"The effect of this passive technique is similar to what I guessed...With it, I will have a great advantage against melee enemies in the future..."

Zhou Chen was quite satisfied with the gain this time, although the process was relatively difficult and took a lot of time.

Soon, Zhou Chen found that the corpse of the black knight on the ground had disappeared, and an upward staircase appeared at the end of the platform where it was connected to the rock, which was obviously a reminder that he should continue climbing.

"I hope there are enemies with such powerful passive skills...but the overall strength is better to be weaker..."

Zhou Chen thought in his heart as he walked towards the stairs.

Because of the battle just now, although he won, and he looked good at this time, it was actually the hardest and most dangerous battle he has experienced since becoming a survivor.

That black knight was not just a living target with melee anti-injury ability as it seemed. In fact, his strength, speed and attack skills were very high, which had been putting a lot of pressure on Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen almost used all his energy to procrastinate to look for opportunities before gradually grinding him to death. During this process, his spirit has been tense, because a little carelessness may lead to crisis.

So if the next enemies are all of this strength or stronger, then Zhou Chen feels that he might be overwhelmed.

Stepping up the stairs, after walking a few steps, Zhou Chen heard the old man’s vicissitudes voice again:

"Thinking is the main way to approach the truth."

Then he found that an upright slab appeared on the stairs not far in front of him. The slab blocked his path and had some words written on it in the local language.

Zhou Chen looked at the words, and unexpectedly found that they seemed to be a math problem!

"Isn't it... I have graduated and I have to go through and still have to do questions..."

Zhou Chen felt very emotional, but he studied the math problems written on the slate for a while and found that it was not difficult. Only the difficulty of the regular math problems in Tianchao Junior High School could be solved by setting a few unknown numbers and several equations.

After bending down and using his fingers to write and draw on the snow on the steps for a while, Zhou Chen got the answer soon, and then when he reported the answer number, the block stone slab erected in front of him was broken like a phantom. Disappeared, and the road was clear again.

"There won't be such a thing..."

Zhou Chen moved on, feeling a little nervous in his heart. Between fighting and doing math problems, he still tended to choose the former.

Because when he is in a state of extreme anger, he is likely to defeat a strong enemy, but he can't do things like math problems or he won't do it.

However, contrary to Zhou Chen's expectation, the next journey was smooth and short. A few minutes later, he boarded a piece of flat ground and came to a tall stone building resembling a library.

"This is... the top of the mountain?"

After a little observation, Zhou Chen found that he seemed to have reached the end, and there was no way of ascending.

He walked into the gate of the majestic stone library, stepped on the smooth marble floor, turned his head and looked around, and found a bald old man in a gray robe inside, writing something with a quill pen at his desk under an oil lamp.

"This old man...my blood-thirsty passive skills and perception can't find him at all..."

As soon as he saw this bald old man, Zhou Chen knew that he was not a person waiting to be idle, but that he should be the legendary sage living on the top of the holy mountain in the legend.

"Young man, get a book on the shelf. That will be your reward."

The bald old man wearing a gray robe and writing at his desk slightly raised his head and glanced at Zhou Chen, and said lightly.


Zhou Chen felt that the simple glance of the old man just now gave him a real pressure. He was shocked and immediately walked to the bookshelf in front to check it.

Soon, Zhou Chen discovered that all the books on this shelf could not see the cover and the title, and their surface seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

"It's the same as stated in the information... What inheritance is obtained depends on luck, or the choice of fate..."

Looking at the neatly arranged books on the shelves, Zhou Chen recalled the record in the materials:

Here, the climbers have no way of knowing what books are on the shelf. When they reach out for a book, they will bring that book to the foot of the holy mountain. After that, they will never have the holy place for life. The opportunity of the mountain, because once they step into a few steps again, they will be immediately teleported out.

"It is said that the inheritance obtained by every climber is relatively suitable for him, at least he can practice..."

Zhou Chen didn’t know why this legendary sage used this method to let people choose to inherit, but it also has an advantage, that is, there will be no difficulty in choosing. Anyway, every book does not know what it is. It's over.

Zhou Chen also uses this method now. When he walked slowly under each of the bookshelves, scanned each of the books on it, and after confirming that he couldn't see any type of information from the bookshelves and books, he stretched out his hand and took it down at will. After reading a book, he found himself in the warm library just now, at the foot of the sacred mountain, standing in the ice and snow.

Looking down at the book he was holding, Zhou Chen now found that the layer of mist covering it was completely gone, showing a line of local language book title: Card Maker.

"Card maker? What heritage is this?"

Zhou Chen suddenly became interested, opened the book, and started reading.

"A card maker is an extraordinary person who is good at making and using extraordinary cards.

They can use their spiritual power to portray on simple materials and make extraordinary cards with magical functions. For example, a weapon card that can be transformed into a sharp sword in a period of time, a pet card that can be transformed into a lion in a period of time, a character card that can be transformed into a brave soldier in a period of time, can be transformed into a card Skill cards for Big Fireball, etc.

The elementary card maker is relatively weak, they can only make some low-level item cards, relying on various tools to assist in the battle.

Intermediate card makers can make some battle pet cards and skill cards, from fighting alone to uniting and cooperating.

High-level card maker can make cards with permanent effects, can make cards of various characters, and can make a team by themselves.

The legendary card maker can make cards without material materials and use their own spiritual power to make cards instantly, and they can also make powerful law cards..."

After reading the inheritance book titled "Card Maker" for a while, Zhou Chen found that the card maker is a bit like a combination of a mage and a summoner. Their combat effectiveness is relatively average, but they can use cards to achieve various effects. The law is flexible and changeable.