After exerting a suppression effect on the group of insects and monsters, Zhou Chen punched them in the air, using the exuded Bahuang true power to blow them up like fireworks.

During this process, many insects also triggered the freezing effect, and the body that had just received the heavy blow was stained with hoarfrost, and it was frozen hard and fell to the ground.

"My skill is too weak, I can't even kill a bug with a single blow, I have to find time to practice."

Although the group of insects was basically destroyed with one punch, Zhou Chen felt very dissatisfied and realized that he had to speed up the progress of his practice.

After blasting the insects several times in the air and turning them all into ice slag, Zhou Chen turned and left and continued to the depths of the city.

Not long after he walked, he encountered several waves of black flying insects and quickly solved them.

"This city is indeed over. I haven't seen any living people after I walked for a while, and very few bodies have been found."

After walking for a while, Zhou Chen still did not find any survivors, but finally a few of the corpses were found. As he expected, the insects did not even let go of the bones when they bite the corpse, causing him not to see a complete one. Of the corpse, only a few pieces of wreckage can be seen.

"Some houses and cars seem to have been bitten. These worms are really good."

Zhou Chen also found that these insects had forcibly bitten through some houses and vehicles, and ate the people hiding in them clean. It was very cruel.

"But they seem to be only interested in living things..."

When the insects in a house were wiped out for inspection, Zhou Chen found that there was a table with half an unfinished roast chicken on the table. This kind of high-quality protein insects dismissed it and only roasted the original food. Some human of the chicken swallowed it all up.

This situation is a good thing for Zhou Chen, which means that he can find some food here, but correspondingly, it also aroused his association, these bugs only eat living things, then when they eat up the city, Where will they go?

"It feels like the location of my shelter is really not very good...too close to these bugs. If they get there, they may be destroyed in a blink of an eye."

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen started thinking about finding another location to build a shelter. After all, a gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall. These monsters were too dangerous, so that a person like him with passive skills would not be afraid.

Soon, Zhou Chen was exploring this tragic city while collecting food. He mainly collected storage-stable things like salt, sugar, and cans, and put them all in the state of a car he found on the street. A pretty good pickup, ride it to collect supplies while exploring.

Driving a pickup to the city center for a period of time, Zhou Chen wiped out a lot of bugs along the way, and it didn’t take long for him to collect a car full of materials, mainly food, in addition to food, there were some clothes he found, A water purifier.

"It's going well, it seems I can go back."

Zhou Chen came back this time to investigate the situation and collect something. He has basically achieved his goal at present.

However, it seemed that he had intentionally prevented it from returning, and within a few minutes of driving around, a large group of insects rushed over in front of him. The number was very large, and it seemed as if it had cut off a dark curtain on the street.

"You are endless."

When Zhou Chen saw this, he immediately stopped and rushed forward to meet him. He didn't want the materials he collected to be destroyed by the battle.

He dealt with this group of monsters in the same way as before, relying on suppressing passive skills to weaken them, and then bombarding them with the Eight Desolation True Power, inflicting high physical damage on them and adding the freezing effect.

This kind of response method is quite efficient, but it is not foolproof. After all, there are too many insects, and there will still be a small number of lucky sprints to Zhou Chen.

If someone else gets close by these insects, it is basically an end, because they are extremely aggressive and their bodies are very powerful, and they can forcibly penetrate into the human body and wreak havoc.

But Zhou Chen had no such concerns. Because of the blessing strength of various passive defensive skills, his body had long surpassed steel. These insects could not break his defenses at all, and he also had shield passive skills that could block them from reaching the ears. The position drilled in, allowing him to eliminate them all without hesitation.

Due to the unprecedented number of these insects, it took Zhou Chen ten minutes to completely solve them this time, which consumed a lot of physical energy.

But this time until the end, his physical stamina remained at its peak, and there was no loss, because the passive skill of Feast gave him the ability to **** blood in a game.

As long as he attacked these insects and caused damage, part of the life lost of these insects would be transferred to him, heal his injuries and restore his strength.

And because he was not broken, he only felt the effect of restoring his physical strength, allowing his combat endurance to be directly full, and his body remained in a full state all the time.

Speaking of the passive skill of Feasting, it still comes from the insects he is killing. However, due to the gap between the attack and defense capabilities of the two sides, only he can trigger the Feast, which makes him feel that it is a bit like the way to treat others. body.

"Finally got it done."

After ten minutes of busy work, Zhou Chen wiped out these bugs, and then turned back to his pickup.

Before he reached the position, he found some inexplicable slight vibrations on the ground, and the blood thirsty perception feedback that several large targets in the ground were approaching at high speed.

"There are other monsters?"

Zhou Chen suddenly became alert, he turned and ran again, pulling the distance between himself and the pickup.

Boom~ boom~ boom~

With three loud noises in succession, the concrete street exploded three times, and three large insects with a hideous appearance and a mantis-like appearance were drilled from the ground. They are dark and the size of an adult buffalo, but they are more slender and look very vicious. .

"Yoooo~ Is this an elite bug coming to avenge my little brother?"

Seeing these big worms posing in such a posture to surround him, Zhou Chen suddenly guessed that through perception, he found that these three worms were good in strength, which made him feel some sense of crisis, so he immediately entered a high alert. state.

The battle is on the verge!

After the three insect monsters that looked like a **** praying mantis surrounded Zhou Chen in a triangle shape, they only observed Zhou Chen with the compound eyes on their inverted triangle heads for half a second, and then all rushed towards Zhou Chen, fast. amazing!

Zhou Chen immediately dodged to the side, and at the same time punched one of them fiercely, sending out Bahuang true power to its head.

However, these dark bug monsters are not only extremely fast, but also terribly dexterous. The bug that was attacked by Zhou Chen with the true power of the Eight Desolation, escaped Zhou Chen's attack and moved towards him along the arc. Rush.