"I see... it seems that I have to be careful even with this mask on."

Lucy's reaction greatly reduced Zhou Chen's excitement just now, letting him know that even wearing a mask is not foolproof. He then told Lucy to pay attention to the girl with glasses, then said goodbye to her and left the commoner hotel called the Parakeet.

After leaving the hotel and passing through an alley, Zhou Chen quickly came to a street.

This street looks a bit like a second-class city street on Blue Star, but there are fewer pedestrians and vehicles. The pedestrians who appeared in Zhou Chen's eyes were all in uniform and hurried, as if they were in a hurry to get to work.

"There are also many office workers in this world?"

Looking at the somewhat familiar scene in front of him, he guessed in his heart.

Walking along the street, not long after he passed a pillar like a street lamp, a loudspeaker was installed on the pillar, and when Zhou Chen approached it, it sent out a broadcast:

"Several mutant criminals escaped from the city's prison this morning, posing a major potential threat to the normal life of the residents. Anyone who provides relevant information will be rewarded with 1,000 points."

"Mutant criminals? Aren't mutants all treasures?"

Zhou Chen feels that this is a bit novel. As far as he has learned so far, mutants are of high value and there are only a small number of them. They are recruited everywhere.

Thoughts drifted by, Zhou Chen walked for a while, turned his head and entered a bar.

The reason why he came to the bar was that he felt that there were more people there, and he could learn some basic information by visiting here.

Entering the bar, he found that it was well decorated, with a clean and tidy bar, dazzling central lights, and many customers. At this time, a large number of people gathered around a small platform like a ring and shouted, which was quite lively.

"Hit him! John!"

"Come on! Robert!"

"John! I put 500 points on you! You win for me!"


Listening to these mixed voices, Zhou Chen approached the crowd and saw two men fighting each other in the small arena in this bar.

One of the men in his thirties was tall and thick, with black hair on his face and chest, and he played very aggressively.

The other one looks much more youthful, a young man with a relatively ordinary physique, but his movement is very flexible, he can always dodge the opponent's attack, and he can counterattack from time to time.

The two people in the ring are currently fighting fiercely. The rough-looking one is fierce but is always beaten. Although the ordinary-looking young people frequently dodge their opponent's attacks and fight back, they always make people feel like they are dancing on a tightrope. , as if he would be out of the game as long as he accidentally hits a punch.

"The little one is sure to win."

Zhou Chen just glanced at the two of them in the ring, and judged lightly.

His assertion immediately caught the attention of a middle-aged man standing next to him,

"Don't talk nonsense. John is an old boxer who has defeated many masters. This kid named Robert is just a little more flexible. After a while, he will lose his strength."

This middle-aged man seemed to have overwhelmed John, who had an obvious physical advantage, and retorted to Zhou Chen.

"Hehe, just wait and see if you don't believe me."

Zhou Chen didn't explain this, and answered with a light smile.

The reason why he judged this was that he judged that the young man was a mutant through the perception of blood thirst, and his physical fitness should have been strengthened a little. Continuing, he will only get closer and closer to victory.

"Wait, I don't believe John can lose to this kid."

The middle-aged man beside Zhou Chen who refuted him just now listened with disdain.

However, the fact quickly hit him in the face. A minute later, the John in the ring did not wait for the flexible Robert's physical strength to drop. Instead, he was accidentally punched in the nose by the opponent's sudden heavy punch. With one punch, he didn't carry it as hard as before, and he didn't have anything to do. After shaking his body twice, he fell to the ground and lost.

"God! My 300 points!"

As the rough man John fell to the ground, the middle-aged man beside Zhou Chen wailed and covered his head, and many other people nearby had similar reactions.

At this time, Zhou Chen was also slightly surprised. He was not surprised that Robert suddenly defeated John, but by observing this period of time, he discovered an interesting thing: he had met this Robert.

