Chapter 422 Accidental Time Travel

Name:Interstellar Age Author:
Chapter 422 Accidental Time Travel

For the past few years, since the first meeting with the Sages in this timeline, Erich had been appeasing them. Working together to expand their powers so that they were capable of reaching the level of their forbearers during the Primordial Age.

While Erich had changed the balance of power in the galaxy, bringing the two halves of the Elven race together since they first separated a million years ago. There had been many among the Sages order who were still deeply skeptical about Erich and his intentions.

Regardless, with the mass production of the elixir that Tia had designed after studying the one that the Sages had made eons ago. The ancient Order of Elven Sages had effectively fallen under Erich's control.

After all, Tia had spiked the variant given to the Sages, making it a highly addictive substance. One which its users would not even realize they were hooked on. And so long as these Sages needed Erich's elixir, they would continue to not be a threat to him.

Today Erich was in a deep state of meditation. In fact, he had developed an entire chamber for this very purpose. Nobody was to disturb Erich during his meditation unless it was an emergency. Not even Tia could do so.

After all, Erich had become one with the flow of time himself. Projecting not only his conscious but his physical form into the past, present, and future. Currently, however, he was somewhere in the deep forgotten past. Standing on the world of Alfheim as it was a million years ago, shortly before the fall of the Elven Empire.

Erich was standing in the throne room. Though the people of the Era could not see interact with him, as he was a phantasm of time, he could very clearly see them and hear the words they spoke. Though the woman who sat upon the throne was a legendary beauty, one with the same white hair, golden eyes, and pale skin as Lunaria, she was not Lunaria.

Rather, this woman was Lunaria's mother. She sat next to her husband, the last true Emperor of the Elves. Though the Asterion Dynasty was a Matriarchal Dynasty, it would appear that this Elven Emperor had far more power than Lunaria's mother. In fact, he was the one speaking to Lunaria, who was apparently being punished for some misdeed she had done.

The ancient Elven Emperor had an appearance similar to Lunaria and her mother, clearly being of the same lineage. He looked at his own daughter with a sense of disgust and shame. As he spoke to her as if she were some kind of wicked being for whatever it was that she had done.

Erich touched himself and realized he was indeed in a corporeal state. He had a bewildered expression on his face. Causing the Elven Emperor to speak to him with an even more curious tone in his voice.

"I have never heard of another species developing a Seer of Time other than our own... And though you have the ability to shift through time in a phantasmal state, you appear perplexed by the idea of bringing your body with your consciousness. Have our abilities truly dwindled to such an extent in your era?"

Erich's first question was one that shook the Elven Emperor to the core of his being, as he was quick to ask if he was hearing things correctly.

"I'm sorry, did you just call me a Seer of Time? Don't you mean a sage of Fate? Am I really standing here in the Primordial Era right now, or is this just a very lifelike vision?"

When the Elven Emperor heard this, he had a grim expression on his face. He did not confirm anything for Erich, instead he asked a simple question. One that seemed to haunt him.

"That girl.... When she returns from the sentence I have just given her... She destroys everything, doesn't she?"

These words struck Erich like a nuclear explosion. Lunaria caused the end of the Elven Empire? How? Why? Just what was going on? Judging by Erich's bewildered expression, the Elven Emperor sighed heavily and spoke to Erich in a friendly tone.

"Judging by the fact that there are still mammalian beings in the Milky Way a million years from now, that means you have either defeated the Naraku already, or they have simply not invaded yet. Either way, it appears that history has been rewritten. Most likely by my troublesome daughter Lunaria.... Come with me alien, it is time you learned the truth of our era..."

Erich honestly had no idea if he was actually a million years in the past, or if he was somehow communicating with someone from the past who shared similar powers to himself. Either way, he followed the Ancient Elven Emperor, desperate to learn about the past, and what exactly was going on right now.