Chapter 420 A Fateful Duel

Name:Interstellar Age Author:
Chapter 420 A Fateful Duel

Mala waited rather impatiently for Erich's arrival. She did not know if the man was aware of Orcish customs. But by challenging her for her submission to his authority, he had effectively requested a marriage duel.

Of course Erich was well aware of this, he had been trapped by Mirage into doing this very thing within the previous timeline. To put it simply, Orcs were a powerful and savage race. One that was only capable of being civilized through strong leadership.

In the history of the galaxy, at least in this current timeline. No outside had ever beaten an Orc in a marriage duel. Nor had it often been attempted. In his past life, Erich was the first outsider to ever become an Orcish Warchief.

And in this timeline, he planned to use the same strategy to bring the Orcs to heel. After all, with their enhanced reproductive capabilities and superior physical prowess. They were extremely difficult as a species to wipe out. The fact that they were nomadic was also a contributing factor to this.

It would honestly be easier to assume control over the orcs as their leader, unifying the clans for a second time, and forcing them to fight on behalf of the Germanic Star-Empire than it was to exterminate their race.

Because of this, Erich planned to use Mala to this end. When Erich arrived on the world which Mala had conquered, and was currently waiting for him on. He did not arrive in his power armor. Nor did he arrive in a military uniform, or in his Imperial Regalia.

Instead, Erich arrived dressed in nothing but a pair of compression shorts. Stepping barefoot off of the dropship and onto the shattered streets of the colony, which Mala and her savage band of raiders had torn asunder.

Mala was surprised that Erich showed up without any armor, and without a bodyguard. After all, the duel was to be done in the nude, but she did not expect Erich to know this. The way he showed up was as if he was already aware of the implications of his demands, and was more than prepared to fight for Mala's hand.

Mala's technique was flawless, along with her speed and power she could take the head off of an ordinary human with a single punch. But Erich was not an ordinary human. He was a genetically and cybernetically enhanced super human. One whose body and mind had been perfected for a single purpose: War!

He surprised Mala as he adeptly dodged her overhand right where he then followed up with a quick combination of his own. A jab, a cross, and a leg kick. The density of an Orcs bone structure was naturally well beyond that of an ordinary human.

But again, Erich was not an ordinary human, nor were his bones made of simply organic material. Rather, one of the many cybernetic enhancements he underwent to become an elite soldier of the Empire was the grafting of a metallic composite to his bones. Further strengthening them beyond their already dense standard.

When Erich's bones struck Mala's it was like being hit with a steel pipe. She felt her bones crack ever so slightly, and the weight of Erich's punch had dropped her to the ground. And in doing so stunned all the Orcs who were just moments before cheering for Mala to kill Erich.

Mala did not even have time to recover, because Erich had leaped passed her guard, getting into side control, where used his weight to keep her beneath him. All the while, he landed punches and hammer fists on her head, attempting to pass into the full mount while he clobbered the woman's face, bloodying her nose as he did so.

It did not take long for Erich to get into the mount where he reigned punches onto Mala's face, which she tried to block with her hands, only to expose her neck, allowing Erich to lock her up into an Ezekiel choke.

Once the choke was secured, Erich applied all the pressure he could manage, which was more than enough to decapitate an ordinary human. But instead Mala's head remained intact, but her eyes began to bulge, and her vision began to fade. Causing her to tap, and in doing so, submit to Erich.

By Orcish customs, she was now Erich's wife. And he was now the Warchief of the Ironhand Clan.