"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

The old man was struggling to shout after being easily controlled by Zhou Chen.

"I feel that this mutant is so weak...Is he hiding himself?"

Zhou Chen felt a little puzzled about grabbing a mutant person so easily. Although the number of mutant people he had seen before was very small, his strength should not be underestimated.

"Old man, tell me what your power is?"

Lifting the struggling gray-haired old man, Zhou Chen asked him.

Seeing him asking this, the old man's original struggle stopped immediately, and he asked Zhou Chen in a bit of surprise:

"You really passed by here? Didn't you come to catch me?"

"I have already answered this question."

Zhou Chen frowned.

"You quickly answer my question, or I will be rude."

He said solemnly.

Hearing Zhou Chen's tone of voice, who was holding his neck behind his back, the old man answered immediately:

"My ability is physical strengthening! It is the most common kind of ability!"

"Body strengthening? Lucy, do you know what power this is?"

Zhou Chen wasn't sure what this ability meant, so he asked Lucy the robotic girl who had picked up the old man's rifle.

"Captain, the physical strengthening ability generally refers to the strengthening of the physical ability of the ability person. This is the most common ability. Every ability person basically has it, but the strength is high or low."

Lucy immediately explained to Zhou Chen.

After Zhou Chen listened to it, he criticized the old man in his hand in a bad tone.

"Old man, it seems that you are reluctant to tell the truth, so I will send you to heaven now."

Originally, the old man pointed the gun at Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen had the idea to kill him. The reason why he still kept it was that he was a little interested in what kind of power this old man was, but he didn’t want to say, so he didn’t want to waste time anymore. , Just used to test whether the killer can explode passive skills.

"I said! I said!"

Perhaps sensing Zhou Chen's murderous aura, the old man immediately opened his mouth and shouted, making Zhou Chen's action to kill him suddenly stopped.

"My power is healing! I can heal people who have been polluted by a light apocalypse!"

The old man shouted.

"Treatment? Then you show it to me."

Zhou Chen wasn't sure whether what the old man said was true or not, he was a little skeptical.

"Okay! You let me go first!"

The old man answered immediately.

"Okay, I'll give you one chance."

When Zhou Chen heard this, let go and let the old man fall to the ground.

After Zhou Chen let go, the old man immediately took a dagger from his pocket and narrowed the eyes of Zhou Chen who was staring at him.

However, he was not stupid enough to attack Zhou Chen with a dagger. Instead, he lightly cut a knife on his arm and caused a small bleeding wound. Then he put the dagger back in his pocket and pressed his right hand on the wound for a second. , And then removed, the wound disappeared and became as good as ever.

"Now you believe it? Can you leave now?"

The old man said to Zhou Chen after the demonstration.

"It does look like that..."

Zhou Chen nodded.

"But I see your reaction just now, it seems that someone is catching you, your ability has this value?"

Zhou Chen feels that there is something wrong. It seems that the treatment ability that the old man has just shown is not of much value in being arrested, because some doctors can also do it. Although the speed may be slower, it is better than the number of people and the low cost. .

"Because my healing ability can completely remove mild apocalyptic pollution!"

The old man explained immediately,

"Some groups want to study my ability to deal with pollution, so they sent people to arrest me."

He emphasized.

"Capture you? In this case, they should hire you with a high salary, right?"

Zhou Chen felt that what the old man said still had some problems.

"That's an evil gang! They want to vain my ability to prostitute!"

The old man continued to talk nonsense.

Zhou Chen couldn't help frowning slightly, thinking about how to deal with this person, but just after thinking about it for half a second, he realized through the blood thirsty perception that there were two people approaching outside, with a very clear sense of purpose, and he came directly here.

"Here is the man who arrested this old man?"

Zhou Chen suddenly guessed.

After thinking about it, he looked at Lucy the robot girl who was holding a rifle.

"Lucy, keep an eye on this man here. If he dares to run, he will be killed."

"Okay, Captain!"

Lucy took the order immediately.

Seeing that Lucy had aimed her gun at the old man, Zhou Chen quickly went out and took the initiative to welcome the two visitors.

Ten seconds later, he saw that a young man with long black hair and a fat middle-aged man with a little short stature were walking through the stairs into the corridor outside this door.

Seeing Zhou Chen appearing here, the two of them didn't show any surprised expressions on their faces. They seemed to foresee his existence. The middle-aged fat man took the lead in opening his mouth to Zhou Chen:

"Mr., we need the person in the room behind you, can you give us Nittech a face and give him to us?"

The fat man spoke politely, but his eyes were arrogant and his expression was cold, as if he didn't see Zhou Chen in his eyes.

"Why do you want him?"

Zhou Chen didn't care about their attitude, and asked lightly.

"Hehe, you don't even know this? Then there is no need to know."

The fat man sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense, I advise you to give way quickly, otherwise you will know the fate of our Nit Technology."

This slightly chubby middle-aged man finally stopped maintaining his polite appearance.

"Nite technology...I have never heard of it..."

Zhou Chen felt a little speechless, and then replied to the two people in a cold voice:

"I don't care who you are, but the people inside are now owned by me. I advise you not to take his idea."

Realizing that the old man might be valuable, Zhou Chen didn't want to hand him over, even though the old man was useless to him now.

"Do it."

After getting Zhou Chen's answer, the long-haired young man with long black hair who had been silent beside the middle-aged fat man spoke a little impatiently.

Then for an instant, Zhou Chen felt a pain in his head, as if a thin needle had been stuck in it, making him almost dizzy.

But after all, he didn't faint, just entered a short-lived state of daze, giving the middle-aged fat man a chance to get close.

At this time, the fat man showed agility and speed that were inconsistent with his posture and age. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Zhou Chen and hit Zhou Chen's head with a fist.

But Zhou Chen happened to recover from the tingling state of his head just now, he immediately dodged, and at the same time raised his hand and punched the fat man.

The fat man reacted in a timely manner, and immediately dodged to avoid him, but he didn't expect Zhou Chen to attack from the air, and was directly hit on the wall by the exogenous Bahuang True Power.

After flying the fat man, Zhou Chen then punched the long-haired young man not far in front, causing his head to burst like a watermelon.

[Passive Predator Trigger: You have plundered the mutant’s passive skill "Spirit Strengthening III", and it is detected that it is better than the passive skill of the same name you currently have, and it will automatically be covered and merged. 】

The system announcement sounded in Zhou Chen's mind at the same time.