Chapter 157: Join the exploratory team

"My name is Teresa. I am a captain of the city's security department. Like you, I am also a mutant."

With a faint smile on the face of the long-haired woman, she looked at Zhou Chen who was stepping on the monster with one foot and said.

"What are the benefits of joining your squad? First, I don't like all kinds of restraints."

Zhou Chen felt that the speeding car in the sky had locked himself, and it was impossible for him to leave easily, and joining the other party became a stopgap measure.

"Hehe, the benefits of joining my squad will certainly not be less, and this will definitely satisfy you... As for the constraints, there will definitely be some, but as long as you can complete the task, no one will disturb you in your free time."

The mutant woman who called herself Teresa answered with a smile.

"Can I refuse?"

Zhou Chen felt that although this woman looked good and had a good attitude, she seemed to be so dangerous that he didn't really want to deal with her.


The woman nodded slightly.

"But the loss of our intelligent robot will be counted on you."

She turned her head and glanced at the box behind, indicating that Zhou Chen already knew what was inside.

"I said, if I join you, can you fix that robot as soon as possible?"

Zhou Chen didn't panic at all, but was a little pleased. He came in here for the purpose of finding someone to repair the robot girl. Now that it seems to have found the owner's head, the repair should be relatively simple.

"It is inevitable to fix her,"

The long-haired woman answered immediately,

"Intelligent robots like her are not popular products."

"Okay, I can join you, but I hope you can fix her as soon as possible."

Zhou Chen felt that he could try to join the snake, so he agreed to the woman's invitation.

"Very well, follow me in the car, you should be able to do it?"

After this woman with long blonde hair who called herself Teresa said a move, the box tens of meters away from her automatically flew into her hand, and then her long legs gave a light force, and the whole person took it. Jumped into the door of the speed car at a height of more than ten meters with the box.

"This woman... is a bit awesome... thinking motivation?"

Zhou Chen was surprised in his heart, but there was not the slightest color on his face. He first exploded out the true power of the wilds with a fierce kick, completely shattering the monsters in the ground and killing his life.

Then, pressing his legs and jumping hard, he jumped directly into the iron gate of the speeding car in the sky.

After Zhou Chen entered, the iron door of the speeding car was quickly closed, and he could see that in addition to the driver, him and the long-haired woman before, there were also a dozen heavily armed natives.

These natives all wore uniform combat uniforms, helmets, and guns. They looked serious and sat firmly in their respective positions, just like an elite soldier.

"Sit anywhere."

The long-haired woman named Teresa was sitting on a small sofa in the car with Erlang's legs upright, and said lightly to Zhou Chen.

"Where are we going now?"

Zhou Chen found an empty seat in the car and asked her questions at the same time.

"Go back to the headquarters and go through the entry formalities for you first."

Teresa replied while putting her nail polish on herself.

"Direct entry? There are no quizzes and other procedures?"

Zhou Chen then asked.

"It's not that troublesome,"

Teresa shook her head.

"You are the person I like, and these procedures can be avoided. And this robot, when I return to the headquarters, I will find someone to fix her, and she will be put under your name in the future."

She continued.


Zhou Chen feels that this arrangement is not bad,

"Can you tell me how this robot became like this?"

He was a little interested in this matter. An intelligent robot of good value, broken into such a shape, went into the garbage dump.

"I don't know much about this... I have to wait for her to be fixed before I know..."

Teresa had already painted her nail polish on one of her hands at this time, she raised her head and glanced at Zhou Chen.

"We can only be sure that her team was destroyed while exploring the contaminated area. If you hadn't brought her here, we wouldn't know that her body still exists in this world."

Zhou Chen suddenly realized that the loss case that the woman just said was deceiving him, but he didn't care, and continued to ask:

"Explore the contaminated area? I will do this in the future?"


Teresa with long blonde hair nodded immediately.

"My team belongs to the contaminated area exploration team. Only our mutants and intelligent robots are suitable for places like contaminated areas."

"What are we going there for? Just to destroy those monsters?"

Zhou Chen knew that there were a lot of monsters in the polluted area, but he didn't know why these natives even got into it even if they knew it was dangerous.

"Hehe, you don't know this? It seems you should have been born in a barren wild town."

Teresa, who had almost finished applying the nail polish on her other hand, smiled.

"We explore the contaminated area for the various resources and civilization creations inside. Intelligent robots and flying cars are the results of our exploration team...Of course, sometimes we go there for other purposes, but in that case a bit less……"

Teresa told Zhou Chen why they took the risk to explore the polluted area. The reason is very simple. The humans in this world suffered heavy losses after the outbreak of the Apocalypse pollution, and civilization was in crisis. They had to go to various polluted areas. Only by looking for the previous scientific and technological achievements can we hope to return to glory.

"Okay, the headquarters is here, get off with me."

Soon after Teresa finished applying the nail polish on her hands, she directly used her suspicious power to open the car door, and then jumped down with the box containing the robot girl, and Zhou Chen quickly followed.

After the two jumped off the speeding car, they landed directly in front of a building. Two fully armed robot guards stood at the door of the building, but they saw Teresa coming and gave way directly to the road.

"After joining our exploratory team, board and lodging are included. In addition to the basic salary, you will get a bonus for every task you complete. We are currently short of manpower, so we may let you go out to do the task tomorrow."

While walking Zhou Chen in the corridor of the building, Teresa said to Zhou Chen.

"no problem,"

Zhou Chen didn't care about this. It was good for him to survive in the city, but it was good for him to get passive skills when he went outside.

Soon, Teresa took Zhou Chen upstairs, turned a few more turns, and entered an office.

In this office, an old man with glasses was staring at the computer on the desk, his hands were constantly tapping on the keyboard, and he kept busy.

"Dad, this is a mutant I happened to meet just now. He is good at strength. I want to admit him to the exploratory team."

As soon as Teresa came in, she said to the old man with glasses in front of the computer.

"Oh... OK, boy, do it hard!"

Upon hearing this, the old man immediately turned his gaze from the screen in front of him to Teresa and Zhou Chen. He smiled and encouraged him.