Chapter 969 969 Home For A Rest

Chapter 969 969 Home For A Rest

By mid-afternoon, all the Nobles had sold out what they were willing to sell, and their excitement level was increasing for the next time that they could come here. A few days wasn't enough lead time to hire good employees, and they had limited amounts of trade goods with them, while also sharing stalls with friendly merchants.

That often worked out in their favour, as the customers would stop to look at more familiar items they desired, and then notice the foreign trade goods, but being able to set up a whole flashy shop with their own employees would be a much better option for many of the Nobles.

That would naturally mean booking in advance, but with the portal open between the worlds, King Petros could communicate with Wolfe and the Representatives across the vast distance, though it would take Wolfe or someone from this world to open a secondary portal into their world so they could visit without ending up in the trial time loop.

Petros could also make a portal straight to Forest Grove if he wanted, as long as there was no ill intention behind it, but it would require much more mana usage than having the portal opened from this side, where there was no resistance.

It was tempting for King Petros to try to get something similar set up on his end, to prevent invasions from the Demons, but other than one memorable incident on one world where a city was overrun with undead after a spell from the Demon Realms crossed between worlds, that hadn't really been an issue.

So, the King came looking for Wolfe once the others chased him out of bed, ready to bring this bunch of rowdy Nobles back home to get their affairs in order with an arrangement to return in a month.

"Saint Noxus, it has been a pleasure forming a new treaty with your people. I know that you are limited in space, but we would like to reserve a number of booths for next festival, along with rooms for the vendors in the city." Petros announced when he was led into the living room of Wolfe's suite.

"Of course. We have a number of stalls that are open for reservations instead of first come, first served. How many would you like? I'm thinking ten, with six of them spread through the festival and four together to create a small shopping district for similar items?" Wolfe offered.

Unless there are Pilots willing to transfer, but they've got pretty relaxed and well - paying jobs here."

Petros chuckled. Of course, they did. They were specialists in a niche field. But if it wasn't too hard to learn, he would have these three Artificers learn the method of flying the machine, and then teach others after they had more practice.

Wolfe grabbed them on a platform of Gravity Magic, and led them to the western river exit, where the twins and their trolls were on guard duty to welcome visitors from Myrrh Coven for the festival. There was one more person there, a young fox girl who was operating the river boat, and they were happily playing cards when Wolfe landed in front of the hut.

"Ladies, it's good to see you again. I have brought a few people to test out the float planes. We were going to start with the twin engine version, as it's the faster of the two." Wolfe explained.

"There are other options?" One of the artificers asked.

"Yes, there is a small single engine version, intended for four to five people and their baggage, or two plus cargo. It's much slower, though I suppose that most in your world wouldn't complain about flying at a hundred kilometres an hour."

The artificers laughed. A whole afternoon's travel in an hour? No, they would not complain at all.

The two were parked side by side, just out of the water along the tree line. The three artificers rushed over to see what they were made of, how they were constructed, and anything that they could learn about the planes themselves. Unfortunately for them, they knew nothing of aerodynamics, so it was mostly a mystery, and they also couldn't see the inscriptions, so they had no idea how any of it functioned, other than that it should have large amounts of mana crystal in the wings, as they could sense the stored magic.