Chapter 86: Pharmaceutical materials

"I am in good health, I don't need this... Do you have any potions for combat?"

Zhou Chen felt a little speechless about the medicine recommended by the shopkeeper who looked like an old witch. He didn't come here for this kind of thing.


The old witch shopkeeper with wrinkles on her face looked very energetic. She quickly raised a small box from the shop, put it on the counter, and opened the lid.

"These are my latest augmentation medicines, which take effect quickly and have little side effects."

She began to introduce Zhou Chen one by one,

"This bottle is a violent potion. Drinking it can double your strength and greatly reduce the pain. The effect lasts for about 300 breaths. After the effect is over, the body will be weak for half a day."

"This bottle is an ethereal potion. Drinking it can greatly increase your mental power. The effect lasts for about 500 breaths. After the effect is over, your head will be dizzy for a day."

"This bottle is a steel potion. Drinking it can make your skin hard as steel armor. You can ignore the attacks of ordinary swords, guns, bows and arrows. The effect lasts for about 500 breaths. After the effect is over, peeling may appear."

"This bottle is an anti-fire potion. Drinking it will make you the most difficult opponent of Flame Mage..."


The old witch shopkeeper took the trouble to introduce the effects of his potions to Zhou Chen and the two of them. Zhou Chen and the two listened to them while observing the potions in the box.

As the owner of the pharmacy said, most of the pharmacy in her box was marked by the system, and the marked content was not bad from what she said, indicating that the things she sold were basically genuine.

"What is the price of these medicines?"

After listening to the introduction, Zhou Chen then asked her.

"Hehe, it's very cheap, only ten gold coins per bottle."

The old witch shopkeeper answered cheerfully.

"A bit expensive."

Zhou Chen couldn't help frowning. Although the effects of these medicines are not bad, the effect lasts a little bit, and the side effects are not as small as the old witch said. Such prices are not suitable, and they are suspected of cheating them.

"I want the kind of medicine that has a permanent lifting effect and does not have many side effects. Do you have it here?"

Zhou Chen then asked the old witch in the shop.

What he wants most is the kind of potion that has a permanent boosting effect, so as not to find a chance to take the medicine before the battle.

"Hehe, young man, I also have the medicine you mentioned, but it's a pity that it sold out last month."

The old witch shopkeeper smiled on his wrinkled face when he heard Zhou Chen's words.

"What are the specific types? Can it be done recently?"

Zhou Chen became interested as soon as he heard it.

"Young man, the cheapest medicine is fifty gold coins. Are you sure you can afford it?"

The owner of the old witch did not answer Zhou Chen's question because she somewhat doubted Zhou Chen's purchasing power.

"Money is not a problem, as long as the effect is good, a thousand gold coins are not a problem."

Zhou Chen answered immediately.

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, the old witch shopkeeper's muddy old eyes surrounded by wrinkles suddenly lighted up.

"I will make five of the permanent potions you want, but I may not be able to make them in the near future because of the lack of some key materials."

"What are the five specific ones?"

Zhou Chen was very interested in these medicines and continued to ask questions.

"These five are potions that can permanently strengthen the body, swift potions that permanently strengthen speed, wise potions that permanently strengthen the spirit, spring potions that permanently strengthen self-healing ability, and eagle vision potions that permanently strengthen vision."

The old witch shopkeeper answered unhurriedly.

"It sounds similar to the attribute scroll... I don't know if it can be accumulated..."

Zhou Chen immediately thought about it after hearing it.

"Then what materials are missing for the first three potions, can we help you find them? If you can bring the missing materials, can you make potions within a week?"

Zhou Chen then asked.

"Of course, as long as the materials are enough, I can make a bottle in a day,"

The old witch shopkeeper raised his head and looked at the two Zhou Chen standing in front of the counter.

"However, the materials for these medicines come from some dangerous objects or dangerous places. It is very difficult to obtain them. The Black Blood Mercenary Group I commissioned often fails to hand over the materials."

She said that this kind of thing is not simple.

"I see……"

After hearing this, Zhou Chen nodded to express understanding.

"But let us know the specific materials. Maybe we were lucky enough to get it when we went out to explore."

Since they could theoretically help complete these medicines, Zhou Chen planned to give it a try, do it if he can, and give up if he can't.

"Hehe, okay, young man, remember, the key materials needed for these five potions are the complete heart of the giant saber-toothed tiger king, the remnant of the lightning ghost, and the purple stone from the underground world..."

The old witch shopkeeper explained the key materials needed for Zhou Chen and also mentioned some of the more common origins of the materials.

"Okay, I will pay attention."

Zhou Chen immediately wrote down the information of these several things.

"Do you have any healing potions here?"

After Zhou Chen talked with the owner of the pharmacy, the tall girl also asked about the products she wanted.

"Of course there is,"

The old witch shopkeeper answered immediately,

"A bottle of three gold coins for the primary healing potion, one bottle of fifteen gold coins for the intermediate level, and one bottle of one hundred gold coins for the advanced level."

She explained the price.

"Then let me take a look at the beginner and intermediate first."

The tall girl immediately became interested, because the healing potions here seemed to be cheaper than she expected.

"Okay, I'll bring it for you... Actually, you don't want to see the advanced ones, because the materials are also lacking in production."

The old witch shopkeeper said with a smile, and turned around to fetch the medicine.

After half a minute, the augmented medicine on the counter of the pharmacy was replaced with two therapeutic medicines. The quality of these medicines is also good, and they are basically marked by the system. The effect is similar to the copper-level primary and intermediate therapeutic medicines. Can quickly treat mild and moderate injuries.

"I want a bottle of intermediate."

Zhou Chen took a look and immediately took out fifteen gold coins and bought a bottle of intermediate healing potion.

"I'll get a bottle of junior first."

The tall girl bought a bottle of primary healing potion. After she killed those who blocked the alley before, Zhou Chen divided her into a gold coin and a few silver coins. Now she has enough funds on hand.

"Let's try the effect and come again next time."

They each bought a bottle of medicine and said goodbye to the old witch shopkeeper, turned around and left the pharmacy.

"You said, can you make a lot of money by buying a large amount of the healing potions here and selling them in the trading area?"

On the way to the next target location, Zhou Chen said to the tall girl.

"It's true,"

The girl nodded,

"But you must have enough gold coins to buy, otherwise you may overturn the car if you grab it. It's definitely not easy for the old woman to open the store here alone."

She judged.