As soon as the four of them arrived outside Honggu City, they walked towards the city gate of Honggu City.

"So you have been here these days... this city looks really good..."

Sven young man Xiao Huang looked at the gate of Red Valley City in the distance and exclaimed.

"I was randomly teleported to the wilderness to the south of the sacred mountain, and after walking for several days, I came across a village..."

He told about his experiences these days, expressing that he was a little sad.

While chatting, several people walked towards the gate of Red Valley City, and it didn't take long to get inside.

At this time in the afternoon, Honggu City is a bit lively, and there are many aboriginals in a hurry or leisurely on the streets.

Several people walked up to a square with tall stone statues before they prepared to part ways.

"You two go back to the Warm Forest Hotel first, I'm going to the scroll shop first."

Zhou Chen said to the tall girl and the gentle young man.

"The scroll shop? I'll go with you."

The gentle young man's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"I want to take a stroll in such a peaceful and beautiful city."

He glanced around, and there seemed to be an excitement of finding a good place in his eyes.


Zhou Chen immediately agreed, thinking how miserable this kid has been recently, thinking that Honggu City is peaceful and beautiful?

"Miss Vera, let's go first."

He then looked at the Dragonborn girl and said.


The silver-haired and golden-eyed Vera nodded, but the next second she suddenly turned her head to look at the side of the square, frowning.

"Something is wrong... I seem to smell the breath of the abyss..."

She said in a deep voice.

"The breath of the abyss?"

Zhou Chen and the others were a little confused after hearing Vera's words.

But after half a second, Zhou Chen directly perceives a clear danger in the direction Vera was observing just now, and then soon he saw a vertical narrow crimson crack in the air suddenly appeared in the clearing of the square. As soon as the crack appeared, the pupils opened like vertical eyes, and a huge blood-red monster jumped out of it.

"Devil! The devil has invaded!"

Vera immediately recognized the horror-looking person who was not good at first sight. She drew the long sword from her waist and tried to rush towards the crimson crack.

"Do not impulse!"

Zhou Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed her at this time, turned around and ran.

"It's dangerous here! Evacuate first!"

The reason for this is because he sensed a strong danger on the blood-red monster that just jumped out, and the blood-red monster has not yet landed, and a few terrifying ferocious monsters jumped out of the crimson crack in the air, the faster the speed The faster you come, it's like making dumplings.


Vera seemed to resist running away, but she was not a fool either. Seeing more and more monsters appeared behind her, she immediately gave up and went to fight.

"I want to inform the clan quickly!"

She judged that such a disaster cannot be resisted by herself, and more people must come to help.

At this time, the natives around them also reacted. Some women screamed in fear, and some men yelled:

"The devil has invaded! Everyone, run to the city gate!"

The crowd ran towards the city gate because it was the main way to escape the city.

But how could the speed of these people be compared with the monsters that kept pouring out of the crimson cracks behind them, they escaped within a few seconds before being overwhelmed by a large group of monsters catching up from behind.

For a while, this area was full of screams, the sound of houses being crashed, and the faint sound of chewing.


After a while, a shadow appeared in front of Zhou Chen and others who were escaping on a street. A blood-red monster that looked a bit like an insect crashed down in front of them, blocking their escape route.

"Leave this monster to me! Run away!"

After discovering that the dense small eyes on the head of the blood-red monster blocking the road ahead were all staring at him, Zhou Chen directly stopped, with a fine steel wooden gun in his hand, ready to fight.

"Be careful!" "Take care!"

The tall girl and the gentle youth on the side were a little surprised to see Zhou Chen doing this, but they still warned and turned their heads and rushed out of this street. For them, fighting these monsters is no good, only when they have nowhere to escape. Will fight.

"You hold on! I'll help you soon!"

The dragonborn girl Vera did not directly start fighting with the monster at this time, but wanted to inform the people of the situation here first, so as to call for support. Her figure flashed, and she quickly left the street.

Zhou Chen didn’t care about their decisive departure. The reason why he stopped and prepared to fight was not because he was able to show off or wanted to show his heroism, but because he found that this place was far away from the position of the crimson crack, and the density of monsters was not very high. He can start hunting monsters to capture some passive skills that may exist.

The figures of Vera and the others have not yet completely walked out of this street. The blood-red monster, which looks a bit like an insect, rushed forward like a tank, seemingly not wanting anyone to escape.

Zhou Chen dodged flexibly to the side immediately, avoiding the monster's impact, and then rushed towards his back with a fine steel wooden gun.

The monster seemed to have discovered Zhou Chen's intentions, and suddenly a cloud of smoke sprayed out from the end of its long tail, covering Zhou Chen towards the rear.


Upon seeing this, Zhou Chen directly used the passive predator to activate his shield passive skills, and his body was immediately surrounded by a transparent shield. Then he exerted force under his feet and jumped to the sky, avoiding the main body of the smoke, and fell towards it. The back of the monster.

When Zhou Chen was in the air and hadn't fallen yet, the big winged monster underneath had another response. It flapped its wings and accelerated forward, intending to avoid Zhou Chen's landing.


Zhou Chen immediately activated his popular skills and used the levitating movement to blast directly onto the monster's head, and then the fine steel wooden spear slammed into the monster's head fiercely.

Suddenly a piercing scream sounded, and the blood-red monster wings under Zhou Chen's feet began to dance wildly, seeming to be a bit painful.

However, Zhou Chen also felt a lot of resistance on the barrel of the gun. Although the sharp head of the fine steel wooden gun could break the monster, it was quite difficult to penetrate it.

"Holy Light!"

Upon seeing this, Zhou Chen decisively used his holy light skills to hit the dazzling core of holy light onto the monster's head.

In a short time, the ear-piercing scream of the monster became more intense, and the whole body began to roll on the ground.

In order not to be crushed by him, Zhou Chen had to drew his spear and jumped away, using the Holy Light technique on him from a farther distance.

After a full ten seconds, this monster gradually disappeared under the influence of the Holy Light.

"According to the feedback of the blood-thirsty passive should be dead...but no passive skills have been seems to have to pick some more powerful attacks...the holy light has a restraint on these monsters, but it consumes a lot of money. Big……"

Zhou Chen felt that he had to choose some special monsters to start to increase the chances of acquiring passive skills, because his Holy Light Art was limited. Judging from this battle, he could not kill many of them by relying on his Holy Light Art. monster.