After leaving the gluttony house, the road between the two of them was smoother and boring. They didn’t find any more treasure chests. They only encountered a few weak stone monsters, and then they saw an exuding one on the ground in the distance. Complex circular patterns with shimmering light.

As soon as he saw this thing, Zhou Chen judged that this thing was leaving the teleportation array of this copy, because the system gave it a name directly.

"Thank you for your help, I will leave first, and I will talk after adding friends."

The long-haired girl was also prompted by the system. As soon as she saw the teleportation array leaving the instance, she said goodbye to Zhou Chen and walked over.

When her figure disappeared after stepping into the teleportation formation, Zhou Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart that this girl really didn't have much interest in treasure chests, and there was not much desire to fight monsters and steal treasures.

"She feels okay in strength...The physical fitness and weapons are not bad...Could it be that she is a stubborn golden stream?"

Thinking of this girl's bland expression when she mentioned the use of bronze intermediate weapons and two million Dragon Kingdom coins for books, Zhou Chen felt that she might have her own way to obtain resources without having to fight monsters as hard as he did.

"Keep on looking for treasure chests...If you don't get any more here, it's over."

Pulling his thoughts back on track, Zhou Chen noted the location of the teleportation array, then turned his head and left.

He originally planned to return to the second floor to find the treasure chest, but during this time his physical energy was not small, and his weapons were also badly worn. This dungeon was too big, and he felt that he could not grind it here for too long, otherwise it would easily cause problems.

After looking for the treasure chest for a while, nothing was found. Zhou Chen took out a baked potato from the backpack space and began to gnaw.

This thing was obtained when he was surviving in the Silent Forest before. At that time, he exploded a little bit of food. After eating, he still had more than this one.

Adding a little energy, he continued to search in this very wide underground plaza. In the middle, he chopped off a few stone mobs with short eyes with an axe, and then met two acquaintances: the strong man with a big stick in one hand and a big shield in one hand. And that middle-aged fat man.

The two of them didn't look very well at this time, with blood stains on their semi-tattered clothes, obvious physical injuries, and a little tired eyes.

When they saw Zhou Chen's eyes lit up, they immediately spoke to Zhou Chen.

"Brother, do you team up together?"

The strong man who was originally upset with Zhou Chen asked Zhou Chen, licking his face.

"Let's go together, somehow there will be a caregiver."

The middle-aged fat man also showed a smile on his face.

"Need not,"

Zhou Chen rejected them directly,

"I'm more used to being alone."

After speaking, he turned and left. The strong man and the fat man couldn't help being speechless, so they had to continue to silently explore the location of the teleportation array.

After another period of time, Zhou Chen still did not find any treasure chest, only encountered a few not strong stone men. After he smashed these monsters with an axe, he heard a faint running sound from his side. .

He raised his head and looked over there, and found that there was a petite female figure rushing to this side.

And behind the petite woman, there seemed to be a hideous strange figure chasing.

After looking intently, Zhou Chen quickly discovered that the petite figure running in front was the petite girl he had helped fight against the brain-eating monsters before. He just didn't know where the gentle and well-mannered youth with her had gone.

And the hideous figure chasing behind her were the two enemies that Zhou Chen had been looking for for a while. They had already revealed their true appearances at this time. A terrifying monster with a broken head, four hands and four legs, is like a legendary evil.

"These two people really are that kind of thing... They should have died under that stone warrior in the first place..."

Zhou Chen observed the terrifying image they were presenting for a while and made a judgment.

"Run away!"

The petite girl ran very fast, and when she passed by Zhou Chen, she eagerly warned him.

Zhou Chen ignored her and didn't start to escape. Instead, he stood still and continued to observe the monster that was approaching quickly.

"This thing is a bit weird... Let's get rid of it easily... It's a pity that the sword they used before is gone..."

Zhou Chen saw that the terrible monster composed of the two women’s corpses did not have the weapons they had used. It is estimated that after awakening, he lost his mind and couldn’t use the tools. Otherwise, Zhou Chen could make a small profit if he took their weapons. .

At this time, the terrifying monster composed of corpses was already approaching Zhou Chen, and from the direction in which its two broken heads were aligned, it could be seen that it had transferred its target to Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen didn't panic at all about this, and immediately ran from Jing to one direction. He was going to use the things there to destroy this monster.

Because he had learned their tenacity when he fought the monster turned into by the gray-haired young man before, and normal attacks could not destroy them, so he had to give them a more thorough blow.

The speed of this monster on the ground is much faster than ordinary people. After all, it has four legs, but it can’t be seen enough in front of Zhou Chen. He didn’t even open the wind to avoid losing the monster by running too fast. Own.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Chen led the monster spliced ​​by the corpse to the cube stone building, which was the gluttony house he had visited not long ago.

This thing is the main force he intends to use to deal with the corpse monsters, it can be said that the monsters are controlled by the monsters.

what! ~

The two broken female heads of the corpse monster made unpleasant strange sounds, and rushed toward Zhou Chen with four legs. Zhou Chen stood in front of the gluttonous house calmly watching the terrifying monster approach, and then they were only three meters away from him. When the distance, he suddenly activated the popular skill to jump high, causing the monster to rush from its original position and rush to the door of the gluttony house.

Under the influence of inertia, the monster plunged into the gate and got stuck in the door. For some reason, it opened its eight limbs and prevented it from entering.

"It seems that this thing is really a threat to you..."

When Zhou Chen saw this, he was more sure that the House of Glutton could solve this monster. He immediately used Fengxing's floating movement ability to rush to the corpse monster that was stuck at the door of the House of Glutton, and used the spear in his hand. He stabbed it hard and gave it a ride.

With Zhou Chen's help, the monster made up of corpses fell into the gate, and the gate closed suddenly, causing the front end of Zhou Chen's spear to be pinched off.

Zhou Chen had nothing to regret about this, because this spear was about to be scrapped after his use of this period of time.

After the door of the gluttony house was closed, the continuous muffled noise reappeared, as if a giant was chewing food.

This process lasted longer than last time. Zhou Chen didn't plan to wait for the result here, and turned around and left. He planned to look for the treasure chest for a while, and if it still didn't result, he would go home directly.

But before he walked a few steps far, he heard the announcement from the system:

[Detected that you participated in killing all the creeps in this scene, and completed the hidden task: hunting of the creeps, so a scroll of the Holy Light skill is awarded. 】