"It's not bad that this passive crit skill has been improved."

Hearing the system's broadcast sound, Zhou Chen's heart suddenly burst into joy.

It has been a long time since he obtained this brutal one-hit passive skill, but it has not been updated. This time, it has been directly upgraded from bronze intermediate to silver intermediate, the trigger probability has increased by 10%, and the damage has increased by 2 times, which can be described as a huge improvement.

Moreover, Zhou Chen also noticed that the brutal one-hit passive skill of the middle bronze level can only make physical damage crit, this time the description has changed, it has become that all types of damage can be crit, as long as it is close combat Just type.

"My strength is far better than before. This time, my critical strike ability has been greatly improved. I am afraid that it is not because of luck that I can instantly kill a weaker opponent of the same rank with a single blow."

When thinking about it in his heart, Zhou Chen had already eliminated most of the monsters, leaving only two strange types that looked like phantoms.

Zhou Chen didn't attack these two suspected evil spirits with all his strength, he just hit them twice, relying on forced passive skills to seriously injure them, and then recruited the red-clothed female ghost to destroy and devour them.

When the red-clothed female ghost was busy, Zhou Chen was already like a thunderbolt and returned to Vera who was waiting in the distance.

"Who is that woman?"

The battle just now, Vera had been watching from a distance, Zhou Chen's strength was very strong and crushed the monster. She expected it, but she was a little curious about the woman in red who appeared at the end.

"It's called Xiaohong, and it's my evil spirit summoned."

Zhou Chen replied immediately.

"Oh, I thought it was your companion."

Vera nodded, then asked,

"What are you going to do in this abyss?"

"To help a person, I don't know the specific situation."

Zhou Chen said that he rode his own hoverbike and greeted Vera,

"Come up."

Vera was very new to Zhou Chen's vehicle, she took a few glances, then imitated Zhou Chen and straddled it, sitting behind Zhou Chen.

"let's go."

Then Zhou Chen launched the hoverbike and went towards the direction of the red-clothed female ghost in the distance.

The female ghost in red has basically completed her own affairs at this time. As soon as Zhou Chen came over, it flew into Zhou Chen's space ring like a red light.

"Sit tight and speed up."

With all the staff ready, Zhou Chen activated the ion shield of the hoverbike to protect himself and Vera. Then he started driving the hoverbike upwards, accelerating with all his strength, pulling the speed to Mach ten within a second.

This kind of acceleration causes huge acceleration, which puts a huge burden on the body of the driver and passengers, or it can lead to the direct death of ordinary people, but Zhou Chen and Vera are not ordinary people, their physical strength is very high, the two are in The whole process was a relaxed look.

"How can your two-wheeled car fly so high? Is it so fast?"

At this time, Vera observed the abyss below through the translucent ion shield outside her body. She saw that the scene on the ground was moving backwards rapidly, and new landscapes were constantly appearing on the horizon ahead, which looked different.

"It's okay, it's worse than your teleportation stone."

Zhou Chen smiled, but he still remembered that this dragonborn girl had a teleportation stone, which was used to reach the holy mountain at the beginning.

"That's different."

Vera behind Zhou Chen immediately replied,

"The number of teleportation stones is limited and cannot be used in the abyss."

During the conversation between the two, they quickly crossed a long distance without encountering a large number of monsters in the middle.

This mountain is not very strange in the abyss. Zhou Chen encountered several mountains higher and larger than it on the way, but by sensing the strong fluctuations there, Zhou Chen knew that he had come to the wrong place.

"It should be here."

He lowered the hoverbike to the ground and parked it, jumped out of the car with Vera, and then put the hoverbike into the backpack space.

"There is the breath of the Demon Lord here!"

As soon as she stood on the ground, Vera's beautiful face became serious and she looked very vigilant.

"It's the best, I'm afraid there's nothing."

Zhou Chen didn't care about this, instead he pinched his knuckles excitedly, and began to fully perceive the surrounding situation and look for possible opponents.

After a few breaths.

"This place is too big, let's use this."

I saw that he took out the trick mirror from the backpack space and explored the surrounding area and the middle of the mountain.

