Chapter 855 855 Flipped

Chapter 855 855 Flipped

As the chaos of the trials began to die down, and the radio reports from the coast began to gain the attention of the people, it was becoming clear that there was a major change going on in the Morgana Territories right now.

Reports of fusillades from military battleships bringing down the barriers over cities, of paratroopers taking government officials and oligarchs into custody, shutting down businesses and executing people in the streets.

Wolfe turned to the Guardian from the Grand Dutchies.

"I hope you have a good explanation for this."

The Demon gave him a polite bow in return and took out a map. "The Grand Dutchies consider those locations to be under our jurisdiction at this time. As the laws have changed, and many people have been declared wanted fugitives, we sent our military to deal with them and return the region into compliance with the law.

They are not committing massacres as I am told they did last winter, they are only taking prisoners in compliance with court orders, as verified by the Council of Guardians for the Grand Dutchies."

Wolfe was skeptical, as he had seen the mundane armies in action, and they were far from restrained or concerned about civilian casualties.

The Demons and Fae should be, as they needed the population intact to garner the respect of their peers. Nobody would take you seriously as a Guardian if you didn't actually have a population to guard. Especially if your actions were the reason for it.

"Am I going to have to go there and sort out a whole load of war crimes accusations? Because I will not be happy if I hear about the use of nerve gas." Wolfe asked.

The Demon looked horrified.

"It's not true remote viewing. I created a remote duplication lightning magic that links two inscriptions together so that one shows what is happening to the other. It's similar to the security spells that most of you might know.

However, when we started to apply them to the drones, we found that we could transmit the camera feed to other locations with ease. Well, as long as you had a powerful enough Demon to make the spell activated from a thousand kilometres away.

But in that way, I can bring the drone feeds up on the screens, and we can see what is happening at each of the battlefields, as long as they haven't shot down our drones." He explained.

The Demon was extremely proud of his invention, as he had a right to be. Not many would be able to adapt mundane technology to use magical inscriptions like that, and he had done it, with a smooth enough effect that he had confidence he could bring it up as usable video on a regular television.

There were screens in the room, which only took a moment to enchant with the spells linking them to the drones. The screens flickered to life, and the Demon frowned.

"They should be attacking from the South. The attack formation is wrong." He muttered.

Wolfe chuckled, and extended a bit of power to alter the orientation of the spell.

"You flipped the display. Now it should be right." Wolfe explained.

"Oh, yes, that is much better. That's the first time that I have done it outside the laboratory."

The witches in the courtroom didn't dare to make a noise as the scenes of attacks on the coastal cities appeared on all the screens, but Wolfe was satisfied by the show of faith in the commanders. The real question was if the Rebels were going to give up without a major battle, or if they were going to try to keep their slaves and protect their allies.