The people from Shangyang Base were extremely tense. The mutated rats that were patrolling and conducting reconnaissance moved too quickly, and in the natural environment, it had to be said that animals were better at hiding than humans. Consequently, they couldn’t detect the whereabouts of those reconnaissance rats, leaving them uncertain if they had been exposed.

Despite holding binoculars, the people from Shangyang Base had already started sweating. They had a constant feeling that one or two mutated rats were hiding nearby, scouting their hiding spots perfectly. Meanwhile, those people outside were still planting trees! Planting trees, for goodness’ sake! This was madness! Either engage in combat or leave; what did this action mean?

The Shui Jing Gong and the other bases had already coordinated several times, and their teamwork was now seamless. The mutated rats were responsible for transporting and distributing saplings. After each person received their allotted saplings in exchange, they would follow their designated directions and diligently plant the trees.

By this point, most people had already realized that they had migrated to the residential area of the Northern Hemisphere. The vast continent was right before their eyes, and their long aquatic journey was about to come to an end.

Even so, nobody was in a hurry to continue their journey. With the presence of the Shui Jing Gong, their life on the water wasn’t as bad as they had imagined. They could even exchange for handy tools like the micro-farm. As for the micro-ranch, they weren’t particularly interested in grasshoppers at the moment; real food was what mattered.

Speaking of which, it seemed that only the Shui Jing Gong’s people were exchanging for the micro-ranch. Truly, it was a mysterious base, with so many people enjoying eating grasshoppers. They couldn’t fathom why anyone would have such a peculiar taste. Didn’t their base have a stockpile of edible mutated creature meat? Why were they fixated on the protein found in grasshoppers, something that could only get stuck in your teeth?

The Shui Jing Gong people’s obsession with roasted grasshoppers was something that others couldn’t quite comprehend. Before they had mastered the purification array for mutated creatures, roasted grasshoppers had been the most fragrant thing they’d ever smelled. So even though there was an ample supply of meat now, roasted grasshoppers remained an unparalleled delicacy in their hearts. Unbeknownst to them, roasted grasshoppers had become a part of the Shui Jing Gong’s culture.

Although the trees on Mount Shangya, even in the midst of summer, didn’t seem particularly lush and grew at a significant distance from each other, from a distance, the entire mountain range looked like a middle-aged person facing hair loss, sparsely populated and somewhat pitiful.

However, even in such an environment, it was considered acceptable on Cang Zhan Star. At least here, there was still space for plants and animals to thrive. At least the storms hadn’t destroyed everything, and the terrifying thunder and lightning had yet to visit this place.

To protect this seemingly barren land, which was precious on Cang Zhan Star but appeared barren to outsiders, the people of the Shangyang Base were prepared to fight to the death. Land was scarce, and the number of people it could support was limited. When it came to survival, each person would summon unprecedented courage and determination.

The people of the Shangyang Base had never considered that this colossal fleet would leave. After all, their arrival from the south indicated that there were no suitable landing points further south. Except for a few plateaus, the rest were likely submerged by water.

Continuing northward meant encountering increasingly powerful bases. These bases were situated at higher elevations, unaffected by the water levels, and had deep roots in Cang Zhan Star. They might have existed even before Cang Zhan Star was declared a wasteland. Even the Shangyang Base didn’t dare to move north recklessly. Once communication was disrupted, these bases would not show any mercy to each other.

While the Shangyang Base was on full alert, Shu Shuishui, Gu Langu, Nan Ge, and Liu Po gathered together. Shu Shuishui shared the results of the mutated rat reconnaissance with the group.

Nan Ge looked slightly surprised. “The people from the Shangyang Base stayed on Mount Shangya instead of moving north?”

“It does seem unusual. This mountain doesn’t look suitable for habitation unless they have no other choice. North Cang Zhan Star should have prepared for their arrival. With the north’s higher elevation and well-established bases, it wouldn’t be hard to find suitable land to rent. Shangyang Base shouldn’t be struggling so much.”

Even they from the South Cang Zhan hemisphere had moved here. It was unlikely that North Cang Zhan wasn’t prepared. The northern bases were familiar with each other, and they could simply rent land from other bases in the high-altitude region for the rainy season. This was the most reasonable assumption.

Having a base on the mountain, especially one that seemed ready to explode at the slightest provocation, was far from ideal.

While fighting was a last resort, in the current era of the Apocalypse, human resources were precious, and there was no reason for mutual destruction. However, initiating direct communication with the Shangyang Base would likely yield low chances of gaining their trust. At the moment, Nan Ge didn’t know what action to take.

Shu Shuishui had a simpler perspective. Firstly, this mountain clearly didn’t meet Shu Shuishui’s requirements for habitation. They were only here to plant spirit trees, creating a spiritual power support point for the Global Guardian Array. Thus, the Shui Jing Gong wouldn’t stay here for long—not more than seven days. There was no need to engage in conflict with the Shangyang Base. Moreover, their tree-planting efforts were improving the mountain’s environment.

