazing! I can't kill any of these monsters, but you solved them all so quickly!"

At this time, Xiao Li, a petite girl, ran back from a long distance. She looked at Zhou Chen, who was shaking the worm residue on the iron rod, and was amazed.

"Xiao Li, where is Brother Wang who is with you?"

Zhou Chen didn't respond to the petite girl's appreciation, but directly asked the strong young brother Wang who had run with her.

"Brother Wang went to chase an invisible enemy. I couldn't keep up with him, and then I got lost with him..."

Xiao Li answered immediately.

"Invisible enemy?"

Zhou Chen believed it half as soon as he heard it, because he had encountered this kind of thing himself.

"When did you meet that invisible monster?"

He then asked again.

"About twenty minutes ago... maybe half an hour ago..."

Xiao Li's ability to judge time seems to be poor.

"That's not long ago, it was a bit far away from me when I was attacked... Then the one who attacked them and the one who attacked me may be the same..."

Zhou Chen thought to himself.

"By the way, how did you and Brother Wang get rid of those flying insect monsters in the first place?"

At this time, Zhou Chen thought of a question that he was more interested in.

"Turn off the flashlight...the monsters stopped chasing after we turned off the flashlight light."

Xiao Li answered immediately.

"So simple?"

Zhou Chen was a little speechless, but they were chased away by those flying insect monsters.

"Boss, there is still a lot of time before the end of survival, can I stay with you temporarily?"

Little Li, the petite girl, said her request at this time.

"Whatever you want, as long as you can keep up, there is no problem. Let's talk about it first. I will not make any guarantees for your safety. You have to rely on yourself when you encounter danger."

Zhou Chen said the matter clearly, and he was already thinking about when to leave the girl behind, because he didn't want someone to stay by his side so easily that his talents would be exposed.

"Okay...I'll do my best!"

A hint of disappointment flashed across Xiao Li's face after hearing Zhou Chen's words, but he quickly made a cheered expression.

Zhou Chen didn't pay too much attention to her, and lay back on the stone and continued to rest.

His current physical strength has been consumed a lot, and the burst rate of monsters is too low, so he plans to stay still for the time being, and wait for a monster to come to the door to solve it.

Seeing that this place seemed safer, Xiao Li also chose a position not too far away from Zhou Chen and sat down. She was a little tired after running these roads.

Time slowly passed, Zhou Chen and Miss Li seemed to have good luck, they had been resting here for almost an hour without being disturbed by the monsters.

Just when Zhou Chen felt a little bored and wondered if he should go to look elsewhere, he felt that there seemed to be some abnormal fluctuations in the silent air in the cave.

When he carefully observed the surroundings, he heard a muffled snort, not far away, Xiao Li's neck suddenly sprayed with a ray of blood and fell to the ground.