Chapter 936 936 Change of Plans

Chapter 936 936 Change of Plans

That evening, Wolfe found himself surrounded by Nobles back at the hotel restaurant, which was significantly closer than Countess Dewinter's Manor. Instead of being all the way across town, it was only a few blocks from where the meetings were held, and therefore the natural choice for the Nobles to go to for a light snack and some drinks on the way home.

Fortunately for Wolfe, they still had their rooms here, and Ella had extended their stay all the way through the seminars before she had come to the Countess' Manor.

That was a relief, and they could just sleep here, as they were guaranteed to be inundated with visitors, and it would be rude to keep bringing them to Countess Dewinter.

Or more correctly, to her staff, who had to deal with the influx of visitors.

At least at the hotel, they were prepared for guests at all times, and they had dedicated security staff to deal with unannounced and unwanted visitors politely.

Wolfe was mostly ignoring the surrounding conversation, which was reiterating the explosion that had happened in the classroom, and how amazing it was that a channelling wand would let a Rank Two mage cause such a significant mana transfer, even if it did self-destruct.

The thought that they might find a way to make the runes that they were writing more effective by truly understanding them and eliminating the small flaws in them, as well as writing them with a more focused understanding of their purpose was the trending topic of the day, and of real interest to the intermediate level artisans, who were looking for something that might elevate their skills to the point of becoming masters.

For the newbies, they already had so much to learn that it was only one minor priority among many, but for the more skilled tradesmen, they already understood the basics of their craft, and they had time to learn one more skill.

"Saint Noxus, could we convince you to hold a lecture on the runic language tomorrow? We would be able to have the scribes provide materials to the attendees if you were able to provide them this evening." One of the Professors suggested.

"Cassie, was it you or Ella that had the workbook with you? Handing out the basic book shouldn't cause too many troubles, and it would let their craftsmen understand their work better." Wolfe suggested.

The Demons thought that they could already read the language and just had lousy craftsmen, so it wouldn't change the balance in that conflict at all. The items they were making were already up to the standards of their military mages, they just had to use higher ranked artisans to make them.

Wolfe cast a Gravity spell on him to allow him to float, and the aging soldier smiled.

"Well, isn't that something. How fast are you when you're using this?"

Wolfe shrugged. "Supersonic for certain. I would say that anything over two thousand kilometres an hour is pushing my luck, and the buffeting from the wind around my shields makes it unstable."

The man smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll pretend that I understood any of that."

The other Nobles laughed, so Wolfe clarified.

"Are you familiar with a sonic boom? The noise made when an object travels faster than the speed of sound?" Wolfe asked.

The General nodded. "Aye, it's similar to Lightning Transmission."

Ah, Lightning Transmission. The flakiest of all transport methods. But maybe they had a way to stabilize it here.

"I can travel about twice the minimum speed to create that sound."

The General nodded in understanding. "So then you're about four times as fast as Demon King Orthos. That is seriously impressive."

That was a reference most of the people here seemed to understand, at least the older ones, but it wasn't a Demon King's name that Wolfe recognized. Perhaps it was the old man who took care of the Ferals. Wolfe didn't recall him introducing himself by name.