When Zhou Chen returned to the Wulong Inn in Fengling City, the sky was completely dark.

He had already exchanged those two demon heads for twenty silver coins, making his bag of money heavy.

"Not surprisingly, these silvers are enough for me to spend the remaining twenty days..."

Zhou Chen currently has a surplus, and his motivation to make money is not too great. Staying here to kill demons is mainly for Lingyun Pill.

After drinking and eating meat alone in the inn for a while, Zhou Chen found that the white and fat folding fan youth he had teamed up before had not come back.

"Are they not coming back so late? Are you planning to kill the demon all night?"

This situation made Zhou Chen a little puzzled, but he didn't take it too seriously.

The night passed quickly, and in the morning of the next day, Zhou Chen woke up early and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"They haven't come back yet?"

When he was chatting with people he knew in the inn during breakfast, he found that none of the five people he had teamed up yesterday returned.

"Isn't something wrong..."

Zhou Chen felt a little uncomfortable, because according to his observations over the past two days, Demon Slayer seldom spent the night in the mountains.

"Each of them is okay. If something goes wrong, it means they have encountered a powerful monster... That means..."

Zhou Chen felt a little confused. Although a powerful monster meant a greater risk, it also meant that another Lingyun Pill could be obtained.

"Into the mountain!"

After a little preparation, Zhou Chen entered the nearby mountains alone.

After entering the mountain, as long as he encountered a beast, he would ask them about the five people yesterday, but he was not lucky. The beasts encountered did not provide any critical information, only a few had seen them from a distance. Those few people are walking in the mountains.

This is quite normal. Some monster slayers will kill some beasts without finding the monsters and take them back to sell them, causing the beasts to hide away when they see them.

After spending some time, Zhou Chen came to the woods where he was separated from the five people yesterday, and began to look for their clues.

"They seem to be walking here... the action is still so like a chance..."

Zhou Chen searched the woods for a while, reluctantly judged the direction they were heading, and looked for them along the way.

He searched for more than two hours, and unknowingly came to the outside of a dimly lit cave.

This cave was not the one where he hunted the bear demon yesterday, but a strange cave in a strange location.

"There are no monsters in this cave... and no living creatures..."

A little bit through the thirsty passive skill perception, Zhou Chen judged that there was no suspicious target in the cave until 300 meters deep.

"But there is an obvious **** smell at the entrance of the cave... There should still be something in it..."

Standing at the entrance of this cave, Zhou Chen could smell the pungent and strong **** smell, which was not normal. Even if there were beasts and people living in an ordinary cave, it wouldn't have such a big smell, unless something happened to die inside.

"Aren't all those people dead here, right..."

With doubts in his heart, Zhou Chen walked slowly into the **** cave.

After walking along the curved cave passage for a short while, Zhou Chen arrived inside and came to a rather narrow passageway. Inside the passageway, he could see that this was a fairly spacious stone chamber.

Relying on dark vision, Zhou Chen found a lot of blood, some weapons, a lot of broken arrows, and some broken corpses on the floor of this stone room.

"This dress... is it that young man with a strong outfit?"

Zhou Chen's gaze was first attracted by the clothes on a piece of corpse on the ground, because he felt that the clothes looked very familiar, very similar to those of the young man with strong outfits who came here with him before.

"The corpse is fresher... it's probably him..."

After pondering for a few more seconds, Zhou Chen felt more like it as he watched, judging that the young man with strong pretense might have died here.

"These shoes... seem to belong to that short young man..."

Zhou Chen then found a **** cloth shoe on the ground. The cloth shoe was simple in style, which made him feel a lot like the short and stout youth wore before.

Later, Zhou Chen found the long knife and turban of the suspected woman with the knife.

"It's too miserable...the body is not complete..."

Zhou Chen is now basically sure that the youth with strong outfits, the short young men, and the women with swords have all died tragically here. The cause of death should be sharp arrows piercing the body and very brutal beast attacks.

"Are they being ambushed by some people or monsters? What about the strong tower man and the fat young man...Did they not come with them? Or escaped?"

There were five of Zhou Chen's partners yesterday, and here he only found the traces of three, and the whereabouts of the other two are unknown.

"I have to investigate..."

Whether it was for killing monsters or for his own safety, Zhou Chen had to investigate this weird thing clearly.

He quickly left the cave and went outside to look for beasts to learn about the recent situation in this neighborhood.

After a long time, he finally learned some information:

Yesterday afternoon, first seven heavily armed monkey monsters entered the cave, then five people went in, and only two came out of the cave after a while.

"This... the strong man in the tower and the fat young man colluded with monsters to harm others?!"

Zhou Chen was immediately shocked by the information. He couldn't understand the benefits of colluding with the bloodthirsty monsters. It was completely illogical.

"Do they want to reduce the number of rewards? But they don't have to collude with the monsters..."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a problem.

"No...very wrong...Could it be...I think I might understand what's going on..."

After frowning and thinking for two seconds, Zhou Chen suddenly flashed a flash of light in his heart, making him guess why they did it.

"Hehe, this blood feud, I will retaliate for you!"

After understanding some of the key points in his mind, Zhou Chen determined to avenge the three demon slayers including the young man with strong outfits.

He quickly left here, relying on the information provided by the beasts to find the brawny man and the fat young man in the iron tower.

This search was not easy, because he could not always meet the two beasts who happened to meet, so it was not until more than three hours later that he received some definite news.

"The two were in a forest behind the mountain in front of me not long ago? Are those monkey monsters also?"

At this time, Zhou Chen learned the very exact news by asking an eagle who was pecking hare meat on the ground.

"These enemies are all gathered together... It feels like it's not good to go straight ahead..."

Zhou Chen has always basically relied on recklessness to solve problems, but that was based on the fact that the enemy was not too strong.

"You have to be steady, it's better to wait for the opportunity to kill one by one..."

Soon, he decided to act cautiously this time.