“How about this? Let’s have the mutated rats be more vigilant, redefine the planting areas to avoid Shangyang Base’s settled regions, and we’ll just plant trees. Depending on the situation, we’ll leave in five to seven days,” Shu Shuishui suggested.

“Is that really okay?” Liu Po hesitated because Shu Shuishui’s suggestion seemed too simple.

“It should be fine. If they wanted to fight, they would have already. The mutated rats have essentially pinpointed the Shangyang Base’s location and scope, even locating their reconnaissance personnel. There’s no need for both sides to escalate things. We’re just planting trees, using shovels. There’s no need for swords or guns,” Shu Shuishui replied confidently.

Gu Langu nodded in agreement with Shu Shuishui’s suggestion. “If the Shangyang Base didn’t move north when they had the chance, it’s likely their own strength has been affected in some way. Our fleet is formidable, and if they didn’t want a direct confrontation, that’s why we’ve had a peaceful situation until now.”

In the end, the decision of the fleet was to continue with the greening efforts as they had in the past—diligently planting trees, making money happily, and living lively lives. Of course, they would also dispatch reliable rats and people for surveillance, but only a few knew about the Shangyang Base’s situation.

Because of the Shui Jing Gong’s impressive efficiency, the Shangyang Base realized that no one from the fleet had entered their attack range. The two sides maintained this delicate balance, with the Shangyang Base staying vigilant but not taking action. They observed the group of people planting and had the feeling of watching a documentary on greening the environment.

The leadership of the Shangyang Base had gone through a series of emotional changes, from tension and confusion to excitement and bewilderment, ultimately returning to rationality. They finally decided not to act unless the fleet showed malicious intent. Given the current situation, it appeared that the fleet had no plans to make this mountain their permanent residence.

On the first day, the Shangyang Base was extremely cautious. On the second day, they became even more vigilant. By the third day, the people of the Shangyang Base started to question their life choices. Why had they moved to this wasteland? The others arrived here and spent their days planting trees, roasting meat, and chatting. Meanwhile, they were struggling, hungry, and covered in dirt.

On the fourth day, the people of the Shangyang Base were feeling a bit unhinged. In that fleet, it seemed like roasting meat was an everyday affair, with a variety of main dishes, vegetables, and fruits. Some even brewed their own alcohol. They wore comfortable clothes, and only needed to plant trees each day. There was no sign of exhaustion or worry on their faces. It appeared more like a leisurely journey than a struggle for survival.

By the fifth day, the people of the Shangyang Base were getting restless and considering initiating a conflict. The fleet had such abundant resources; it was like a fat lamb ready for slaughter. However, this idea quickly dissipated when they saw the fleet’s deliberate or unintentional display of firepower. The fleet had patrol members, and their weapons appeared to be modified. Some even wielded advanced technology weapons obtained through simulated space exchanges. They exuded an aura of being well-off and formidable, something not to be provoked.

On the sixth day, the people of the Shangyang Base were feeling downhearted, as if they were guarding what they perceived as a precious gem with caution, only to have a well-dressed gem merchant arrive who seemed to have no interest in their gem.

On the seventh day, to the astonishment of the people of the Shangyang Base, the other party left! At dawn, the people of the fleet moved swiftly, packed everything up, and boarded their boats. It wasn’t until the shadow of the fleet had shrunk to the size of a palm in the distance that they finally believed the other party had indeed given up this land and left.

When the people of the Shangyang Base came out to inspect, they found a few bundles of saplings near the landing point, which was where those people had been stationed for the past few days. The surroundings had already turned lush and green, and although the recently planted saplings were still young, each seemed to exude strong vitality.

Next to these bundles of young saplings was a piece of paper, and upon opening it, there was a message.

At the top was a brief introduction to the planted saplings. There were three types of saplings planted on the mountain, all of them amphibious plants. Two of them bore edible fruits and grew rapidly, while the third was an excellent water-storage plant, vital for the dry season after the rainy season.

Beneath the sapling descriptions was a message left for the Shangyang Base: “Hi there! Although we haven’t met in person, I’m glad to have crossed paths with you. These four bundles of saplings are for you. Hope you fall in love with planting trees. Mwa!”

The people of the Shangyang Base looked at each other in confusion. “What on earth is ‘Mwa’?”

The note was left by Shu Shuishui, and as for “Mwa”, it was influenced by the recent flags used by the gray rats. It was an impulsive addition by Shu Shuishui, and the others assumed it was Shu Shuishui who wrote it.

While the fleet had left, they brought a glimmer of hope and vitality to the seemingly hopeless Era of the Apocalypse for the Shangyang Base.

After a brief hesitation, the people of the Shangyang Base took the saplings and began planting them. As they planted the trees, many couldn’t help but wonder if they had been influenced somehow, finding themselves planting trees. They were also plagued by questions like, “Who am I? Where am I? Why am I planting trees?”

