When He Jin followed Zhou Chen's instructions to promote, Zhou Chen took out a simple-looking mirror and began to ponder.

This is a deceitful mirror, and its function is mainly for investigation.

Using the ability of the trick mirror, Zhou Chen found that a scene in the house appeared in the mirror. With his thoughts, the scene kept moving and changing, switching from one place to another.

"This is really a peeping artifact... It's just that the mirror area is a little smaller..."

After a few seconds, Zhou Chen knew the advantages and disadvantages of this thing.

The advantage is that you can detect the information at the specified location without knowing it, but the disadvantage is that you need to specify the location, otherwise finding the target is like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is very time-consuming.

After a few more seconds, Zhou Chen found that a blood-eyed man appeared on the mirror. It was the man he had celebrated before. At this time, he was hiding in a cabinet, and outside the cabinet was a dark evil spirit slowly slowly moving. move around.

The evil spirit didn't seem to find the blood-eyed man, and was about to leave the room.

"It's weird, let's start working."

Using the strange mirror to discover, Zhou Chen put it into the backpack space, and immediately walked towards the direction where the strange monster appeared.

In a few seconds, he rushed into the house, flattened the pitch-black monster in pain, and quickly eliminated it.

[You killed the black monster and got the reward: the monster car. 】

【Strange car

Type: Silver-level entry-level item.

This bizarre sedan can drive through physical obstacles and has a maximum speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour.

It is not easily damaged and self-healing.

Driving it requires draining the driver's blood. 】

"This reward is a bit repetitive with the motorcycle..."

After reading the introduction of this reward, Zhou Chen frowned, this was another reward that was not very satisfactory to him.

But he didn't care about this thing, but walked to the cabinet and opened it, revealing a blood-eyed youth with a shocked expression.

The blood-eyed youth was shocked because just now he saw how Zhou Chen beat the monster through the crack of the cabinet door, which made him understand that Zhou Chen's strength was outrageous.

When this man looked at Zhou Chen with a dull expression, Zhou Chen stretched out his right finger and stroked his arm, and brought out a little blood to a black book that suddenly appeared on his left palm.

"I'll do a test, you cooperate."

The blood-eyed youth who was scratched by Zhou Chen's finger suddenly woke up from shock, and just as he was about to have a seizure, he heard Zhou Chen say to him gently.

But before he could react, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and he squatted down in the cabinet.

Seeing this blood-eyed man in such a state, Zhou Chen, who was holding the trick book, felt a little speechless,

"Is there such a pain? I deliberately picked a mild pain, and that's it for you."

Zhou Chen used the trick book to inflict a little pain on the blood-eyed man just now through the blood medium, and he himself was attacked by the trick book and suffered half the pain.

However, according to the reaction of the blood-eyed man in front of him, Zhou Chen felt that the pain he suffered might be far less than half, because the blood-eyed man was obviously in severe pain, and he just had some inconspicuous pain.

"This person isn't acting, is he?"

He slandered in his heart, and then used the trick book to launch another painful torture on this person, this time the pain level was intermediate.

As soon as this painful curse was issued, Zhou Chen suddenly felt that there were a lot of needles piercing his body, and it was indeed a little uncomfortable.

The blood-eyed man in the cabinet in front of him had already entered a coma with rolling eyes and foaming.

"It seems that there is something wrong with this trick book. Judging from his performance, the pain I suffered was obviously less than half."

Nodding slightly, Zhou Chen, who had finished the test, put the trick book into the backpack space, took out the trick mirror again and started looking for the trickster, ignoring the blood-eyed man in the cabinet who was already alive and dead.

After looking at the strange mirror for a while, Zhou Chen didn't find any new monsters, but suddenly looked up at the door of this room.

There, at some point, a pale phantom had appeared, exuding a chill.

"Is this the evil spirit attracted by the use of a trick mirror?"

Seeing this monster appear, Zhou Chen guessed in his heart, and then he called out the red-clothed female ghost Xiaohong from his ring through a spiritual connection.

"Xiaohong, let's destroy it together."

After that, it was a classic mixed doubles fight. In order to quickly eliminate this evil spirit that was immune to physics at first sight, Zhou Chen decided to go all out.

After a while.

[You killed the ghost and got the reward: the ghost face. 】

【Curious face

Type: Silver-level entry-level item.

After wearing this mask, you can change the appearance and breath of the whole body at will, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Do not use more than ten minutes at a time, or you will be cursed by the Bewitching Face. 】

"This is similar to the face-changing mask that Li Guofu gave me, but it's a whole body change."

