Chapter 213: Check in to the village to discuss

Zhou Chen led the crowd to gradually approach the mountain village ahead.

The mountain village looked deserted, and the houses were somewhat dilapidated. It seemed that no one had lived there for some days, and even the weeds on the roads had submerged people's ankles.

When Zhou Chen and others walked ten meters away from the entrance of the mountain village, a line of blood appeared on the outermost wall of the village entrance:

"Each person chooses a house in this village to live in, and can return to the apartment after three days."

"This time there is a hint."

Zhou Chen was a little surprised to see the **** reminder on the wall, because he had never seen such a thoughtful reminder when he went back to the strange building.

After thinking about it, he turned to look at the yellow-haired woman beside him,

"Can you see the blood on the wall? Your mission is the same as ours?"

Because this person was not a resident of the apartment, Zhou Chen was still a little curious about the **** words she saw.

"I can't see your blood."

However, the yellow-haired woman smiled and shook her head after listening to his question.

"But just now the train has informed me of my mission. My mission is to find ten strange monsters in the strange village."

The yellow-haired woman seemed to be at ease with Zhou Chen and replied to him.

"Find ten monsters?"

Zhou Chen was a little surprised when he heard it, he touched his nose,

"There are so many tricks in this tricky village? It seems that we need to be more cautious."

Although Zhou Chen is not afraid of one-on-one monsters, but if there are too many monsters, he still has to make a move, and it is easy to overturn.

"Do you know what their mission is for those people in the Hell Theater?"

He then asked the yellow-haired woman again.

"How would I know that."

The yellow-haired woman smiled.

"But from what I understand, they definitely have some repertoire to finish."

"Aren't they going to play tricks?"

At this time, He Jin, a young man with glasses on the side, pushed his glasses and suddenly interjected.

"It's very possible!"

The petite girl next to him also immediately echoed,

"They all look the same as monsters, maybe they are among the monsters."

"Maybe...but I don't think it's that simple."

Zhou Chen nodded slightly after hearing this,

"Their strength is too far from the real monsters. If they are monsters, then this mission will not be challenging."

Zhou Chen, who has fought against monsters and has also specially sensed and tested those people, knows the gap between them and the real monsters. It is really a sky and an underground. If they are monsters, then this mission will be very boring. .

While chatting, the few people walked into the entrance of the mountain village in front of them, followed the mountain village trail into the interior, and began to choose their own room.

"I live in this house."

First of all, Zhou Chen found a house that looked relatively normal, opened the door, and found that the furniture and everything were relatively complete except that it was a little gray, so he decided to move in.

"Brother Zhou, your house is so big, why don't we all live together."

The petite girl and others followed Zhou Chen into the house to have a look, and after a while, she suggested.

"No, the mission requires everyone to live in a room, and they can't be together all the time. Otherwise, this mission won't be completed, and they won't be able to return to the apartment after three days."

He Jin, a young man with glasses, reminded calmly at this time, interrupting the idea of ​​some people who wanted to rely on their thighs all the way.

"Hey, okay, then I live next door to Brother Zhou."

The petite girl also knew this was the reason, she immediately retreated and chose to live near Zhou Chen.

"Whatever you want, anyway, you remember that if you encounter a strange thing, you can lead it over."

Zhou Chen doesn't care about this, the reason why he came to do the quest is to get a reward for killing the monsters. As for the quest or not, it depends on his mood. Anyway, as a survivor, he will definitely be able to leave this world in a few days.

"Then I live on the opposite side, so it's easy to identify the monsters."

At this time, the yellow-haired woman pointed to the house opposite Zhou Chen, saying that she wanted to occupy it.

"I'll live on the other side of Brother Zhou."

Seeing this, He Jin, a young man with glasses, did his part, and then occupied another house next door to Zhou Chen.

"Well, there are no monsters in my house, let's go elsewhere."

Zhou Chen didn't pay much attention to their arrangements, and was just concentrating on searching for monsters.

But to some surprises, the house he had chosen was not at all strange after inspection, and he did not find anything unusual in the three rooms next door and opposite.

