Chapter 984 984 Professors Obtained

Chapter 984 984 Professors Obtained

The mages came through to the spire, and into the cafeteria, which was beginning to empty before Wolfe had created a portal. Now, it was naturally filled with curious onlookers, mostly from the class that Elder Johns was supposed to be teaching in a few minutes.

"Have you eaten yet? We just happened to be in the cafeteria when I ran into Elder Johns." Wolfe asked.

"Where is the ritual circle? The spell stones or the conduit statues?" One of the mages asked.

"Did you need to cast something? I was told the air here was quite suitable for the people of your world." Wolfe asked.

"No, for the portal? How did you open it without any of the necessary items? Are they just hidden nearby?" One of the mages asked.

"Oh, I get it now. No, I'm a Magi, I do it a bit differently, and at Rank Eight, none of those things are necessary. I just had Elder Johns set the target so that it wouldn't go astray."

That part they were familiar with. You always needed someone to guide the spell who knew the target, unless you were just hoping to land on the right continent.

That was how they launched first strike attacks, and then the surviving scouts would help guide future attacks to hit weak points and critical infrastructure like the Palaces and training grounds for their armies.

Unfortunately for them, this region didn't have any of that, but the Academies would have been a good priority target if they were still trying to attack.

The mage cleared his throat and asked Wolfe in a confused tone. "Is war not so horrible here, or are these students not expected to join the army to repay their tuition?"

Wolfe shook his head. "The ones from Forest Grove are free to do as they will, the academy is a city facility, paid by the stall fees that we charge merchants. The ones from the Fallen Empire have had their tuition paid by the King himself, and they are mostly going to be recruited to be servants to the Nobles, as long as they agree to go back.

Magic using servants are a rarity there, and their world looks down on the beastkin, so it would be a big step up from how they were raised. We're not certain how well the other servants will take it, but the hierarchy of magic users ranking higher is already in place.

How is it in your world? I don't recall that I ever asked, but I do seem to recall that the first few of your people who came here were shocked to see them."

Davos smiled as the girl beside Wolfe wandered away to inspect the other Professors, staring at them and sniffing at them to memorize their presence.

"We don't have anything but humans in our world. No Monsters, no demihumans, no magical creatures like the Fae. We've seen them, and interacted with them, but they're not native to our planet." The old man explained.

The catboy who was flirting with the young mage laughed. "You're in for such a shock. There actually aren't many humans in Forest Grove. I mean, the witches are kind of humans, but they're not. And then there are the beastkin, who also aren't quite human, and Saint Noxus' Magi Clan, who might be human, but probably aren't."

The mage looked confused, so Wolfe explained. "The Witch and Magi lineages pass their magic down through the bloodline. They have unique traits that let a portion of their population use magic, in the case of the Magi, only the men. But in the case of the Witches, only the women can use magic.

So, as those traits don't get passed along properly when a child is born with a mundane human, there is some contention that we might just be the most human looking demihuman species."NewW novels updates at