Looking around through the underwear over his head, and after confirming that there were no monsters alive, Zhou Chen took out the pure water that had just burst out of the backpack space, pulled the mask, unscrewed the bottle cap, and started to drink.

The temperature in this desert is very high, and the battle consumption just now is not small. Zhou Chen's body urgently needs a lot of water now.

After drinking this bottle of about 500 milliliters of pure water in one breath, Zhou Chen put the empty bottle closed and put it into the backpack space.

This bottle was produced by the system, and he felt that it might have other uses.

After erasing the dust on his mouth, he pulled on the mask again, and continued on the road leaning on the iron rod.

As he moved forward, he maintained a high degree of vigilance, because although the monster attacking him had been eliminated by him, there might not be no residues not far in front.

At present, there were three survivors in front of him, and Zhou Chen didn't think there would be no monsters attacking them.

After about five minutes, he really made a discovery.

I saw that he found the dead bodies of a few desert knife insects on the sand not far in front. They seemed to have their heads shattered by some blunt object. Ahead, there was a desert knife insect biting on the sand. What happened, the two sharp-edged fangs at its front end kept coming together, splashing drops of red marks on the surrounding sand.

"Is this someone hanging up?"

When Zhou Chen saw this, he suddenly guessed that a round shield with deep scratches appeared in his left hand, and the iron rod in his right hand clenched tightly and walked towards the desert knife worm that was eating.

The stubby big centipede-like desert blade insect quickly noticed that someone was approaching. It did not show any weakness, and immediately left from the coiled food, quickly burrowed into the sand and stone, and launched an attack on the incoming person.

Zhou Chen is now familiar with this monster's attack method. He took the iron rod and round shield and continued to walk forward steadily, not at all nervous because of the monster's reclusiveness.

After three seconds, he relied on his strong perception to first spot the desert knife insect that was close in the sand, and then dodge its attack with a high agility, and then took his iron rod with a powerful one. 'S power hit the opponent's head, causing it to shatter on the spot.

After killing this monster, the system didn't give him any hints, indicating that he didn't get better passive skills, and he didn't explode any rewards.

Across the monster's corpse, Zhou Chen walked to the place where it had bitten, and found that there was a human corpse there. The corpse had been cut into pieces by the long teeth of the knife and insect, and it was bitten into **** flesh.

Zhou Chen could only infer from the clothes and fabrics left on the body that this should be the first girl to ask him for a Coke.

Not far from the corpse, there was a hammer that had half sunk into the sand. There were two deep cuts on the handle of the hammer, which might have been left by a desert knife insect.

Zhou Chen bent down and stretched out his hand to pick up the hammer from the sand, tried to put it in his backpack space, and then easily succeeded.

"Sorry, I didn't let you drink your last sip of Coke before you died, but you still have to take your belongings."

Zhou Chen felt a little regretful in his heart. Even if such a young girl had a stubborn personality, she shouldn't have died so quickly in the yellow sand.

But the system is so indifferent. It won't give you any chance to go back. Once you make a mistake in the survival process, the price is death.

After rumbling around briefly, and after confirming that there were no more system items left, Zhou Chen proceeded to the next bone road sign.

He walked for about half an hour and saw a lighter sandy area in front of him.

He cautiously put his iron rod in and probed, and found that the sand there was very soft, possibly the so-called quicksand.

Upon seeing this, he chose to take a detour and turned to the side.

"By the way, the passive skill I just acquired seems to be called apnea... I may be able to hold it for a while even if I fall into the sand..."

Before Zhou Chen saw the detailed explanation of the gains obtained when killing the first monster just now, he opened the panel to find the relevant words to view:

【Hap Breath I

Type: Bronze preliminary passive skills.

Your body is strengthened and can maintain normal life functions for about three hours in an anaerobic or hypoxic environment. 】

"Sure enough... this thing is related to holding my breath... If I can see and move quickly in the sand, I can now act as a desert knife insect..."

After groaning inwardly, Zhou Chen closed the personal panel with his mind.

He continued to walk along the edge of this quicksand area for twenty minutes, and then he found two figures coming by behind him.

Turning his head, he found that they were two white foreigners behind him.

At this time, the two foreigners seemed to have wounds on their bodies, one of the suits on the chest was torn, revealing a large area of ​​scarlet, and the other was **** and weakly slumped on his left arm.

Zhou Chen was ready to speed up when he saw this, he didn't want to contact these two people.

"Hey! Friends! Wait a minute!"

However, just as he quickened his pace, the more blunt Long Guoyu came from behind.

"This foreigner can speak Long Guohua?"

Zhou Chen was suddenly surprised. He stopped, turned and walked a few meters in their direction, waiting for their continued communication.

"Friend! Please lend us a little water to drink!"

A foreign youth wearing a suit with a blood red chest walked in front, a little anxiously towards Zhou Chen.

"Sorry, I don't have water on my body."

Zhou Chen looked at him and the silent young man with his left arm hanging beside him and shook his head.

"Pharmaceuticals are fine too! Friends!"

The young man in suit heard a word in a foreign language to the person next to him, then raised his hand and pointed to Zhou Chen's chest and partner's left arm, indicating that he and he were in urgent need of treatment.

"We will pay you enough price!"

He then used the more blunt Long Guoyu to emphasize.

"Although I want to help you, I'm very sorry, I don't have any medicine on my body either."

Zhou Chen immediately answered with a smile.

In fact, he now has a bottle of healing potion in his backpack, but it is impossible for him to give them the potion for a bit of verbal price.

"Oh! That's really a shame! Let's go on the road together! Let's spend this survival together in unity!"

The young man in suits didn't seem to be angry at Zhou Chen's refusal again, but instead smiled and invited Zhou Chen to act with them in Long Guoyu.

"No problem, I will be responsible for leading you the way."

Zhou Chen smiled on his face, nodded to them, then turned and continued on.

The young man in suit behind him followed him after speaking a few words in a foreign language with another young man beside him.

Zhou Chen said verbally that he was going to walk with these two people. In fact, it was impossible for him to accommodate the two wounded. In fact, he was going on at his own pace, regardless of whether they could keep up.