After buying the scroll and ordering the extraordinary ring, Zhou Chen and the two went to explore the remaining places, such as the market and the library. They gained some knowledge and obtained some information, but they did not buy anything because they did not encounter it. Something especially suitable for yourself.

After this, they went to the place where the reward was offered in Red Valley City, a tavern called the Sleeping Red Dragon.

The area of ​​the Sleeping Red Dragon Tavern is not small. The lobby alone is more than 300 square meters. There are many people in it. A large number of people in different dresses are drinking and chatting in the recent rumors, and looking for a reward that suits them.

Occasionally, there are some hot-tempered people fighting inside, attracting the guards in the tavern to take special care of them and throw them directly out the door.

After Zhou Chen and the tall girl entered the tavern, they went straight to the area where the reward was offered to check if there was a task suitable for them.

"A reward is offered for an intact adult snow bear skin, a bounty hardware coin."

"A few caravan escorts are urgently needed. Those who are interested please come for an interview. The address is..."

"A reward is offered for a vampire fang in good condition, and a bounty of twenty gold coins."

"The Black Blood Mercenary Group sincerely invites new blood to join. Don't disturb those who are too weak..."

"Fifteen gold coins are offering a reward for one person's head. If you are interested, please come..."


Looking at it casually, Zhou Chen found that the rewards here are very messy, there are various types, and some are even job advertisements.

"I don't feel like there is a task particularly suitable for me..."

After watching it for a while, Zhou Chen lost his interest, but the tall girl looked very carefully, and soon she took off a task of offering a reward for the snow fox fur.

The reward for this task is not high, only one gold coin, but the difficulty is low, as long as you can find the snow fox and hunt it down, you can complete it.

After the tall girl took the task, she quickly left with Zhou Chen and went to the wilderness outside the city. Zhou Chen also left the Sleeping Red Dragon Pub after choosing to offer no reward and started her own plan.

"According to the information I inquired in the market and the library, the giant saber-toothed tiger’s whereabouts are secretive, and you can only go to the wilderness to try your luck. Lightning ghosts are even rarer. There are not many patterns in appearance. Only the place of production of the purple stone is relatively fixed. The underground world looks for..."

Based on the information he found recently, Zhou Chen quickly made a decision and was going to try his luck in a cave on the east side of Red Valley City.

This cave was discovered by the people of Red Valley City in the last two months. It has no official name yet. It is generally called the Unknown Cave. It is rumored that there is no bottom in it. It produces some good materials, but it also houses some dangerous monsters. Many people who went on the expedition died.

Zhou Chen first heard about the information about this nameless cave when he was eating in the Warm Forest Hotel. Later, he deliberately investigated and made this trip.

Soon, Zhou Chen rode a carriage through the gate of Honggu City and went to the east.

The nameless cave is about forty kilometers away from Honggu City. This distance is not very far, but it takes more time to walk on his own legs. Zhou Chen didn't need that little money, so he called a carriage and rushed there.

Riding this carriage did not allow Zhou Chen to reach the Nameless Cave directly, but after getting off the carriage, he only needed to walk another seven or eight kilometers to reach the destination.

About two hours later, Zhou Chen got off the carriage on a narrow mountain road covered with snow, and then began to climb over the mountains.

He had already prepared a simple map to go to the Unknown Cave, so it was not difficult to find a place, and even after climbing the mountain for a while, he encountered a colleague who went down the mountain.

It was a middle-aged native with a strong stature. He saw Zhou Chen walking up and quickly said:

"Do you want to go to the Unknown Cave? No need to go. The **** of the Black Blood Mercenary Group regard it as their own territory and prevent others from entering."

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

Zhou Chen was a little surprised by this situation. He didn't mention it in the information he inquired about. Maybe this kind of situation only appeared recently.

The middle-aged native reminded Zhou Chen to go down the mountain and leave. Naturally, Zhou Chen would not give up his plan because of such a thing. He followed the route and walked through the mountains and rivers and spent an hour arriving near the target area.

During this process, Zhou Chen encountered several returning natives. They seemed to have been driven back, and some of them even had wounds on their bodies.

The entrance of the Unknown Cave is located on a relatively remote cliff. The entrance is small and allows two people to enter at most. There are some raised rocks near the entrance that just hide it, otherwise it will not be discovered recently. .

At this time, Zhou Chen walked to a position about three hundred meters away from the cliff. He saw two small wooden sheds erected under the cliff. Around the wooden sheds were guarded by a dozen heavily armed men, two of whom were strong men. A young native wearing leather armor is being expelled.

"A dozen people...none of them seem to be weak, it may take a little harder to fight hard... or sneak in..."

After thinking about it, Zhou Chen slowly approached the cliff in a hidden place. After there was nowhere to hide, he took a bottle of white medicine from the backpack space and took a sip.

Very quickly, Zhou Chen's whole body disappeared, as if turned into air.

This potion was an invisible potion he obtained in the dungeon. It only consumed a little at the time, which was enough to continue to be used here.

After entering the invisibility state, Zhou Chen then activated his wind movement ability, secretly and quickly rushed up the cliff from a position far away from the guards, and went up to the entrance of the nameless cave like a breeze.

When he arrived at the entrance, he then discovered that an iron fence was installed there, the fence was closed tightly, and there was a person guarding it.


Zhou Chen felt speechless at once, he couldn't think of a cave, what kind of mercenary group members kept guarding so tightly.

At this time, the invisibility effect on Zhou Chen was about to end. He seized the opportunity to stretch his arms into the iron fence, pinched the guard's neck inside and covered his mouth, and used his strength to make him unconscious as soon as possible. , And then slowly opened the iron fence and slipped in.

Afterwards, he speeded up his pace and extended the passage to enter, and gradually went underground.

The inside of this nameless cave was much larger than its entrance. Before long, Zhou Chen came to a relatively empty cavity.

The inside of this cavity was pitch black. With the aid of dark vision, Zhou Chen saw several passages connected in front and walked into one of them, but it didn't take long to retreat back because he found that the inside was blocked.

"The situation in this place is a bit complicated...have to be marked..."

He quickly used a fine steel wooden spear to lightly paint on the cave wall in the dark cave.