"This kid looked a little familiar at first glance, but I thought it was an illusion. It turned out to be him... That middle-2 young man I met more than a month ago, Teresa's suitor... I remember that his name seemed different at the time. My name is Robert..."

Zhou Chen found out that the young man in the ring who defeated John in a hurry was the same middle-2 young man who claimed to rule the world he met with Teresa on a mission more than a month ago.

He remembered that his ability was quite good. It was related to thunder and lightning. He hadn't seen him for a month. He didn't expect to go to the ring with ordinary people. Of course, it could also be that he was experiencing life.

At this time, as the winner and loser in the arena became clear, the crowd dispersed a lot. People who looked like doctors went up to check on the fallen John, and some people flocked to the winner Robert to give him a hug.

However, Robert ignored the crowd, pushed away the crowd, swiped his card at the counter, and left the bar.

Seeing this, Zhou Chen opened a little distance and followed behind this person. The reason why he followed him was because he was a little curious about him. Why did this mutant with good strength come to fight to make money? Did he give up the rule of the world? dream? Or for those mutants who escaped prison?

Since Zhou Chen just heard the relevant news on the radio, it is difficult for him not to have this association.

Mutants are one of the sources of passive skills for Zhou Chen. Although he won't hunt down every mutant, it's always natural to pay more attention. After all, he doesn't have much to do at the moment. .

So, in the next time, Zhou Chen followed the young man at a long distance by relying on his blood-thirsty passive skills, and found that he first went to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, then went to the food store to buy some food, and then It took a long time to go to the remote location of the city.

"Did he find me?"

Zhou Chen, who followed him, suddenly felt that he might have been discovered, so he deliberately took him to a remote area, but Zhou Chen didn't care about it.

Sure enough, after Zhou Chen followed the young man into an uninhabited street at a distance, he suddenly found that the target in the bloodthirsty perception had disappeared, and then he turned around and punched him behind him, accompanied by an explosion of electric sparks. , a figure with electric light all over his body suddenly flickered and retreated.

"Are you a mutant sent by Nit Technology?"

The man was forced back by Zhou Chen's punch, looked at Zhou Chen with a serious look, and questioned him.


Zhou Chen looked at him and answered lightly,

"I just happened to pass by and got a little interested in what you were doing."


The young man of electric light laughed lightly, his figure flashed, he reached behind Zhou Chen, and slashed a shining electric light on Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen reacted immediately and used the power of the Eight Desolations to shake the surroundings, but unfortunately his speed was not faster than lightning, so he ate the attack firmly, and then forced the man to turn into lightning like an instant. Move away.

Seeing the distance between him and himself, Zhou Chen wanted to release the power of the Eight Wildernesses to try to kill him, but at this time the young man called out to stop the fight.

"My lightning has no effect on you... Nit Technology doesn't have mutants like you. Are you really not sent by them?"

He cautiously stared at Zhou Chen from a distance and said.

Zhou Chen originally didn't want to pay attention to him and was going to continue attacking him, but considering that his full-strength attack was too quiet, and this person was as fast as lightning and very cautious, I was afraid that it would be difficult to achieve merit, so he stopped and replied to him:

"I said it just now, I was just passing by."

Zhou Chen's impression of this young man has changed a bit now. At first, he felt that he was very second-class, and he said that kind of big words to Teresa. Now he is cautious and decisive when watching him fight, and he has matured a lot. .

"Okay, stranger, it was just a misunderstanding. I'm willing to pay 100 points to compensate for the burnt-out clothes just now."

He looked at Zhou Chen and said with a smile, although he used lightning just now, it didn't affect Zhou Chen, but it scorched a small piece of his clothes.

"At the same time, I have a big plan related to our mutants. I don't know if you are interested."

He continued.

"He doesn't want to talk about the dream of ruling the world again..."

Zhou Chen sneered when he heard this.

