Time flew by, and a month passed quickly.

During this month, Zhou Chen unexpectedly discovered that the bugs hadn't come to him for revenge, but when he returned to the city to collect supplies, he found that they had all disappeared and seemed to have left the place.

However, the absence of those bugs does not mean that the city can return to its former glory, because their abuse has brought considerable pollution to the city, making it no longer suitable for human habitation.

In this month, except for occasionally going out to replenish some supplies, Zhou Chen spent most of his time practicing. Therefore, his progress was rapid, and the distance of Bahuang true power had exceeded 100 meters, and he was a little serious. All are like bombs.

The tremendous increase in skill caused Zhou Chen to easily resolve several monsters and thugs attacking the camp during this period. Those monsters or thugs were still a long way away from the camp and they were bombarded into pieces by him in the air, and they died very thoroughly. After the second time, there were few large-scale monsters or thugs attacking this camp.

The other people in the camp are in a stable condition. Because they don't have to worry about eating and drinking, they spend their energy on sorting out the camp, sweeping out the garbage in the entire camp, and repairing all the houses they live in.

Hilda even drove out for a few days and bought some potatoes and chicken fry from nowhere. He started farming and raising chickens in the camp, which made Zhou Chen a little surprised.

At noon that day, Zhou Chen was cultivating near the camp, when suddenly a pickup truck drove from the west, carrying smoke and dust all the way.

Pickup then stopped near him, the car door opened, and the robotic girl Lucy jumped out of it.

"Captain! I met a human being while collecting supplies over there today, and he said that he has something urgent to see you!"

Lucy ran to Zhou Chen when she got out of the car and said to him.

"Someone wants to see me? Is it a man or a woman? What's your name?"

Zhou Chen was a little surprised. He hadn't seen anyone visit him in this period of time.

"It's a man, he said his name is Li Guofu!"

Lucy answered immediately.

"Li Guofu?!"

Zhou Chen was even more surprised when he heard it.

"Then why don't you bring him here directly?"

He glanced at the pickup truck not far away, and asked Lucy questioningly.

"Captain, I don't know him... and his condition is a bit suspicious, it seems that he has been deformed..."

Lucy didn't understand why Zhou Chen wanted him to bring this person back.

"Sorry, I was confused by the practice, you don't even know him..."

Zhou Chen touched his hair that had grown to cover his ears, a little speechless.

He was confused just now, thinking that Lucy knew Li Guofu, but in fact Lucy was in a dormant state during several brief meetings with Li Guofu, which was equivalent to never seeing him.

"You said he was in a suspicious state? What's the matter?"

He then asked Lucy about Li Guofu's specific situation.

"He has a relatively strong smell of pollution, and his body should have undergone some distortions, but he has not completely turned into a monster, and he still retains a high degree of reason... His state has never been recorded in my data."

Lucy talked about Li Guofu's situation.

"Is that so... It seems that he hasn't had a good time this month..."

Zhou Chen nodded slightly, and then said to Lucy:

"Now you drive the pickup into the warehouse and then drive the off-road vehicle out. I'll call the old man, and then the three of us will find him together."

Zhou Chen decided to go to Li Guofu now. Although he and Li Guofu didn't have much friendship, after all, it was a fellow villager, and the fellow was looking for him. Maybe something happened.

As for bringing the old man, it is to raise soldiers for a thousand days. This old guy has grown fat in this camp this month, and his hair has turned a lot black. It's time for him to do something.

A minute later, Zhou Chen took the old man whose hair had gone from gray to almost black, got on the off-road vehicle that Lucy was driving, and headed west.

After the off-road vehicle moved forward for about three minutes, they found another off-road vehicle parked in the wilderness ahead. Next to the vehicle stood a straight young man in a black long coat. It was Li Guofu!

"This kid is guessing that I will come to him and just waited halfway?"

Zhou Chen suddenly guessed.

Lucy drove the off-road vehicle and quickly stopped not far in front of Li Guofu. Zhou Chen got out of the car and smiled at him:

"Old Li, don't come here unharmed?"


Li Guofu also responded with a smile, with obvious bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and he didn't seem to be in good condition.

"Let's go over there and talk."

He then turned his head to look to the side, and walked over.

Zhou Chen knew that he didn't want to be disturbed by the two Lucy next to him, and wanted to create a private conversation environment, so he followed.

While walking there, Li Guofu turned his head and said to Zhou Chen,

"I heard that robot girl said that you didn't have any distortion at all. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it... You really become a mutant?"

He glanced at Zhou Chen beside him with bloodshot eyes, his tone a little puzzled.

"Forget it... I have good luck."

Zhou Chen answered lightly.

"That's good."

Li Guofu nodded slightly.

"If you become like me, we will have a high probability of surviving this time."

While talking, Li Guofu stretched out his left hand from his sleeve and showed it to Zhou Chen.

I saw that his left hand had turned into a blood-red claw, looking very hideous, completely devoid of the appearance of a human hand, and it was no different from the flesh and blood humanoid monsters that Zhou Chen had killed.

"As you can see, I was distorted under the influence of the pollution. If it weren't for my strong physique, I had also used some potions and props to suppress it. Now standing in front of you is a complete monster."

At this moment, the two of them had already walked far away from Lucy and the others. Li Guofu turned to look at Zhou Chen, with a calm tone, as if he didn't care about becoming this way.

"But this time the survival is still close to eleven months to end. I feel that I will not be able to survive that time, so I want you to help me a little bit."

Li Guofu looked at Zhou Chen and continued.

"What's busy?"

Zhou Chen looked at him and asked.

"I want you to hand in this thing and this letter for me."

Li Guofu stretched out his intact right hand, a black-gray cylindrical object the size of a bucket and a letter appeared on his right hand.

When Zhou Chen looked at the black-gray cylinder, he found that the system marked it:

【High-energy electric propulsion engine

This is an intact electric propulsion engine. Regardless of its small size, its power is enough to drive a large 100-ton aircraft to cruise at supersonic speeds, and it is well maintained and used for ten years. 】

"This thing is high-tech, it's still in good condition."

Zhou Chen's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he understood that the value of this thing was not low.