After crossing a long passage, Zhou Chen entered the hall on the opposite side and saw the whole picture.

In Zhou Chen's previous opinion, this hall should be of a relatively wide type. When he came in now, he discovered that this hall was wider than it looked from the outside, and the area inside was comparable to a large palace.

However, such a spacious place does not look very friendly. This place is separated by iron fences, which is a bit like an ancient prison. Not only that, but also in the passages restricted by these iron fences, there are also various establishments. Trap.

There are the kind of sharp-edged pits that Zhou Chen has seen several times outside before, there are barbed pillars that turn around and constantly move under unknown power, there are huge hammers dangling in a row, etc. Obviously do not allow you to easily pass obstacles and restrictions.

However, these restrictions are not completely hopeless. They obviously leave a margin for safe passage in the design, as long as you move quickly and accurately.

"Passing through the barriers, this is..."

Looking at the various traps in the zigzag passage enclosed by the iron fence in the hall, Zhou Chen felt a little pressure. At the same time, he also saw that in the deepest part of the hall, at the end of the fence passage, there was a small His iron box is placed on a stone platform. It is not big, but it looks a little tempting.

"I am the only one here now... Those two women should have given up here..."

Zhou Chen didn't believe that the two enemies had never been here, but since they weren't here and the boxes inside were stable, they must have given up on this place.

"If you have a treasure chest, let's try it... Although it looks dangerous... But with my current physical fitness and popularity, there shouldn't be much problem clearing the level..."

Zhou Chen only thought for a second or two before deciding to break through this trap hall, because he had confidence in his own strength and believed that even if he made some small mistakes in the middle, he would not fall into desperation.

Soon, he steadily walked past the rope above the initial sinkhole, and came to an area where various thorny pillars turned around. Observing the movement patterns of these pillars, he stepped in decisively and started. Move left and right, keep dodge, stay away from the thorn pillars that are rotating in all directions, and reach the end of the road as soon as possible.

This process doesn't seem difficult. In fact, Zhou Chen's perception was fully active throughout the process, and his energy was highly concentrated. When he reached the end, the clothes on his left arm had become tattered: he was still scratched by one of the thorn pillars.

This was not because he was not dexterous enough and did not hide, but because he had some deviations in the prediction of the movement of the thorn pillars, resulting in a section of the road that could not be completely avoided, causing his left arm to be scraped a few times.

If someone else was shaved like this, that person's left arm would be an exaggeration to say that it was abolished, but it was inevitable that it would become bloody.

However, Zhou Chen checked it, and the scratched part of his left arm, except for his clothes, left only some white marks and white marks. The copper skin and iron bones and the passive skills of the rock that he possessed played their role.

"Sure enough... these traps are not that dangerous to me..."

Zhou Chen suddenly felt more confident when he saw this, and then ran through the trap road behind him.

In this process, he did not rely on his body being hard and careless, but he still tried his best to avoid damage from various traps.

After more than ten minutes, he came to the last level. The last level was a pool. The liquid in the pool looked like hot molten iron. The heat was amazing. In these molten iron there were some ten centimeters in diameter. To get up is to test the courage and agility of those who come to postgraduate studies, and want them to step on these stakes in the molten iron to pass.

"With my strength, it should be possible to do it... but there is no need to..."

Zhou Chen turned on the Fengxing skill without much thought. He jumped upward, followed by a floating movement, and leaped over the ten-meter-long iron pool directly to the opposite side.

After knocking on the iron box on a stone platform in front of him with the spear in his hand, Zhou Chen opened it after confirming that it was not a new type of box monster.

After opening, a smaller key appeared in the small iron box.

"That's it? A little bit insincere..."

Zhou Chen's time and energy spent coming over this time were not small. He thought he could get a reward at the same level as the upgrade scroll, but he didn't want to have only a small key.

"This key may be the key to the iron door I found before... Maybe there are good things in there..."

Thinking like this in his mind, he put away the key and prepared to return, but at this moment there was a noise on the wall in front of him, and a section of the wall began to fall out of thin air, revealing a portal-like vacancy.

From the vacancy, you can see the stone pavement outside and the opposite wall. It should be connected by a passage.

"This is so that people who come over don't have to go back the same way and pass the level again? This design is pretty okay..."

After looking around for a few times and confirming that there were no traps, Zhou Chen passed through the vacancy and entered the opposite passage. After walking in this passage for a short time, he found some marks he had left on the wall and let him know. Your current location.

After spending some more time, he returned to the iron gate that he had discovered not long ago.

But at this time, although the iron door was still there, it had already been opened, revealing an empty box with the lid open in the room inside.

"Did you get boarded first?"

Zhou Chen immediately took out the key he had just obtained and tried it on the iron door, but found that it did not match very well.

"Fortunately... My key does not correspond to this door... I just don't know who took the reward here..."

Although Zhou Chen didn't think he could monopolize all the rewards, he still felt a little unhappy when he saw that the rewards that were still there were taken away.

"Take some more time to find...There must be rewards on this level to plan..."

Leaving this position, he continued to search in this well-connected passage.

Since he would leave marks from time to time along the way, he was not blindly looking for him, and he quickly avoided all the areas he had visited and looked for unfamiliar areas.

Half an hour later, he came to a gate. As soon as he walked to the gate, he saw a young man with gray hair and medium height rushing out of it and threw his clothes on fire. On the floor of the outside passage.

Zhou Chen felt that there was smoke on the head of this person with more serious whiteheads, so he looked at him twice more.

This person didn't care too much, but reminded Zhou Chen:

"Any movement inside will trigger flames, not only can't get through, but it's also very dangerous. I advise you to find other places to explore!"

After speaking, he walked deep into the tunnel without looking back.