“Fourth Brother, to be honest, I still don’t understand the fleet’s intentions even now. Looking at the note they left, they clearly noticed us, and they had the strength for a direct confrontation, but instead of attacking, they voluntarily left some supplies, and these saplings don’t seem to pose any threat. What could be the reason behind their actions?”

The people of the Shangyang Base, and soon many other bases in the northern hemisphere, were perplexed by why the fleet acted the way it did. However, they wouldn’t have to wait long for answers. As time passed, the saplings would gradually provide them with surprises and protection, and then they would understand that this fleet called the Shui Jing Gong wasn’t just planting trees; they were planting hope and guardianship.

The people of the Shangyang Base, having averted the crisis, returned to their peaceful yet challenging lives. As the saplings grew, they would discover unique surprises.

Shu Shuishui and their group continued their journey northward. During their seven-day stay, the gray rats had ample time to gather information, especially the young gray rats who found it quite effortless. The gray rats truthfully reported everything they heard to Shu Shuishui, who then relayed the information to the others. Thus, although it seemed like they hadn’t gained much in those seven days, they had learned most of what they needed to know.

Indeed, something had happened in the northern hemisphere, and that was the collective rampage of the mutated creatures. With vast land areas submerged, migration involved not only humans but also a significant number of creatures. Those who successfully reached the northern hemisphere were mostly mutated creatures.

The instinct of creatures to seek benefits and avoid harm led them to select favorable natural environments for habitation. Many of the resource-rich forests and mountains had become territory for mutated creatures.

The people in the northern hemisphere had considered exterminating them at one point, but the major bases had secure territories for living, and hunting and eliminating mutated creatures led to heavy losses with little gain. The smaller bases lacked the strength, and rashly hunting mutated creatures could lead to annihilation.

Furthermore, after several extermination attempts, they were horrified to discover that among the mutated creatures, there seemed to be an unknown number of creatures that had experienced an intelligence mutation. In other words, they had begun to outsmart humans.

Somewhere along the way, the actions of mutated creatures became more organized, and even their rampages appeared controllable. Once humans initiated an attack, the mutated creatures would collectively go on a rampage, leading to the near annihilation of the cleanup crews.

Given these dangerous circumstances and the current harsh living conditions, humans were preoccupied with their own survival, and gradually, no one mentioned extermination anymore. This also meant that the northern hemisphere lost a significant amount of inhabitable land. Consequently, even with high payments, the major bases were unwilling to rent out their territories. As a result, many forces like the Shangyang Base had no choice but to relocate to less hospitable areas.

“The fact that mutated creatures have formed organized groups, and it seems to involve different species, is indeed surprising,” Liu Po remarked, thanks to his early acquaintance with the gray rats. “I imagine that the people in the northern hemisphere are feeling a tremendous sense of crisis.”

Yu Jin was somewhat eager, “The northern hemisphere has many unique creatures. I wonder if they taste good.”

Xie Feng stood beside them and commented, “Whether it’s safe to eat or not is still uncertain.”

“Don’t act like you’re any different from me. We’re both cut from the same cloth. Don’t tell me you don’t want to eat either. Speaking of eating, what about Shui Shui? It seems like he hasn’t been going out much these past few days,” Yu Jin teased, and both Yu Jin and Xie Feng instinctively thought of Shu Shuishui when it came to food.

The group stood at the bow of the ship, enjoying the cool breeze. It was still overcast today, and Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu should probably not be sunbathing on the balcony.

Nan Ge, volunteering himself, decided to go to the dormitories to find the two of them, as it was almost lunchtime.

Nan Ge was still analyzing the information relayed by Shu Shuishui, planning the best route for Shui Jing Gong’s development. Directly starting a war was not the preferred option, although Shui Jing Gong was not afraid of conflict, and Nan Ge had confidence in his base’s strength.

However, in the northern hemisphere, Shui Jing Gong had no established foothold, and choosing to establish their own territory was the ideal solution. But they hadn’t yet fully grasped the details of the mutated creatures, so it was too early to make a decision. “Cheng Que, how is your research progressing?”

Cheng Que instinctively adjusted his glasses before responding. “I can now confirm that the environment is not the determining factor, but it’s the predominant one. The reason the Gray Rats don’t go berserk is because of the environment in the valley where Shui Jing Gong was originally located. However, I’ve also researched other mutated creatures along the way and found that almost all of them are undergoing a benign transformation, meaning that even if the environment isn’t suitable, given enough time, mutated creatures will naturally evolve and eliminate berserk behavior. As for the specific factors, that’s still under research…”

In truth, Cheng Que had already pinpointed the factor to be the energy stones, and he had also discovered that the energy stones on Cang Zhan Star were undergoing a very slow mutation, which could be the primary cause of biological mutations, although it still needed concrete evidence.

“The more you think about it, doesn’t it seem like a form of life’s evolution?” Xie Feng commented.

The others fell silent for a moment and then nodded in agreement. “It’s not just evolution; it feels like it’s emulating the Huanxing Continent.”