Zhou Chen felt that this mask should be useful at some point, but it was a pity that he broke out a common thing again.

Next, he and the red-clothed female ghost, Xiaohong, continued to search for tricks and kill tricks, and swept away the changed tricky village.

After some busy work, he returned to his room to see He Jin, a young man with glasses, and others.

"Brother Zhou, can you have a few more places? Many residents are interested in remodeling."

There were seven or eight people beside He Jin at this time, far more than the three places Zhou Chen told him.

"It depends on whether you accept the partial deception or not. If you choose the partial deception, that's fine."

If someone wants to cooperate with their own test, Zhou Chen will naturally not refuse. He gave less places before, mainly because there is not enough time.

"That's fine, I don't want to become a monster."

When an apartment resident heard Zhou Chen say this, he immediately replied that they already knew the cost of part of the delusion through He Jin, and their resistance to it was more than the complete delusion of life reduction.

"I'm willing to be a part of it. I'm already old, and I really don't have much life to lose."

Some people were unwilling, but some were willing. The one who spoke was Uncle Wang, a middle-aged man whom Zhou Chen knew. He was indeed quite old, so it was more cost-effective to choose some of the tricks.

"Okay, you line up and come one by one, and do some tricks first."

Zhou Chen said, took out the coffin and put it on the ground, and began to arrange for them to be transformed.

This transformation did not end completely until the morning of the third day. At this time, there was a petite girl lying in the coffin. She, like He Jin, chose the intermediate level to completely deceive.

Uncle Wang and others have already completed part of the deception. Uncle Wang chose to get the devious eyes, while the others have other organs such as deceitful ears and hands.

"The quirkiness of my coffin is not the same as that of the Hell Theater... The quirky organs of these people can't be found without looking carefully."

After completing some of the delusions, Zhou Chen did not see the strange features of the deceitful organs of these residents as expected. Instead, they were very similar to ordinary people. Only by careful observation can you see some subtle differences, such as being paler and less bloody.

According to the feedback of these people, the function of these deceitful organs is mainly to enhance their functions. For example, Uncle Wang, who has deceitful eyes, can now see some things that ordinary people can't distinguish. The residents with deceitful hands have greatly improved their arm strength. , the toughness has also improved a lot.

It is worth mentioning that a yellow-haired woman who does not belong to the apartment resident is also involved. She chose the primary complete deviance and obtained a kind of ability similar to freezing. If it wasn't for the lack of time, she originally intended to make peace with her. The brocade-like intermediate is completely devious.

It was not until this mission was about to end that the petite girl emerged from the coffin. She excitedly told Zhou Chen about her gains:

"Brother Zhou, I have acquired the ability of blood trickery, and I will definitely be the first to escape in the future."

As she spoke, she activated her ability, turned into a pool of blood, drilled out of the crack of the door and drilled back very quickly, and then returned to her original shape again.

"Your trick is really good, much better than the Tie Hanhan trick I got."

He Jin, who was on the side, couldn't help but feel a little envious. If he had a choice, he would definitely want this kind of ability to be bizarre.

"Not only escaping for your life, you should also have some mental attack abilities."

Zhou Chen immediately reminded after watching the petite girl show the tricky results.

Because his Evil Touch passive skill was obtained from a blood monster, although it was a silver-level existence, it must have a similar ability in its lower ranks.

In this way, the last time of this mission was spent in Zhou Chen's harvest test results. Through these tests, he knew some of the effects of the coffin and strengthened his understanding of it.

After most of the day, due to the completion of the task, everyone was instantly pulled back to the apartment lobby by the Scarlet Apartment.

Zhou Chen counted and found that there were about twenty residents left in the apartment, and the survival rate was more than half.

Such a result is obviously not normal. According to He Jin and others, the survival rate of the normal **** mission is even a quarter, but this time it is so high, it can only be said that Zhou Chen's existence is a bug.

The residents who could only avoid the monsters had their legs to rely on. As soon as those monsters appeared and they had not eaten a few people, they would be hunted down by Zhou Chen and eliminated, greatly reducing the difficulty of survival for other residents.

Zhou Chen didn't care much about this, he came here just to kill the monsters, not to save them.

At this time, he was very close to the day he left this world.

So he completed another mission with ease in the last two days, witnessed He Jin and the petite girl team up to clear the **** level, and then returned to the Blue Star World.

