Seeing this situation, Li Guofu, who had just jumped into the helicopter, was a little stunned, but he didn't say much. He immediately took over the driving and drove the helicopter to Zhou Chen's camp.

"As expected from the authority, he can even drive this kind of thing."

Zhou Chen looked slightly envious. He knew nothing about helicopters, but he was not as versatile as Li Guofu.

Then, he looked at the girl beside him,

"Is there something to locate on this helicopter? Do you know where it is?"

"There should be... but I don't know where..."

The girl answered Zhou Chen's question immediately.

"You do not know?"

Zhou Chen glared at her when he heard this.

"Uuuu...I really don't know..."

Seeing Zhou Chen like this, the girl thought that Zhou Chen was going to throw her down just like the driver just now, and immediately burst into tears.

"Ah Xing, don't make any more murders, I'll handle the locator."

Li Guofu, who was driving the helicopter, turned his head and said to Zhou Chen, and then saw that he had turned on the cruise mode, left the driver's seat and checked around, and after a while, he pulled out a few electronic devices and threw them out.

"Okay, now they won't be able to find us for a while."

Li Guofu said to Zhou Chen.

"Well, hurry up and fly to the camp."

Zhou Chen can't control too much, he can delay the discovery time.

Two hours later, Li Guofu drove the helicopter to land near Zhou Chen's small camp, and then Zhou Chen quickly went out and brought the old man over.

"Where's Thompson's body?"

As soon as the old man came over, he put his head into the helicopter and looked around, but he didn't find what he wanted to see.

"At this."

At this time, Li Guofu pulled out a snakeskin bag from under the helicopter landing gear, opened it, and showed it to the old man.

Inside the snakeskin bag was a middle-aged man with a beard. His eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he looked dead.

"Bastard! Tell you to separate me and Ellie!"

When the old man saw the corpse in the snakeskin bag, his face was filled with anger.

He was not satisfied with just stepping on it, and he shouted and scolded loudly, feeling a little excited.

"It's alright, it's time for you to treat him."

Seeing this, Zhou Chen stopped the old man's venting behavior and held him back.

"Okay, get me a bed first."

After the old man stabilized his emotions, he immediately said to Zhou Chen.


Zhou Chen was a little puzzled after hearing this.

"After my treatment, he will consume a lot and need to rest in bed."

The old man explained.

"here has."

Zhou Chen just wanted to say don't be pretentious, Li Guofu pulled out a stretcher from under the helicopter landing gear and pointed to the old man.

Seeing this, the old man squatted down with a little doubt and looked under the helicopter landing gear. He felt that there was no such thing in it before.

But Zhou Chen didn't want him to waste time, so he lifted him up and lay down on the stretcher.

After the old man was forced to lie down, he knew it was time to work, and he quickly reached out and grabbed Li Guofu's distorted arm, and began to use his abilities.

I saw that the old man's hair, which had returned to almost completely black, quickly turned white. Originally, the skin of the ordinary old man became darker and more wrinkled, and he seemed to be twenty years older in a few seconds.

On the other hand, Li Guofu was the opposite. His distorted chest, shoulders, and arms had completely returned to their normal appearance, and the bloodshot eyes had completely disappeared.


After finishing the treatment, the old man lying on the stretcher opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything, he just coughed twice in a tired and old voice.

"How do you feel, old man? You won't just die like this, will you?"

Zhou Chen looked at the appearance of the old man on the stretcher, and felt that it was very wise for him to lie on a stretcher before. If he was standing, he might fall to the ground and die after the treatment.

After seeing the magic of this old man's ability, he didn't want him to die a little bit. This is a talent.

"I... still... can hold on..."

Hearing Zhou Chen's question, the old man rested for a few seconds before replying to him.

"Okay, then you have a good rest. I want that old woman to take care of you."

Zhou Chen and Li Guofu, who was already in good condition, lifted the stretcher and walked to the house in the camp.

"You, follow along."

He then glanced at the girl with glasses standing silently beside him and told her to follow.

The girl with glasses nodded immediately and followed them honestly.

"Xing, thank you this time, I'll give you two high-end items as a reward."

In the process of carrying the stretcher, Li Guofu turned his head and said to Zhou Chen.

"Okay, what are the options?"

Zhou Chen was not polite. He spent so much time helping Li Guofu and risked the discovery of the camp, so he deserved the reward.

"See for yourself."

Li Guofu immediately used the system panel to show Zhou Chen several items:

【Storage bag

Type: Bronze-level high-end item.

This bag has a volume of two cubes, and inanimate objects it encloses can bring out copies. 】

【Peach wood sword

Type: Bronze Advanced Weapon.

The physical damage of this sword is low, but it can deal high damage to spirits. 】

【Teleportation symbol

Type: Bronze-level high-level spell.

After using this spell, you will be transferred to the specified location within a kilometer. 】

【Reconnaissance Compass

Type: Bronze-level high-end item.

This compass can display dangerous targets within 300 meters around, and may be ineffective for targets that are particularly good at concealment. 】

【Magic Revolver


【Ecstasy perfume


Zhou Chen found that Li Guofu brought out a lot of good things this time, even the compass he used before.

"How is it? Is there anything you like?"

Li Guofu smiled at Zhou Chen at this time,

"I suggest you choose a containment bag, and then take the robot named Lucy back with you at the end of the quest."

"And then hand her over to you for research, right?"

Zhou Chen frowned when he heard this,

"Take it down, I won't do that. Don't think about it. Lucy is half your life saver."

He dismissed it.

"Okay... I'll find another robot."

Li Guofu immediately shook his head,

"For the development of Longguo Technology, we still need a lot of efforts."

However, at this time, the robot girl Lucy got out of nowhere. She seemed to hear Zhou Chen and the others talking, and immediately said to Zhou Chen excitedly:

"Captain! When are you going home? Lucy wants to go too!"


Zhou Chen suddenly felt speechless, he pointed to the girl with glasses who was following behind,

"Lucy, I'll talk about this later. You can help and look after her first."

Zhou Chen hadn't figured out how to deal with this girl, so he decided to treat her as a prisoner for the time being.

"I choose containment bag and teleportation charm."

He then said to Li Guofu.