Chapter 416 Potential Threats to Galactic Stability

Name:Interstellar Age Author:
Chapter 416 Potential Threats to Galactic Stability

Kali sat in a holo communication with one of the Ennead. It was none other than the goddess Bastet. The two of them were watching the ongoing conflicts which the Germanic Star-Empire was fighting against the various remaining insectoid races across the galaxy.

The less technologically advanced bugs folded in a matter of weeks, while those whose defenses were at a higher level continued to fight on. Resistance was clearly futile as the Germanic Star-Empire never seemed to run out of troops or supplies as they squashed bugs beneath their boots.

Kali was drinking a glass of Asuran Palm-Wine as she commented on this very thing.

"At this point, why bother fighting? The Empire is clearly fighting with only a fraction of their current strength, and already they are annihilating every single bug they come across. Would it not be better for these disgusting bugs to simply submit to their fate and get it over with rather than resisting?

Everyone knows how vengeful the Germans are. They will begin tearing the bugs limb from limb simply to exact the most amount of suffering possible if they start racking up any more casualties!"

Bastet had been watching Erich's own performance with a glint of excitement in her eyes. She herself drank from her own distilled spirit while commenting on the man's abilities in battle.

"I can't remember the last time the theocracy fought a war... Nor the last time one of the gods personally stepped onto a battlefield. It's impressive to see the leader of a nation in the modern era fight alongside his troops. But it's a bit suicidal, no?"

Kali simply scoffed when she heard this, before letting Bastet know about one of the secrets the Elves had been hoarding since the Primeval age.

These words worried Baster, who jumped out of her seat, spilling her beverage as she did so. When she saw the smirk on Kali's face, she couldn't help but sit back down and seethe. After several moments of awkward silence, she was quick to ask Kali the most important question on her mind.

"So how is the cabal reacting to this information?"

Kali, however, shook her head and sighed in disappointment before revealing what precautions the Cabal was taking, or more accurately, the lack thereof.

"They aren't. While the Cabal is increasing its military might in preparation for the Naraku Invasion, and has a general cautious attitude towards the Empire. Brahma has stated that my intelligence has no hard evidence and because of this, we can't simply react to hearsay.

I was hoping the Theocracy would take a better stand, hence why I am passing on what I have heard to you. But I suspect they will react the same as the Cabal. After all, I can't really confirm whether any of this is true or not. Infiltrating the Empire is damn near impossible, and my attempts have all been met with failure. So it is what it is..."

Baster thought about it for a while, before finally answering Kali with a fierce look of determination in her eyes.

"I will bring what you have told me to the council. But I suspect the result will be the same as the conclusion you have received. Regardless, they need to be alerted to this potential threat, even if they are not willing to admit it is a valid one.

Kali nodded her head. She had already anticipated what conclusion the "gods" of the Ennead theocracy would come to when they received this information. Still, she felt it needed to be spread and thus she contacted Bastet.

As for the future of the galaxy, right now it was uncertain whether they would all live long enough for the Empire to stab them in the back. And thus that was a worry for another time.