"Get up, there is something abnormal."

Carrying a cloth bag, Zhou Chen stretched his leg and kicked the man in suit who was still lying on the ground, urging him to get up.

The reason why he urged him was because Zhou Chen sensed that some people around him were approaching. These people seemed to be acting collectively, moving fast, as if they were looking for something.

"What...what's the situation?"

The rugged man in a blue suit was obviously already awake at this time. He sat up from the grass, touched his head, and began to look around.

"Some people are here, maybe they are not kind, so let's leave here quickly."

After Zhou Chen finished speaking, he chose a direction with fewer people. Although he didn't know whether these people were friends or enemies, he understood that he could not easily fall into the siege of others.

Seeing that he had left, the man in suit immediately got up and followed behind him, even if he didn't notice any abnormalities.

Before long, the two stepped across this small patch of grass and entered a forest, and then met two men in the forest.

I saw that these two men were dressed similar to the ancient warriors of the Dragon Kingdom, wearing black costumes and sabers on their waists.

"Who are you two?! Why are you here?!"

When they saw the two of Zhou Chen, they stopped, drew the sword from their waist, and yelled at them.

From their faces, Zhou Chen could see the obvious color of suspicion, as if he regarded them as very suspicious characters.

"We are refugees from afar."

Since the system had already instilled the language of this world, Zhou Chen could understand what they were saying and could easily reply, and then told them the initial identity informed by the system.

"Vagrant? Why have I never seen a refugee dressed like you?"

One of them frowned upon hearing Zhou Chen's answer.

"You two quickly explain it honestly, otherwise we will be rude!"

He stretched out the long knife in his hand threateningly.

"Someone is gathering around...can't continue talking with them..."

Feeling that these two people have the intention of dragging time here to wait for the encirclement to be formed, Zhou Chen immediately replied:

"Believe it or not, just don't stand in our way."

After speaking, he and the man in suit walked to the side of the two men in black, preparing to leave this place.

"Being a guilty conscience! I think you are the accomplices of those three!"

However, Zhou Chen's remarks didn't make any difference. On the contrary, they aggravated the suspicion of the two men in black.

"You two acquaintances hurry up and get caught!"

They then yelled, raised their weapons and rushed towards Zhou Chen and the other two.

"court death!"

Zhou Chen originally wanted to keep the well water with them, but seeing that they had launched an attack and had been sending out signals to others around him, he dispelled his thoughts and showed a fine steel wooden spear in his hand.

For the first shot, Zhou Chen directly pierced one of them in the neck, then drew the gun and hit the weapon cut by the other, using tremendous force to get the weapon out of his hand, and then pierced another shot through his chest.

"It's a bit weak...killed without triggering a drop..."

After almost killing these two people in seconds, Zhou Chen judged in his heart.

"These two people are not strong... the others are probably not much stronger... or kill them all to see if they fall..."

After killing these two people seeking death, Zhou Chen wanted to kill the others again. This was not only because the killer had to be cleaned, but also because he was more curious about the special drop that the system was referring to.

"You are here as a bait to attract their attention."

After talking to the man in the suit, Zhou Chen turned back and rushed up to a tree and hid it.

The man in suit did not refuse his instructions. He was holding an iron rod in his hand, hiding behind a tree, and watching vigilantly around.

A few seconds later, there was a sound of rapid footsteps in the woods, and eight or nine people in the same black costumes as the previous men rushed over.

When they watched from all around to the men in suits, Zhou Chen suddenly fell behind them from the trees and began to kill.

A scream suddenly sounded in the woods. These people in black were either shot through the heart by Zhou Chen, or were beaten to death by a punch by him, basically unable to pass the second move.

It's not that they didn't resist, it's just that Zhou Chen's speed was too fast and the lethality was too strong, and they were almost killed and wounded before they could fully react.

After a few breaths, only one of these people in black was still alive. This person was the first person to run away, and Zhou Chen deliberately left it to the end.

"Who are you looking for?"

Putting the tip of the gun in front of this person's neck, Zhou Chen asked him in a deep voice.

Hearing Zhou Chen's question, this person suddenly sifted his legs and replied:

"Find three... who stole... from our Black Hawk gang... things..."

"What were you stolen?"

As soon as Zhou Chen heard that he was a little interested,

"I... don't know... it seems like a box..."

"Where is this place?"

Seeing that his appearance seemed really unclear, Zhou Chen began to ask what he wanted to know.

"This is the south side of Xilian Mountain..."

Seeing Zhou Chen asking for this kind of information, this person suddenly had some doubts in his eyes.

After a while, Zhou Chen learned some information he wanted, and then stabbed the person to death.

"There is no one else within three hundred meters...my killing shouldn't be exposed...it's a pity that nothing broke..."

Just now Zhou Chen killed more than a dozen natives, but none of the drops were triggered, which made him quite depressed.

"Let's go south and look for a town."

Through the inquiry just now, Zhou Chen knew the location of some populated places in this world. They wanted to spend this month-long survival, so naturally they wanted to go to places with people.

"This package was left by the person they chased?"

At this time, the man in suit carrying a cloth bag asked Zhou Chen.


Zhou Chen nodded after listening.

"I originally looked at the number of things in it, but thought it was left to us by the system, but now it feels like it might not be... you take it first."

Zhou Chen didn't really appreciate the contents of the package now, because he had just obtained some broken silver by touching the corpse, which was not only easier to carry, but also had higher value.

After the two walked south for a while, suddenly Zhou Chen frowned.

"Someone has come here again, there is only one, but it feels unusual to me..."

In Zhou Chen's current sense of thirst for blood, he discovered that the blood of this newly emerged person in front of him was peculiar and seemed to contain special energy.

"Avoid first..."

To be cautious, he led the man in the suit and turned around, trying to hide and observe the people in secret.