After walking in this rocky area for a while, several caves appeared in front of Zhou Chen and the long-haired girl, facing a route choice.

Zhou Chen judged which route had a monster by relying on his blood thirsty sensing ability, so he went straight into it, because he needed to kill new monsters to obtain possible passive skills.

Soon, he encountered a few monsters that looked like big mice, and one that looked like a baboon, all of which were quickly wiped out by him with a spear.

Continuing to walk into the cave, he was attacked by several skeleton monsters, who used bows and arrows to attack him in the dark.

Zhou Chen's strong perception ability allowed him to spot the clues at a critical juncture, dodge their attacks, and then quickly broke them apart.

Near these skeletons, Zhou Chen found a treasure chest with a bone flute in it.

【Bone Flute

Type: Bronze-level primary weapon.

The sound of this bone flute can cause serious discomfort to the bronze listeners except the player. The longer they listen, the greater the damage, until fainting and death. 】

"This weapon is a bit weird..."

Zhou Chen felt that this weapon was a bit peculiar, but it was a pity that he didn't know how to use the flute, otherwise he would definitely study it carefully.

Putting the bone flute into the backpack space, he then continued to shuttle in the cave with the very quiet long-haired girl.

This process took a long time, even if they made a mark along the way, they didn't get through this area quickly.

After killing some monsters in the cave, Zhou Chen met an acquaintance: the young man with gray hair.

This person Zhou Chen first met in the fire-breathing room on the first floor, and later happened to rescue him from the chase and kill of the brain-eating monster, which can be said to have some fate.

"It's nice to meet you again, let's team up together."

After seeing Zhou Chen in the cave, the young white-headed young man seemed to be a little happy, and proposed to team up with Zhou Chen to fight monsters.

"We'll talk about teaming up later... Can you tell me where you are from?"

Zhou Chen did not directly agree to this person's invitation, but instead asked him with a serious face.

"Where did it come from? I am a survivor like you."

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, the young man with a white head looked puzzled.

"But I didn't see you when I started survival this time,"

Zhou Chen pointed out the key points,

"There are seven men and three women in the survival this time. You do not exist among the seven men."

"Have you remembered wrong..."

This young man showed a thoughtful expression on his face after hearing Zhou Chen's words.

"We started with six people... it's five men and one woman..."

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his face began to darken quickly.

"Do you remember..."

Zhou Chen was not surprised to see his weird changes, and then threw a big thunder.

"I suggest you touch your chest to see if there is any heartbeat there."

The reason why he said this was because he discovered that this person had no blood flowing through the blood-sensing ability of thirst for blood, and he was completely dead!

"no need…"

The gray-haired young man has turned into a gray face at this time. This is not a description, but his appearance has undergone a rapid change, and the whole person has become a kind of coke-like form, which looks very scary.

"I remember... I was burned to death by my companion pushing into the fire-breathing room..."

Turning into a coke appearance, his voice began to become deep, as if some kind of transformation was taking place.

"Can you tell me how you were resurrected?"

Zhou Chen tightened the spear in his hand and asked him calmly.

"I don't know... it should be done by the system..."

From a gray-haired youth to a coke youth, he replied with a voice that had become somewhat hoarse.

"Then what are you doing when the system is resurrected?"

Zhou Chen asked one of his most concerned questions.

"Resurrection? There is no resurrection at all! Hahaha!"

The coke youth suddenly raised his head and laughed with his hoarse voice that became very unpleasant.

"I am not him! I am a new life! I am a new and higher life!"

His state in the shape of coke seemed to be a little crazy.

"It''s hard to communicate..."

Upon seeing this, Zhou Chen thrust the spear in his hand directly at the coke man's chest, and pierced him through.

"It's useless! Such a wound is meaningless to me!"

The charcoal man who was pierced by Zhou Chen's spear in his chest laughed grimly. He stretched out his black claws and grabbed Zhou Chen's arms, not caring about the spear still piercing his chest.

Zhou Chen didn't panic in the face of the gray-headed young man who had already turned into a certain kind of monster. When he saw the force in his hand, he picked up the monster with a spear and threw it onto the cave wall.

Then he hurried to follow up, dotted with the spear in his hand, and quickly penetrated the forehead and throat of the charred monster that had not had time to stand up, and knocked out one of his claws.

This monster was still alive after adding these new injuries to his body, but his mobility and sanity seemed to have declined. He raised his scorched head and looked at Zhou Chen, screaming and rushing towards him savagely.

"The ability and speed of hitting are average... but it doesn't seem to matter..."

Zhou Chen frowned slightly when he saw it, and while retreating, he replaced the spear in his hand with an axe.

But he hadn't fought the scorched monster again, and the long-haired girl who had been standing nearby suddenly rushed over.

I saw that she directly smashed her long-handled warhammer on the head of the scorched black monster whose forehead had been pierced by Zhou Chen’s spear, causing its damaged head to be directly smashed off, and then slammed the hammer on its body and claws. On his upper and lap, he quickly smashed into a pool of charred pieces.

"Huh~ it should be dead."

The long-haired girl immediately took two steps back after completing this operation, took a long breath, and then turned to look at Zhou Chen aside.

"The high probability is...but just observe it a little bit."

Zhou Chen stared at the scorched black debris on the ground and nodded.

"Don't you want to be a salted fish? Why did it suddenly break out?"

He then smiled at her and asked.

"It's too evil to let it leave here."

The girl answered faintly.

"Well... This is the first time I have seen this kind of things. I don't know if they can return to Blue Star like us. If they are, it would be a bit bad."

In Zhou Chen's impression, Blue Star hasn't seen any monsters so far, and it's relatively peaceful overall, but if these strange species reborn from the undead can return to Blue Star, there will be noisy.

Perhaps the scorched black monster in front of us is far from being powerful, but if a relatively large number or particularly powerful reaches the Blue Star, it will definitely cause no small disaster.

"There should be at least two such things in this survival, I hope I can meet them."

Zhou Chen didn't want the safer environment of the Long Country to be destroyed, so he wanted to do his best, even if only a part of this monster was reduced.