He left quietly, as suddenly as his arrival.

But what he didn't know was that the young glasses and petite girls who returned to the world after completing ten missions in scarlet, and who had grown into heavyweights after constantly fighting against the monsters that appeared in the world, still remembered him. I remember that there was once a mysterious young man named Zhou Chen who brought the seeds of hope to this tragic world.

[You have completed the survival mission and received rewards: 1 Spiritual Scroll (Silver Elementary), 1 Strange House (Silver Elementary), and 1 pair of Stupid Shoes (Silver Elementary). 】

As the feeling of being in a trance quickly dissipated, Zhou Chen found that he had returned to the villa in the Blue Star Dragon Country Yangcheng, sitting firmly on the sofa.

He first looked at the silver-level primary spiritual scroll, and found that this scroll directly added 1 spiritual attribute, so he directly used it to strengthen himself.

Then he looked at the two rewards settled:

【Strange House

Type: Silver-level entry-level item.

This magical house can not only shelter you from the wind and rain, provide you with a comfortable accommodation environment, but also change into various styles to meet your aesthetic needs, and even provide you with three healthy and delicious meals every day. The perfect choice for travel. 】

【Stupid shoes

Type: Silver-level entry-level item.

With these shoes, you will gain the following two skills:

Through Walls: Your whole body becomes a spiritual body, and you can pass through physical obstacles at will. Each use lasts up to one minute and can be used once every quarter of an hour.

Invisibility: Your whole body becomes completely transparent, and your aura and presence are greatly reduced, making it difficult for others to discover. Each use lasts up to ten minutes and can be used every hour. 】

"These two props have no negative effects?"

Looking at the descriptions of the trick house and trick shoes, Zhou Chen found that they had no negative effects, which made him feel that the names of these two props were a little inappropriate, and they seemed to be improving the product.

But in any case, these two things are still somewhat useful. The creepy house can be lived in while surviving, and the creepy shoes have good functionality.

"This silver-level copy and bronze-level copy is really incomparable. I feel that although the survival time this time is not long, the harvest is not small."

While thinking, Zhou Chen opened his personal panel to check:

[Name: Zhou Chen.

Title: Assassin.

Extraordinary Occupation: Martial Artist (Master Realm), Card Creator (Elementary).

Constitution: 5.8.

Agility: 5.8.

Spirit: 6.5.

Talents: Passive predator, pure Yang hegemony.

Active Skills: Popularity II, Holy Light I.

Passive Skills: Freeze IV, Corpse Poison IV, Copper Skin Iron Bone IV, Mirror IV, Constitution Enhancement IV, Spirit Enhancement IV, Agility Enhancement IV, Blue Silk IV, Evil Touch IV, Rock III, Shield III, Rage III, Feast Ⅲ, Perseverance Ⅲ, Light Energy Conversion Ⅲ, Man of Steel Ⅲ, Germ Resistance Ⅲ, Apocalypse Resistance Ⅲ, Dragon Skin Ⅱ, Fire Source Ⅱ, Dark Vision Ⅱ, Dynamic Vision Ⅱ, Thirst Blood Ⅱ, Anti-shock Ⅱ, Brutality One Strike II, Suppression II, Beastmaster II, Juli II, Danqing II, Low Light Vision I, Underwater Breathing I, Breathing I, Limb Regeneration I, Life Recovery I.

Summoned object: female ghost in red (Silver Elementary).

Overall Evaluation: Silver Intermediate. 】

"Isn't it? Why did you rise to the intermediate level again?"

After scanning his panel, Zhou Chen found that in addition to the addition of a summoned item column on the panel, his comprehensive evaluation had risen by another level, which made him feel an unreal feeling of sitting on a rocket.

"My silver-level beginner is gone in one mission? It's too fast..."

Touching his forehead, Zhou Chen felt that the problem was a bit big.

But no matter how he felt that something was wrong, the system would not respond, let alone change, so he could only accept the fact.

"It doesn't matter, I love you, let me eat something first... Do you want to go into the strange house to eat?"

Zhou Chen had not eaten for seven days in the previous survival, and now he felt a little hungry, but he thought that the strange house he had just acquired could provide food, so he prepared to practice.

"Xiaohong, you can stroll around this villa casually, so you are familiar with it."

He casually called out the red-clothed female ghost hidden in his ring, and Zhou Chen went downstairs to prepare to put the ghost house in the courtyard of the villa.