Driving the off-road vehicle and using the navigation function of the communicator, Zhou Chen quickly approached Li Guofu's location.

But even so, it took him most of the day to find him in a ruined city.

The place where the two met was in a dry abandoned sewer.

Li Guofu was sitting in a pipe with his back against his back, and his state didn't look very good.

I saw a simple bandage on his body, the deformed part of his left arm extended to his chest, and the bloodshot in his eyes was even more serious than before.

"Can you still walk?"

Seeing Li Guofu, Zhou Chen asked him with concern.

"Ok... where's the car?"

Li Guofu showed a slightly reluctant smile to Zhou Chen, and stood up slowly.

"Just stop there."

Zhou Chen pointed to an exit behind the pipe.

"Then let's hurry over there."

He then stepped towards the exit of the pipe.

"What about the chasing soldiers? Why do I feel like there is no one around here."

While supporting Li Guofu to walk there, Zhou Chen asked him, he came here and was ready to fight, but he didn't find a single enemy figure.

"They were temporarily thrown away by me."

Li Guofu replied immediately,

"But some of them are good trackers, and it is estimated that they will catch up soon. You can help intercept them when that time comes."


Zhou Chen has nothing to say about this, he came here to do this.

Soon, the two walked out of the sewer and returned to the ground. Zhou Chen drove back, and Li Guofu sat in the co-pilot position.

"How many people are there in total?"

Although he hasn't seen the shadow of the enemy yet, Zhou Chen still wants to understand the situation.

"I don't know exactly how many... I have killed more than a dozen trackers along the way, but they have always had reinforcements... There are at least ten people currently chasing, and there must be a good tracker among them. I used He has found a lot of hidden methods again and again, and there is a mutant with an abnormal mind that you need to pay attention to, he doesn't seem to be killed, try not to entangle with him."

Li Guofu in the co-pilot closed his eyes slightly and seemed to be recuperating.

bang~ bang~

Just when Li Guofu had just finished speaking, Zhou Chen felt that the off-road vehicle he was driving was seriously skewed and started to skid, as if he had lost control.

"The tire was blown out."

Zhou Chen immediately judged.

"Well, they caught up again. They wanted to capture me alive, so they did this."

Li Guofu opened his eyes immediately.

"I seem to sense their location."

At this time, Zhou Chen discovered a few strangers in several positions more than 200 meters away through the blood-thirsty passive skill, and judged that they were chasing soldiers.

"I'll deal with them, you drive back quickly."

He then said to Li Guofu.

"Excuse me, you must be more careful."

Li Guofu was not too polite at this time. He is not in a good condition and needs to rush to treatment, so there must be someone to cut off his troubles for him.

"Don't worry, this enemy is not enough for me to move my muscles and bones."

Zhou Chen said and stopped the car, then quickly opened the door and rushed out.

Li Guofu, who was in the car, quickly moved to the driving seat and started driving the off-road vehicle with a flat tire.

Walking through this abandoned city at high speed, Zhou Chen rushed to a target more than 200 meters away based on the feedback from his thirst for blood.

It should be an ordinary human. He is moving fast in a building now, and the bullet that blew the tire just now came from his direction.

After only sprinting in that direction for about fifty meters, Zhou Chen slammed a punch, turning the invisible Eight Desolate True Power into a cannonball-like punch and bombarded that place.

Then in an instant, the building two hundred meters away exploded in his sight, as if a bomb had been detonated, leaving only a large amount of smoke and bricks falling to the ground.

"Killed one."

Confirming the loss of the target's vital signs in the perception of thirst for blood, Zhou Chen knew that the person had been smashed by his fist 100 meters away, together with the building.

He then ran to the next target, which also seemed to be a human being, but as soon as Zhou Chen changed his direction, he suddenly swung up the Eight Wilderness True Power Guard, forcibly causing a bullet that was shot at him to deviate from the direction, hit the ground on the side.

He turned his head and looked at the bullet that bounced on the ground, and found that its shape was different from what he had seen before with Lucy during the drill. It should be a special bullet.

"Dare to hit me? It seems that I have to kill you first."

Zhou Chen originally thought that the second solution was not the person who shot him, but now that this person has shot at him, he has to pay the price.

He reversed direction again, running towards the attacker, closing in on the past.

During this short period of time, he discovered through the perception of blood thirst that this person was starting to retreat, and he seemed to know that he had caused Zhou Chen's killing intent.

"Can you run?"

In this regard, Zhou Chen only sneered in his heart. This person judged by perceiving him that he was just an ordinary person, how could he escape from his palm.

So just one second later, Zhou Chen punched forward again. The invisible Eight Desolate True Power penetrated more than 100 meters of air and penetrated two concrete walls, causing the person who wanted to escape to be directly bombarded and cracked. For the powder.

"It feels a little boring to play like this..."

After killing another enemy, Zhou Chen had no joy in his heart, because he found that the enemy was too weak, and he punched the opponent from a distance and the building was broken together, making him lack the real sense of killing, just like in Play a fake game.

However, this idea just flashed by, Zhou Chen continued to hunt other enemies efficiently, sending them back to the west quickly according to his own routine.

He also received some counterattacks in the process, mostly bullets being fired at him and two bazookas being fired at him.

But it's useless, not to mention whether these things can hurt Zhou Chen's current strong body, they can't pass the barrier of the Eight Desolate True Powers that protect the body.

Zhou Chen even ignored a rocket that hit the ground a few meters away from him, relying on the Bahuang Zhenli body to resist the explosion, and punched its launcher from a distance, causing him to be killed by Bahuang Zhenli on the spot. exploded into shards.

Then Zhou Chen walked out of the thick explosion smoke and demonstrated the law of no harm with smoke.

"The game is over, it's time to contact Li Guofu."

In the end, Zhou Chen judged that all the enemies he sensed at first had been killed by him, so he stretched out his hand and prepared to take out the communicator in his trouser pocket.

However, he quickly took his hand back.

"There's another enemy? He doesn't seem to be an ordinary person according to the thirst for blood..."

At this time, Zhou Chen discovered that a special target was running towards him at high speed.

"It should be the mutant tracker on the side of Nit Technology, it is worth fighting."

Since the comer is so brave and fearless, Zhou Chen naturally has nothing to shy away from, and walks towards him.