"Great, it seems that this task is not difficult."

For such a result, the petite girl is the happiest. She is the first time to perform the task. The lower the difficulty of the task, the more satisfied she is.

"No, it can't be so simple, you must not be careless."

However, the spectacled youth who spent five missions ruthlessly poured a basin of cold water on her head,

"From the missions I have spent and the experience I have gained from some old residents, there has never been a particularly simple mission. Every mission must have monsters that will threaten our lives. We can only catch them if we are careful. Live on the edge of life."

He opened his mouth to remind.

"Well, Brother Jin, what do you think I should do?"

For He Jin, the petite girl also admires him. Although he is not as strong as Zhou Chen, he has successfully survived five scarlet missions. Although there must be some luck in the process, his personal wisdom and efforts should not be underestimated. .

"Just according to the task arrangement, we can get together most of the time during the day, but at night we have to go back to the house and stay separately, just like living here. We must make good psychological expectations when encountering abnormal situations, and don't be too serious when encountering things. If you are too flustered, you must analyze it carefully and find a way to survive. If you really can’t think of it, you should try your best to escape or avoid it.”

He Jin talked to the petite girl, mainly to emphasize a word of counsel, not to give the monster any chance to attack him.

"Don't run around, if you encounter a monster, just lead me to it, or call me out."

Zhou Chen made some changes to He Jin's suggestion. With him around, He Jin's strategy was a little too conservative.

During the conversation between the few people, many people have come to choose a place on the main road of this mountain village. It is the apartment residents in the back. These people basically chose their houses near Zhou Chen and the others. No one Choose too far from them.

After a while, the five weirdos from the Hell Theater also came over. They also chose a house to live in, but they were some distance away from the others, on the other side of the mountain village.

At this time, Uncle Wang and other old residents are getting together to discuss countermeasures:

"Everyone remember the area we live in. Don't run around in the past few days. Just move around here. At the same time, be careful where the five people live. I think they have a problem. Everyone try not to go there."

Uncle Wang is considered to be more experienced and authoritative among these people. The content of what he tells is not much different from that of He Jin. The main emphasis is on the word "steadiness", to hold Zhou Chen and their thighs tightly.

"Hey, spending three days in such a shabby little village? How boring."

A young man with an inch head sighed at this time, and did not seem to take the danger of weirdness to heart.

"Boring? You won't be bored when the monster finds you."

Uncle Wang was a little disliked by this man and felt that his attitude was not correct.

"Hehe, just look for me, who's afraid of who? It's better to bring me a beautiful lady and trickster."

When the young man with inch head said here, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, causing Uncle Wang to shake his head, and the others couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, at the other end of the mountain village, the five people from the Hell Theater were all discussing calmly.

"The script sent by the theater this time is still the same as usual, asking us to play the monster."

The young man with an ordinary face and a black claw on his left hand said.

"Hehe, let's follow the usual strategy. There aren't many people in the **** apartment there. As long as we torture them to death one by one, the score of this weird acting will not be low."

The blood-eyed middle-aged man with a sullen face and half of his face swollen lightly laughed at this moment.

"Blood eyes, don't do this, it's disgusting that you pretend to be stupid."

The short man wearing a wriggling blood-colored mask did not show any respect to this sullen middle-aged man.

"If you want to provoke that person, go alone, we won't help you."

He continued,

"And the real difficulty for us to play monsters is to deceive the real monsters, don't you know? This is the key to our survival."

"Yeah, it's easy to deceive people, but difficult to deceive people."

The black-clawed man with an ordinary face nodded,

"Let's make preparations early. It's useless to gather like this."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and left the house, and the pale old woman who had not spoken and the woman covered in long black hair also got up and left, leaving only the blood-eyed man and the masked man here.

"How is it? Will our cooperation continue?"

After the three of them left, the short masked man asked the blood-eyed man beside him in his vague voice.

"Cooperation, of course cooperation."

The blood-eyed man immediately answered him with a smile,

"It's still the old plan, I'll identify the true body of the monster, and you are responsible for leading the monster away."