In the mirror surface of the strange mirror, a large piece of red stone appeared. With Zhou Chen's mind, the mirror's angle of view kept moving. Finally, in a certain area inside the mountain, Zhou Chen found that the mirror was blurred, as if it had become a blur. Frosted glass, can't see anything.

"There is interference, the person I'm looking for should be there."

He knew it in his heart, knowing that such a situation indicated that the location that the trick mirror had just probed was abnormal, and that there was some means of anti-detection.

"But this mountain is integrated, and it seems that there is no way to enter."

Zhou Chen used the trick mirror to scan other locations and confirmed the situation.

"Then let it go."

If there is no way, he drives by himself.

I saw his figure suddenly lashed towards the huge red mountain, and slammed into a rock wall with a ruthless punch.

With this punch, he transformed the Eight Desolate True Strength into the dual attributes of gold and soil, which was used to obtain the greatest strength blessing and hardness.

With one punch, the mountain he bombarded seemed to have turned into water. With the position where he punched as the center, the rock was deeply recessed, and the recessed area then expanded around. In the blink of an eye, the entire mountain lost most of its mass and collapsed. , from a mountain into a sky of gravel.

"The way is here."

With all his strength, he smashed the red mountain with one blow. Zhou Chen quickly found an underground passage entrance on the ground. From inside, he could sense several powerful auras.

"Vera, I'll go take a look first."

In front of the enemy, Zhou Chen felt that the energy accumulated in the last month had a place to vent, so he turned into a thunder light and sprinted in instantly.

At this time, Vera was also ready for battle with her big sword in hand. She had just rested in the car for an hour and ate some food from Zhou Chen's space ring to replenish her energy. Now she is in good condition.

However, just after she stood guard at the entrance for a few seconds, she suddenly raised her sword and slashed, slashing a thin humanoid monster with blood-red scales back ten meters.

"What ability is this?"

The enemy in front of her made Vera feel a little weird, but she was not afraid, but gave a coquettish shout, and a stronger aura erupted from her whole body, faintly brimming with brilliance, and then she slashed out with a fierce sword. mango.

Zhou Chen, who was underground, was also fighting at this time. He found that the space inside was larger than he expected, and there were more monsters. Some of them were really not weak.

However, with Vera guarding outside, he believed that the problem was not a big deal.

I saw that his whole body was covered with golden light at this time, with a few strands of purple lightning flashing in the golden color, and he was fighting two high-level demons in human form at a very high speed.

These two opponents are very strong, maybe silver-level high-level, they can not only keep up with Zhou Chen's speed, but also know how to cooperate, constantly attacking him back and forth, leaving scars on Zhou Chen's body with their sharp claws.

Zhou Chen also continued to inflict injuries on them, knocking them out again and again, the nails on the surface of the body cracked, and a dark red unidentified liquid seeped out.

"These two opponents are really strong, they like to fight like this, come again!"

It would be tedious to kill too many enemies in seconds. Zhou Chen felt very relieved that these two opponents could temporarily hold him back.

However, the situation changed after a few seconds.

Because Zhou Chen's violent passive skills were stacked, and the brutal one-hit passive skills he had just upgraded were frequently triggered, causing extremely terrifying damage in an instant.

I saw that the humanoid demon who had been beaten to death by him and could fight again, after the punch of his crit, the entire body immediately exploded and turned into broken pieces.

The other demon that was attacking his back couldn't keep up with his doubled speed this time, and was swept away by him.

This blow, although Zhou Chen did not trigger a crit, but the attack power is also high when it is full of rage and the blessing of the Eight Wilderness True Power. Behind the wall can't go back as quickly as before.

The enemy is dead, Zhou Chen will not be soft, he instantly approached like an electric light, kicked its head, kicked its head savagely crooked, and then kicked its head in one direction He kicked again and forcibly separated from his neck.

[Triggered by passive predators: You have plundered the passive skills "Agility Enhancement Ⅴ, Bronze Iron Bone Ⅴ" of the Claw Demon General, and it is detected that it is better than the passive skills of the same name that you currently have, and will automatically cover and fuse. 】

After killing these two opponents, Zhou Chen opened the system and took a look, and found that his agility attribute finally broke through 8, and it was raised to 8.3, becoming his current highest attribute.

As for the update of the Copper Skin Iron Bone passive skill, it also made his body tougher, and at the same time, some of the shallow scars left in the battle just now remained intact under the violent recovery bonus.

