After Zhou Chen and Young Master Lin finished drinking on this day, they pestered Young Master Liu and began to dig out more about the flower picker.

Soon after, he took a related reward order from the reward office, and entered the mountain with a picture of the flower picker's appearance.

Then he began to instruct a large number of animals to help him find the person, mainly looking for the help of some birds with a large range of activities. In this way, as long as the person is still hiding in the mountain, it will be difficult to escape his palm.

He then searched the mountain for two days, but found no trace of the flower picker.

This result was within Zhou Chen's expectation. Because the furnace mountain was so large, it was normal that no one could be found for a day or two.

Soon after, Zhou Chen returned to Sword Furnace City and returned to the inn where he lived. He didn't move around anymore, because Bai Yujing was coming soon.

Once Bai Yujing arrives, he will summon all the people who have the white jade brand in it, and the feast once held in decades will begin immediately.

This situation is very similar to the survival of a survivor, and he can't help but suspect that this is the system.

On this day, Zhou Chen was nestling in his guest room and did not go out. When he was doing the meditation practice of a card maker, the white jade card in his pocket suddenly gave out a strange wave. He still wanted to see what was going on. , I found myself in a palace covered with white mist.

At this time, besides him, there were nearly a hundred people in the palace. These people were talking to each other, which made the place seem quite lively.

"Big Brother Qian, I didn't expect to meet you in the first place, and you will have to take care of your little brother one or two later."

"You kid don't bother me, I have something important this time."


"Where is Bai Yujing's pill room? Does anyone know?"

"Hehe, you idiot, do you think others will tell you if they know?"

"You kid find it! Dare to scold Laozi!"

"Just scold it! What can you do!"


Listening to the large groups of indigenous young people around here talking, and some of them were still fighting, Zhou Chen felt a little speechless, and felt that Bai Yujing's compulsion was lowered for them.

But soon, eight doors on the walls of the palace opened automatically, and visitors from the palace immediately rushed in from the doors.

"Grab the baby!"

Someone yelled cheerfully while rushing to the door of their choice.

Then his voice disappeared after entering the portal filled with white light.

Zhou Chen knew that this was a normal phenomenon, because the information he collected showed that the door in Baiyu Jingli was not a door in the conventional sense, and many behind the door were connected to a small world.

"Choose any door."

Zhou Chen looked at the eight doors around, and couldn't feel anything unusual. The intelligence he collected showed that the first doors were relatively safe, and only after entering could they encounter a test.

Without hesitation, he walked directly to the door closest to him.

Following a few people who had made the same choice to enter the gateway, Zhou Chen quickly found himself on a small wooden boat.

This small canoe was flooding on a rough sea at this time, and there was still a bright moon hanging in the sky.

Within a hundred meters of Zhou Chen's small wooden boat, there were other small wooden boats standing with people. It was the other people who chose to enter this gate.

In the distance on the surface of the moon night, Zhou Chen could still see a small island with a faint light, as if telling them to go there quickly.

"Hehe, this uncle has been in the East China Sea for many years! This little storm is a fart!"

Hearing a sudden sneer from a young man on the canoe by Zhou Chen's side, he jumped out of the canoe and stepped on the waves and swiftly headed towards the bright island.

"What a strong light work!"

A person in another place can't help but admire when he sees this person abandon the boat and walk into the sea directly.

Zhou Chen looked at the person for two seconds, and found that he hadn't had any accidents when he was traveling on the sea, so he also activated the Fengxing skill and walked the sea to chase him.

Zhou Chen's popular skills can enable him to get powerful help from the wind. Running on the sea is like walking on land. His soles stepped on the crests of the waves, and he leaped forward quickly on the undulating sea.

After running like this for half a minute, Zhou Chen felt that something was happening. Through the passive blood thirst technique, he found that something was approaching under the sea.


Zhou Chen quickly judged that it was a shark. He didn't panic at all, and started to adjust the route based on the shark's position he felt.


As for the young man in front of Zhou Chen, because he didn't know that a shark was coming, he was quickly surrounded by some sharks and started fighting on the sea amidst the roar.

During this period, Zhou Chen ran a tortuous route, evading most of the sharks that came, and was only overtaken by one who swam very fast.

However, he had already prepared for the shark that approached and jumped out of the water, kicked it halfway, and then rushed to the island in front of him at full speed.

The first test of this first door was soon passed by Zhou Chen. After a few minutes, he set foot on the sea and came to the small island with lights. He found a pavilion on the island with a big brazier burning in the pavilion. , Next to the brazier is a wooden ship model.

"This thing is marked by the system?"

At a glance, Zhou Chen saw that the wooden ship model was systematically labeled:

【Ruyi Xiaozhou

The size of the boat can be changed within a certain range. 】

Without hesitation, Zhou Chen took the shot and put the small boat into his backpack space, and then he found that a bright portal appeared out of thin air in the pavilion, as if calling him to enter quickly.

"This rhythm is really fast..."

With a spit in his heart, Zhou Chen stepped into the portal, and then came to a new small world.

This small world is a forest with huge trees towering into the sky. As soon as Zhou Chen came over, he felt that there were many beasts moving here.

"I'm good at fighting beasts!"

For these animals, Zhou Chen had nothing to fear, he was the one who had killed monsters, and he had killed many kinds of monsters.

Looking around, Zhou Chen didn't find a small island marker like the last small world, so he judged that the gate here should be to get out of this forest.

"The test before Bai Yujing is quite simple."

Without using the popular skill, Zhou Chen relied on a strong physique to quickly walk through this forest. As soon as he walked out a hundred meters, he sensed that someone appeared behind him out of thin air, and immediately understood that someone had passed the previous level.

"It's like have to be in the first place, otherwise you won't get any benefits..."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Zhou Chen accelerated his pace further, kicked the lion-like animal that was harassing ahead, and marched towards the outside of the forest.

After running like this for about half an hour, Zhou Chen ran out of this forest.

At the outermost part of this forest, there was a circle of peach trees. When Zhou Chen approached there, a peach tree around him immediately grew a big peach, let Zhou Chen know that this was his reward for this level.