His blood-red eyes showed a bit of grimness.

"I want to let all the people in the **** apartment die, and let that life be worse than death."


The short masked man looked at the blood-eyed man with a smile in his eyes.

"Then you remember to give me a bottle of blood after it's done. If it's fake, you know the consequences."

The mask man is much shorter than the blood-eyed man, but his attitude has always been quite arrogant, and he obviously does not take the blood-eyed man in his eyes.

"Don't worry, it's just a bottle of blood, I can afford it."

The blood-eyed man didn't seem to care about the mask man's attitude, and smiled at him slightly bowed his head.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

After receiving a response from the blood-eyed man, the masked man quickly left the room.

The first day in this strange village was passed so peacefully. Everyone had their own thoughts, and each had their own plans. Amidst the surging undercurrents, everyone quickly spent the first night in the strange village. , ushered in the first morning.

In the early morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the soft sunlight shone down, making the whole desolate mountain village even more warm after the outsiders moved in.

The petite girl got up early, opened the door, and looked at the bright village outside with big bloodshot eyes.

"It's finally daytime. Last night I was so scared that I didn't sleep all night."

She did not fall asleep all night last night. Apart from the objective reason that the bed conditions were relatively poor, it was also because she was very nervous during the first **** mission, and she was always suspicious and had difficulty falling asleep.

"Let's chat with Brother Zhou and Brother Jin first, and come back to sleep later."

After thinking about it, she walked out of the door and came outside.

Then she discovered that there was something unusual outside the village: at this time when the sun was shining, there was not a single active resident in the entire village, and all the other doors were closed, as if everyone was still sleeping.

"This... Am I the first to get up?"

The petite girl suddenly felt a little chill in her heart, but she wasn't entirely sure if this was abnormal, so she gathered up her courage and walked to the door of Zhou Chen's room next door.

"Call Brother Zhou first. With Brother Zhou here, you will feel safe even if the monsters come."

Feeling a little scared in her heart, she only wants to see Zhou Chen now.

It's just that she just walked to the door of Zhou Chen's house, and before she raised her hand, she suddenly heard some unusual sounds in the distance.

She suddenly felt agitated, turned her head to look at the source of the sound.

At this point, the problem is a bit big:

I saw her at the end of the main road in this mountain village, and saw a woman covered with long black hair slowly approaching her. Her approaching speed was very stable, without the ups and downs of ordinary people walking, as if she was on the ground. float.

"Stupid! Stupidity is coming!"

The petite girl immediately reacted that this was a trick. Although the appearance of the other party was very similar to one of the five people she had seen before, the feeling of floating and moving was something she had never seen yesterday, and it was impossible for ordinary people. Do it, so the other party must be tricky!

"Brother Zhou! Come out quickly! Something is coming!"

Judging that the monster was coming, the petite girl hurriedly knocked on Zhou Chen's door, making a heavy noise.

But after knocking several times in a row, there was no movement in Zhou Chen's room, but the strange woman shrouded in black long hair kept approaching here, making the petite girl feel like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

"Why didn't Brother Zhou respond? No, I have to hide quickly."

Unable to get Zhou Chen's response in her desperation, the petite girl hurriedly hid in her room and closed the door firmly.

It's not that she never thought of escaping outside the strange village, but He Jin, a young man with glasses, reminded her before that she must not leave the village unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise violating the rules will lead to great danger.

After hiding in the door, the petite girl leaned back against the door that had been bolted, feeling her heart was still thumping.

She immediately began to scan the back door of the house, confirming that the back door was also tightly closed, and then turned to look out from the gap in the door.

This kind of behavior makes her feel very awkward, because she is not a courageous person, but now she is actively observing dangerous places.

But sometimes people are like this, they can't control themselves at all, as if there is an uncontrollable urge to die in their hearts.

Putting her head close to the gap in the door, the petite girl quickly saw that in front of her door, at some point, a figure of a young man was standing, it was Zhou Chen, he was quietly looking in the direction of the door, with a smile on his face. A weird smile.