"It seems that a powerful monster escaped just now, and I can't let it go."

Zhou Chen remembered that when he sprinted in just now, a monster with a strong breath escaped while he was massacred. He didn't find a second monster of this type, so he decided to pursue it.

Through the perception of blood thirst, he knew that this monster was fighting Vera outside and had been dragged by Vera.

Zhou Chen, who was full of rage, was extremely fast, and returned to the ground almost instantly. Then he saw Vera, whose body was glowing slightly, not far away. She was using the same glowing sword to slash out a large number of sword beams to suppress the enemy, making him tired. It's hard to escape.

Vera seems to be injured a bit. She is playing very cautiously at the moment, maintaining high speed and constantly blocking the enemy with sword light from all directions, and never close combat with it.

"Use a long-range attack!"

Perceiving Zhou Chen coming, Vera immediately reminded loudly.


Zhou Chen believed that there was a reason for Vera to fight like this, so instead of melee attacks, he used the Eight Wilderness True Power to hit the monster with a fist the size of a hill.

He first used the ice attribute. After a fierce attack, the monster froze to death, and then turned to the wind attribute. He kicked out and drew an arc in the air, and an invisible wind blade instantly penetrated. This monster's head made a blood line appear on its head, and half of its frozen head slid to the ground with inertia, making a sound.

[Passive predator trigger: You have plundered the passive skills "Feast V, Anti-Shock V" of the fear demon, and it is detected that it is better than the passive skills of the same name that you currently have, and will automatically cover and fuse. 】

[Passive predator trigger: You have plundered the passive skill "Stun Ⅴ, Damage Amplification Ⅴ" of the fear demon, do you want to fuse it? 】

【Vertigo Ⅴ

Type: Silver-level intermediate passive skill.

Your melee attacks have a 20% chance to inflict mental shock on the enemy, causing them to stun for 1.5 seconds.

The stun effect will last for a shorter period of time on targets with higher mental attributes, and may even be completely immune. 】

[Damage deepens Ⅴ

Type: Silver-level intermediate passive skill.

Targets hit by your melee combat gain a stack of Amplification, increasing all damage they take by 15% per stack, stacking up to 5 stacks. 】


After watching the system broadcast, Zhou Chen immediately chose to integrate the two newly acquired passive skills.

There is a reason for Vera's previous strategy. This monster is very restrained in melee combat. It not only **** blood but also retaliates in melee combat, and its attacks also stun and increase damage.

It's a pity that it was a little timid and chose to run away, otherwise Zhou Chen would get into some trouble if it fought with Zhou Chen.

Of course, even if it fights to the death, it can't change the battle situation, because its body is obviously not strong enough. After Zhou Chen discovers its characteristics, it will be finished with a burst of real power attacks, or it will be killed by Zhou Chen's direct reckless crit.

"This damage deepening passive skill has greatly improved me. If I encounter a target that I can hit again, I won't have to spend so much time."

Compared with the passive stun skill whose effect gets weaker as the opponent's mental strength increases, Zhou Chen is more optimistic about the increased damage, because its description does not mention a similar situation, that is, its damage increase effect is the same for all targets. At most, it can increase Zhou Chen's overall damage by 75%. This ratio is quite terrifying, no less than the brutal one-shot passive skill of the silver-level middle-level.

"I'll go inside and take a look."

After checking the harvest, Zhou Chen turned around and prepared to drill into the underground passage, because the matter was not over yet, there should be some enemies below.

But the footsteps he just lifted stopped quickly, and he looked up at the sky.

There, in the red abyss sky, a black spot was blazing in the distance.

This black spot doesn't look very conspicuous, but with its appearance, Zhou Chen sensed an extremely powerful pressure.

"It's the Demon Lord!"

At this time, Vera also discovered the approach of this target, and her expression became very serious.

"Whatever he is, it's over."

Zhou Chen only had a monstrous fighting spirit when a powerful enemy came over. The opponent gave him the feeling that his strength should surpass himself, making him feel the long-lost threat to his life.

If it was someone else, they would have to find a way to escape at this time, but Zhou Chen chose to face the difficulty.

Because he is a warrior, if a warrior wants to make real progress, he must face the real terror.