However, the young man saw that Zhou Chen was silent, thinking that he was waiting for him to explain, and then began to talk about his big plan:

"Friend, I think you should know that this city has oppressed us mutants a lot. If the mutants who come here are not willing to surrender to the master here, Nite Technology, they will be arrested and put in prison for them to do various things. Cruel experiment, so as a mutant, I came up with a plan to counter Nite technology, avenge our suffering compatriots, and even transform this place into a paradise for mutants!"

The young man told Zhou Chen about his plan, and his expression gradually became warmer, which made him see the shadow of the second-year middle-aged young man a month ago.

"You want to fight back against Nit Technology? Can you tell me how to fight back?"

At this time, Zhou Chen also became a little interested in the young man's plan, because he said that they were going to deal with Nite Technology, which coincided with his current plan.

"My friend, our counterattack is very simple. It is the most common way of paying blood debts and blood, using the power of our mutants to teach those arrogant ordinary people a lesson!"

The youth said something vague, obviously still cautious.

"Sounds like you're trying to hard nit tech? That's not great."

Zhou Chen shook his head when he heard it, saying that such a plan would be difficult to succeed. There are so many Nittech people, and there are relatively well-organized combat troops.

"Of course we won't force it, we mutants are not all reckless."

The young man smiled faintly at this,

"We have a clear and feasible plan. Only when you join can we share the details with you. Now we still lack some manpower. If you join us and successfully complete the plan, everyone will have a good life in the future, and you will no longer have to hide from Nepal. Tech-savvy people."

"Okay, I'll join in."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen replied directly.

"Friend, although you are a mutant, we can't trust you unless you show your position with your actions first."

The young man was speechless about Zhou Chen's simple desire to join.

"What do you want me to do? Kill a nit tech guy?"

Zhou Chen immediately asked back.

"Yes, as long as you bring the head of a nit technology executive, we will disclose the entire plan to you."

The young man replied to Zhou Chen.

"Haha, you asked me to kill this kind of character. Am I crazy? Forget it, I don't want to listen to your plan."

Zhou Chen naturally couldn't accept such a request. He wouldn't kill someone in order to understand an unknown plan. Such behavior would easily expose him and make him lose the opportunity to kill higher-level people.

After Zhou Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left. His interest in this person was exhausted. Since it was difficult for him to kill him at present, he didn't bother to spend any more time.

"Wait a minute, friend."

However, when the young man saw Zhou Chen like this, he opened his mouth to keep it.

"Friend, your strength is not bad. I can decide to exempt you from the test. If you are interested in our plan, please pay attention to the tree in the middle of the Redwood Park. We will leave an action code there in the near future."


Zhou Chen left without looking back.

After that, Zhou Chen wandered around the city for a while, and then returned to the Parakeet Hotel. Soon after, he met Li Guofu who had returned.

Seeing Zhou Chen, Li Guofu shared his findings with him in a hidden corner:

"The top leader of Nittech in this city is a man named Robertson. He rarely appears in public and usually lives in the mayor's building, which is guarded at every level. It is very difficult for us to approach him, let alone kill him. Very likely, I suggest changing the target."

"Change the target? I feel disgusted not to kill a boss."

Zhou Chen was a little unhappy with this approach.

"Ah Xing, don't forget that we are trying to survive. Even if you are strong and not afraid of missiles, you may encounter some difficult enemies and be in danger. We can't be too arrogant."

Li Guofu began to persuade Zhou Chen.

"If you say so, then just don't fight back against Nit Technology. It's safer to assume that nothing happens."

Zhou Chen knew that Li Guofu's statement was reasonable, but he couldn't swallow it. His camp was bombed, and two members of the camp were killed, so he had to express himself.

"Of course we have to fight back, otherwise I will be ashamed of the old man who saved me."

After listening to Zhou Chen's words, Li Guofu immediately said that he was not cowardly, but just wanted to be more cautious.

"By the way, today I met a mutant who said that they organized people to fight against Nite Technology, and invited me to join. See if we can cooperate with them."

Zhou Chen shared this information with Li Guofu at this time.