Chapter 961 961 But Who Will Go?

Chapter 961 961 But Who Will Go?

Wolfe considered what the Fallen Nobles were looking for out of the deal, and raised one final point.

"I believe that the largest obstacle to getting people to come along with you for these projects will be finding willing workers and artisans. Getting witches to move there long term might be possible for some, as the White Witches tend to have caring personalities. But they don't use any offensive magic at all, so you will need to assign guards to them if you're going to prevent them from getting abducted or injured.

Getting artisans to go for a project is more of a matter of payment. Until there is hard currency in play on both sides of the portal, you will only find so many who are interested in trading entirely for magic devices. But there is also the matter of quality of life. Most of them have it pretty good here, and you certainly couldn't bring a Demon or even most of the Fae there without the people turning on them." He explained.

King Petros sighed. "I had forgotten that the majority of your artisans would not be human. Do you have any human magic users at all here, other than the witches?"

Wolfe nodded. "We have some, trained in the ways of the world, that you're currently absorbing into your Empire, but they're all still new and young. The only centuries old ones are nonhuman. Some of our human craftsmen have reached Rank Two already, I am told, but they are still journeymen in their trade."

Technically, most of those were beastkin, but that was almost human, and they existed in both worlds.

One of the Nobles sighed, looking at the servers waiting at the edge of the room. "The lack of actual humans could be an issue for most projects, but if we bring them as guest workers to our homes, many projects can be completed within a single week, and then they can return here.

Things like home and peerage improvements, the sorts of things you did for the Countess Dewinter. Those could be done by most artisans with magic in a reasonable amount of time, I would assume."

The Continental Representatives all nodded, and Cassanova, the Incubus representing the Western Continent, addressed the room.

"Yes, the witches can cast a wide area garden charm in a matter of minutes if we provide them the mana crystals or stored mana. But many of the spells that Saint Noxus casts are only usable by the Magi.Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

"What exactly is an airport?" He asked.

"Oh, I forgot you didn't have those. They're places for our mechanical flying machines to land. Those are another Noxus Family product. The humans made them first, using fuel oils to fly, but Saint Noxus adapted them for use with magical propulsion.

That has been a great advantage for the Demon Realms, which do not have the sort of natural resourced that your worlds do, and the Lust Demons purchased an entire fleet of passenger and cargo aircraft to allow us to move goods and travellers quickly across the realm through regions where it is unsafe to use portals, and for a lower mana cost per passenger.

As they do in this world, we value our time and effort, and within the Demon Realms, it takes an immense amount of magic to keep a portal open even over a short distance. So, the aircraft have proven to be a viable substitute, with their speeds approaching six hundred kilometres an hour." Cassanova explained.

King Petros nearly choked on his coffee. "Did you say six hundred kilometres an hour? How many passengers do these things hold? I was under the impression that they were large."

Wolfe nodded. "The ones he is referring to are an adapted human military cargo plane. They are normally set up for the equivalent of two hundred human sized passengers, and an equivalent weight in freight, or twice as much freight."

Saint Gregor, the Fae Representative for the Mist Continent, smiled at the human.

"Our humans have the knowledge to make more of them that run on fuel oil, but this world is running short on natural sources, and the infrastructure to support such a facility doesn't exist in your world. It needs a massive mining, electrical, chemical engineering and alloying support network that took centuries to develop.

Building them with magic is comparatively much easier, and now that they are slowly gaining mages, the regions which are almost exclusively human in this world are considering making the switch to magical propulsion, while keeping their conventional construction methods."

Petros shook his head. "Perhaps I was too ambitious."