"Okay, then you quickly lead the way."

Although Zhou Chen likes to pick up the bargain, the priorities are still clear. He immediately stopped and asked the intelligent robot to take him to Teresa for support.

Very quickly, the robot led Zhou Chen out of the factory building, returned to the previous building, and walked through the hall and down the stairs to the ground floor of the building.

The building was deep underground. They ran to the eighth floor and passed through a few doors that had been cracked before entering it to find Teresa and others.

On the way, they found a lot of monster corpses killed by hot weapons or forcibly twisted into a ball, indicating that Teresa encountered resistance along the way.

"The energy core should be inside this door, but there are a lot of monsters inside according to the detection. In order to prevent the battle from damaging the energy core, I need your help."

Teresa and the intelligent robot were standing in front of an entrance guard. As soon as she saw Zhou Chen coming, she explained the situation to him.

"Okay, leave it to me to kill monsters, and you can get the energy core."

Zhou Chen didn't care about this, he was already very proficient in Daguai things.

Seeing that Zhou Chen understood the situation, Teresa immediately asked the robot to break the access control. As the metal door opened, a strange smell came out of it. Several flesh and blood human figures and some metal distortion products charged at them. Come here.

The long-haired Teresa immediately stretched her finger towards them, using her own ability to grab them in the air and threw them out of the portal, hitting the wall in the distance, Zhou Chen immediately ran towards these monsters and was thrown out. At their position, they launched an attack, hitting out a series of eight desolate true powers.

The two intelligent robots rushed in relying on Teresa's protection, and began to find the specific location of the energy core.

During the whole process, Teresa and Zhou Chen were the busiest. Teresa was responsible for pulling out all the monsters inside. If they could pinch to death, they would directly pinch to death. If they could not be pinched, Zhou Chen would intercept and deal with them.

Zhou Chen's firepower was fully fired, and he smashed the flesh and blood monsters that only hit the wall with a punch, and then hit some very resistant mechanical monsters with a heavy punch.

These monsters have very strong defensive power, and his eight-horse real power bombardment can’t solve them quickly, so as more and more monsters were thrown over, Zhou Chen began to play melee combat, using his strength far beyond steel. The body directly hits these monsters, destroying them as quickly as possible, and preventing them from running around.

After just a few minutes of fighting, Zhou Chen’s side was filled with monster debris. Teresa threw monsters from the door less and less frequently, and finally walked out of the door altogether, knowing to Zhou Chen:

"After cleaning up, you can rest."

"Well, has the energy core been found?"

Although Zhou Chen has consumed a lot of energy in these few minutes, his physical strength is very strong, and he feels that he is in a good state at the moment, so he asked Teresa in his spare time.

"Found it, but it has been damaged by the monster inside, and the power supply capacity has dropped a lot."

Teresa answered immediately.

"Broken? Is there any hope of fixing it?"

Zhou Chen felt that his luck was a bit bad. After so much effort, he found that the goal was bad.

"There is certain hope."

Teresa's tone was not sure,

"According to the information I have obtained, there is only this energy core in this area, so I have to bring it back anyway."

There was a firm look on her face.

Just when she finished answering, an intelligent robot walked out of it,

"Captain, the energy core has been shut down and removed."

"Well, I'll pass now."

Teresa immediately walked into the metal door when she heard it, and when she came out again, there was a silver-gray metal sphere about three meters in diameter floating beside her.

This sphere looks a bit old. In addition to a few wide ports on the surface, there are several cracks that can see the internal components.

But even so, Zhou Chen found that it was marked by the system:

[Nuclear fusion energy core (damaged)

Due to long-term lack of maintenance and some physical damage, the power supply capacity of this fusion energy core has dropped by 98%, and only professionals can repair it.

An intact nuclear fusion energy core can easily supply all the electricity for a metropolis with a population of tens of millions. 】

"Sure enough, it is a high-tech product... Currently Bluestar does not have this kind of technology... Li Guofu will definitely get it if he knows it..."

Zhou Chen can add this thing marked by the system to the system space, but he will not do it.

"Captain, the headquarters has already replied. The heavy helicopter that picked us up has taken off and will wait for us outside this contaminated area."

When Teresa used her ability to take the big iron ball that looked so heavy, an intelligent robot reported to her.


She nodded to the robot, then looked at Zhou Chen again,

"Li, I will trouble you the next road. I want to transport this energy core and I don't have much spare capacity to take care of the others."

"No problem, leave it to me to deal with monsters."

Zhou Chen did not reject such things as Daguai.

On the next journey, Zhou Chen and two intelligent robots escorted Teresa, clearing the way and protecting her.

They killed many monsters who heard the wind along the way, and it took more than ten minutes before they returned to the ground and left the building.

Then they continued their way back and headed outside the contaminated area.

During this period, they tried their best to keep a low profile, because it is said that there are powerful monsters wandering in this contaminated area, and it will be a lot of trouble to be spotted.

However, luck is very strange, it is difficult to figure out. Zhou Chen originally thought that with his survivor's physique, there was a high probability that a powerful monster would come out to make trouble.

But in fact, their way back was calmer and smoother than when they came. Although they encountered a few monsters, they were all weaker, and they were beaten by Zhou Chen with a few punches.

As a result, the operation soon came to an end. The four of them boarded the heavy helicopter that arrived early outside the contaminated area, and gave the energy core like a big iron ball to it with strong carrying capacity for transportation.

On the way back, on the helicopter, Teresa gave a positive evaluation of Zhou Chen's performance in this exploration.

"Lee, you have contributed a lot to this exploration operation. Without you, we would not have reached the goal so quickly...Congratulations, you passed the first mission perfectly!"

"Thank you, so...is there any reward?"

Although Zhou Chen felt that he hadn't done anything this time, he had just beaten some monsters, but he felt that it was reasonable to get rewards after he finished his work.

"Of course there are rewards, including 2000 Paradise Coins and your promotion to the captain of the second exploration team."

Teresa smiled immediately.