Time slowly passed, Zhou Chen went to the forum and the trading area for a while after taking a shower, and then went to bed early.

On the second day, he went to Weijiang Martial Arts Hall to visit Uncle Liu after he had eaten.

Uncle Liu's situation here is almost the same as when he came last time. There are basically no visitors.

When Zhou Chen proposed to use the exercise equipment here for a fee, Uncle Liu readily agreed, saying that he would let Zhou Chen use it for free, but at Zhou Chen's insistence, Uncle Liu finally decided to let Zhou Chen pay 20 yuan a day for the usage fee.

Zhou Chen immediately began personal training in Uncle Liu's Weijiang Martial Arts Hall, practicing martial arts and iron rods.

Although the area here is not large, it is much better than his previous practice in the rental house and outside. I feel that his level seems to be rising. That is, Uncle Liu always wants to compete with him in the ring after discovering that he can fight. , Making him very speechless.

Two more days passed like this. On this day, Zhou Chen put on his black half-mask mask, his entire face showed only his forehead and eyes, and he ushered in his third survival in his rental house.

[The survival task is about to begin, please be prepared. 】

[Starting transmission...]

Soon, the scenery around Zhou Chen changed, from a relatively narrow rental house to a piece of deserted yellow sand. Standing under the scorching sun, he and several people nearby felt very hot and unbearable.

【Desert Trail

Difficulty: Beginner Bronze.

Task: Pass through the desert in front of you and follow the ancient road to an oasis fifty kilometers away.

Tip: Killing monsters in this scene has a certain chance to drop pure water and equipment. 】

"Desert? Then I wear a mask this time...it would be more professional if I had more headscarves..."

Zhou Chen regretted that the black cloth he bought was just enough to make a face mask, otherwise he would definitely take out the extra cloth and wrap it around his head now.

"It doesn't seem right... My cloth is black, it will only get hotter on my head..."

When he complained in his heart, he had scanned the other nearby survivors and found that besides himself, there were three men and two women, two of whom were white men.

"This time I was surviving with a foreigner... Generally speaking, the system arranges the Dragon Kingdom people together, and the chance of mixing into foreigners is relatively small..."

Zhou Chen learned about the relevant situation on the forum. Generally, the people of the Long Kingdom live with the people of the Long Kingdom. There are also cases of foreigners, but they are relatively rare.

At this time, the two white young men in short-sleeved trousers and a suit had come together and started talking in a foreign language. Seeing their expressions and movements, they seemed to have a pleasant chat, and they might even be acquaintances.

Apart from them, the four Long Kingdom people, including Zhou Chen, all stood scattered, without much communication. One of the Long Kingdom middle-aged men was the first to take a step forward after observing for a few weeks. Fast forward in the desert.

When Zhou Chen saw him leaving, he quickly followed, because he wanted someone to find the way in the front.

After he set off, the other four also stepped into the desert one after another, following him.

Walking on this desert, apart from the hot air and some dazzling sunshine, Zhou Chen still had a sense of danger.

This feeling came about on the one hand because he noticed a lot of things in the nearby desert, on the other hand it was brought about by the so-called ancient road under his feet.

This desert trail is very peculiar. It is made up of bones as road signs to guide pedestrians.

Some of the bones here look like camels and other animals, some of them look like humans, and some of the bones are taller than one floor and have strange shapes. At first glance, they are not left by normal creatures.

All the bones are in a state of incompleteness, and most of the bones have a large number of bite marks on the surface, densely packed, which makes people feel that they must have died miserably during their lifetime.

Under the scorching sun, Zhou Chen walked along this bone road at an unhurried speed, keeping an eye on the surrounding movement at any time.

The middle-aged Longguo in front of him walked fast, or he was running, pulling Zhou Chen and others behind him farther and farther.

When Zhou Chen saw this, he didn't intend to keep up. He only needed to observe the footprints left by this person to judge some information, and it was very comfortable to walk steadily behind.

After walking in the desert for a while, Zhou Chen felt a lot of water loss in his body, and his skin also showed signs of dryness and cracking, which made him quite uncomfortable.

So he took out the Coke from his backpack, pulled the mask, and took a big sip.

He only drank less than one-third of this thing last time when he was surviving in the cave, and now there is about one liter left.

After drinking the Coke and pulling on the mask, he felt a lot more comfortable, and at the same time he heard a footstep coming from behind him.

"Brother, can you lend me a sip of your Coke?"

A 17-year-old girl in a light-colored long dress ran up to Zhou Chen and said to him with a smile.

"No, I don't want to drink with others."

Zhou Chen immediately shook his head and refused, and then accelerated his pace a bit.

"Don't be so stingy, brother, people are really thirsty, just take a sip."

The girl caught up with him and continued to struggle.

"If you are really thirsty, talk less, go find the monsters to kill yourself, maybe you can burst out pure water for the first time."

Zhou Chen made no concessions.

As soon as he said this, the girl's brows tangled immediately, she looked at Zhou Chen with contempt, and said with a little annoyance:

"Cut! It's your blessing that this girl is willing to drink your Coke! Unexpectedly, you look decent, but you are a miser!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she quickly ran to the front of Zhou Chen, running farther and farther.

Zhou Chen didn't change his face after hearing her words, and continued to move forward at his own pace.

However, after a short while, another woman ran behind him. This woman was also from Longguo. She was several years older than the previous one. She was wearing casual clothes, but she felt a little more capable.

"Little brother, can you sell your Coke? You give me a sip, and I will give you 50,000 yuan when the survival is over."

This woman launched a money offensive against Zhou Chen.

"No, you can kill monsters if you want to drink water, I won't sell it here."

Although Zhou Chen is short of money, he knows that water is very important in this survival. He must first use it to ensure himself, and he really hates drinking with others, especially strangers.

"Little brother, you can't do this...Wait later, if the next two find you, my sister won't help you."

The woman smiled at Zhou Chen.

"Haha, thanks for reminding."

Zhou Chen couldn't help but chuckle when he heard it, and still walked straight forward unmoved, without even looking at the rear.