"Yes... Other people must have encountered a similar situation... We probably can't even determine where the meeting and location are now..."

After discovering that the trees in this forest may not only hit people, but also move quietly, the single ponytail girl realized that they could hardly get along with other people.

"Let's keep looking for water."

Zhou Chen returned to his previous goal at this time. Since they have to spend seven days here, it is very important to find a place to drink.

"Is there really a source of water in this forest?"

The girl was a little skeptical after hearing what he said.

"There must be,"

Zhou Chen is confident,

"This time the system prompt did not say that killing monsters will burst pure water, and we need to spend seven days here, then there should be a natural source of drinkable water... The system will not directly kill us of thirst."

Through his own survival experience and the information on the forum, Zhou Chen believes that although the system often puts the survivor in a dangerous situation, it will not directly put the survivor into desperation. Its arrangement will always leave some way to survive. It's up to you. Enough ability and luck.

The two of them randomly chose an unexplored direction this time, and moved forward together, speeding up their progress.

After they walked for a while, they found that the light in the dim forest had become darker.

"Night should be coming soon..."

The girl looked up through the leaves above, looking at the gloomy sky that can only be seen occasionally, and judged.

"And depending on the weather, it might rain or snow at night."

Zhou Chen rubbed his hands that were slightly red from the cold, and continued.

"Very good, if it rains, we will have water to drink."

The girl's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she felt a little thirsty after she had been away for this period of time.

"But if it rains or snows, we may lose temperature more quickly..."

Zhou Chen began to consider whether to build a simple shelter from the wind and rain and light a fire for heating. This matter is not much less important than finding a water source.

"The leaves in this forest are very dense, so there shouldn't be a big problem."

The single ponytail girl retorted immediately.

The two then walked forward for a while to find a source of water, but after nothing was gained, they stopped.

"There must be a fire, the temperature is getting lower and lower."

At this moment, Zhou Chen felt that he was feeling more uncomfortable with his current body, and he needed to light a fire to keep warm.

"I'm going to chop some bushes, you go find flammable weeds and make a fire."

The girl with a ponytail was wearing a leather jacket, which kept warmer than Zhou Chen's desert camouflage, but she couldn't hold it up as the night fell in the forest, so she carried her long-handled machete and went to find firewood.

Zhou Chen had no objection to her suggestion. After all, the work she chose for herself was more onerous, and Zhou Chen was more at ease with this, because he had an important prop, a lighter, to make a fire.

After looking for a short while in this increasingly dimly lit forest, Zhou Chen relied on his low light vision to find suitable fire weeds, or to be more precise, collected the flocks that grew on certain plants. , He tried this kind of thing with a lighter, and it was easy to light.

After the single ponytail girl came with a large bundle of fine bushes firewood, he put a large amount of collected flocks under a part of the firewood, lit it with a lighter, and quickly made a fire.

In the darkened forest, they sat on a small clearing that had been cleared out, and began to warm up around a small fire.

"This time the survival is a bit calm, and I haven't encountered any monsters coming out to attack."

The girl was sitting on some collected weeds, and she said while she was burning on the fire.

Zhou Chen, who was opposite her, was squatting on the fire at this time. He listened to the girl and turned his head to look around, and then looked up.

"There is really no movement at the moment, but depending on the style of the system, monsters may appear tonight."

In the current almost dark forest, Zhou Chen found that his low light vision was also useful. He could see far away beyond the reach of the fire. After observation, he did not see anything abnormal.

"Come on, I haven't seen blood yet with my big sword."

The girl said nonchalantly. She stroked the blade of the long-handled knife with her long fingers, and the surface of the knife reflected the light of fire jumping on the fire in front of her.

Time passed slowly, and the two were on fire, adding firewood from time to time, and the atmosphere was a little silent.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the distance, coming towards here.

"There is movement."

When the girl heard it, she stood up with her long-handled knife and looked in the direction of the sound.

Zhou Chen also looked at it at the same time. Unlike the girl who frowned and couldn't see anything, he quickly judged in the low light vision that the person was a person covered in weeds, and his face was the naked shorts during the day. male.

Before long, the man in shorts covered with weeds ran up close, and then blocked the long-handled knife in the girl's hand with an axe.

"Stop! It's my own!"

He blocked the girl’s attack and immediately identified himself, and then quickly squatted to the fire and stretched out his hands to warm the fire.

"I almost froze to death... Fortunately I met you..."

"It's you... Your luck is really good."

The girl recognized the person’s identity and immediately put down the long-handled knife.

"We should be the only place where there is a fire."

She said in a bragging tone.

At this time, Zhou Chen was observing this shorts man in weeds.

"This person has been naked in this cold forest for so long, but there is no obvious frostbite on his body, but some redness. He should be of very high physique."

"Do you have any discoveries during the day that you can share? For example, if you didn't find a water source or something."

The other party came to roast his own fire, and Zhou Chen felt that he had to share something, so he asked.

"Water source? I didn't find it."

This person shook his head directly after hearing Zhou Chen's question.

"The only thing I found is a kind of fruit, which tastes bad, but can replenish moisture and strength."

"Take one out and take a look."

The **** the side suddenly became interested.

"I have eaten everything I found..."

The man in weed shorts spread his hands.

"If you find the stuff here, just eat it? Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?"

Zhou Chen spoke out and expressed doubts.

"Well...I can only say that it has something to do with my talent, and the risk of being poisoned by eating is very small..."

The man smiled at Zhou Chen.

"I see."

Zhou Chen nodded slightly, but he thought in his heart that according to this person, what he can eat may not be edible by others.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt like a man on his back, and sensed that there seemed to be a danger coming behind him. Without hesitation, he immediately rolled to the side and avoided it.

"what happened to you?"

The girl with a ponytail looked at him strangely when seeing Zhou Chen suddenly making a scrolling gesture.

"Something was going to attack me just now."

Zhou Chen stood up at this moment and looked to the back of his original position.


When the man in weed shorts on the side saw this, he glanced around.

"I didn't see anything coming over just now."