Certainly, in these past few years, due to the tense relationship between humans and mutant beings, it has made mutants particularly averse to humans. If Shu Shuishui’s response had been, “Humans are my friends,” then undoubtedly, everything might have taken a different turn.

However, Shu Shuishui’s truthful response, “I have some human friends,” happened to fall within the white deer’s acceptance range.

Among this group of mutant beings, the white deer was among the earliest to mutate and awaken intelligence. Furthermore, the white deer was the only one in the jungle who could calm down other mutant beings’ frenzy using its own abilities.

In these vast mountains, the white deer’s strength was not the greatest, but it was the most unique. It was the only one that neither went into a frenzy nor did it incorporate plant-like features as a mutant being. It could easily dissolve the frenzied state of mutant beings. It possessed high intelligence and had the ability to command other mutant beings.

This deer was the reason mutant beings could unite, resist humans, and protect these mountains.

The surrounding mutant beings, all accepted the white deer’s help, thus freeing themselves from their frenzied state. After awakening a certain level of intelligence, they could determine through thinking who was most suitable to be their leader.

With the white deer’s permission, Shu Shuishui’s purpose for this journey was halfway successful. Taking a few steps forward, Shu Shuishui stood in front of the white deer and found that the deer was truly tall. If you included its antlers, the white deer in front of him was much taller than himself.

“Mr. Deer, since you have allowed us to enter, I presume you have foreseen that the future of the Cang Zhan Star will face many challenges. Individual strength is unlikely to survive, including this forest, which may turn into nothingness within a few years. My friends and I also face the same, or even worse, circumstances.” Although Shu Shuishui was not usually the intellectual type, as an ageless dormouse, his logic was quite clear, and he was very honest, directly expressing his unfavorable situation.

The white deer clearly had patience, or perhaps it knew that what stood before it was not a human. The surrounding mutant beings also showed a bit more patience, rather than suppressing their impatient emotions, clawing, or gnashing their teeth.

“You’re right. The forest is constantly shrinking, and the weather and environment are becoming more unpredictable. The Cangyu Mountains are no exception,” said the white deer in its deep and elegant voice, equally candid.

“Well, we can plant trees; our technology is good enough to ensure the forest is not destroyed. We can also establish protective arrays to prevent extreme weather. At the same time, we have the best scientists and research on biological mutations has made some progress. Furthermore, I can guide Mr. Deer in using his own energy…” Shu Shuishui, seeing the deer’s receptive attitude, let his guard down and began listing the benefits of an alliance one by one.

Tree planting was necessary, as having such a large forest as a foundation would make the process much easier. As for scientific research, that was valid too. Before leaving, Shu Shuishui had already spoken to Cheng Que, who was confident in developing a drug to restrain the frenzy of mutant beings within a year. As for guidance in cultivation, biological mutations were meant for evolution. If the Cang Zhan Star was truly aiming for the Huanxing Continent, there was no harm in providing early guidance.

Shu Shuishui simply listed the benefits one by one without adding too many embellishments, which was more in line with the preferences of many mutant beings. After all, fancy words were completely unnecessary in their view. It seemed that communication between animals was easier, knowing what each other wanted.

The white deer listened carefully to Shu Shuishui’s statement of the various benefits, and his voice remained calm. “What responsibilities and risks do we need to bear?”

“My friends and I will reside in the mountains. Of course, you can define the boundaries, and we won’t offend without permission. At the same time, the bases in the northern hemisphere have issued kill orders against us. We hope to get help to resist Zones A and S.”

“That sounds good.” Both of Shu Shuishui’s requests seemed reasonable, and the white deer nodded in approval. “As for Zones A and S, they have indeed caused us a lot of trouble before. There’s a saying among humans, ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ I think we can be friends.”

Shu Shuishui blinked for a moment and then praised, “That’s a very reasonable saying. So, we are friends now.”

The white deer seemed momentarily speechless, probably thinking that Shu Shuishui’s human-like behavior was a complete waste.

However, Shu Shuishui was a true gentleman and extended his hand, gently holding the white deer’s antler and shaking it up and down as a handshake. “Hello, friend. I’m Shu Shuishui, comfortable like water, like the water of fruits.”

The white deer responded, “…Just call me Bai Ye.”

Shu Shuishui smiled with his big eyes, revealing his small white teeth. “Hello, Xiao Bai.”

The alliance agreement was reached in this way, unexpectedly smooth, and there was no formal written agreement between the two parties. However, there was suddenly a subtle connection between them, and many years later, these subtle connections would become inseparable.

After the Gray Rat team completed their mission, both sides discussed the matter of territory. Because biological territorial awareness was generally strong, entering without permission could lead to attacks. So, before receiving permission, unauthorized access to the core area of the Cangyu Mountains was not allowed.

The Cangyu Mountain range was extensive, and the outer regions could easily accommodate thousands of fleets like the Shui Jing Gong. There was no need to worry about a shortage of activity areas.

Before leaving, Shu Shuishui curiously pointed to the white lotus flowers blooming on Bai Ye’s antlers. “Xiao Bai, the flowers you’re wearing are very beautiful. It’s like they’re carved from white jade.”

Bai Ye swayed his antlers slightly. “I can give you one.”

Shu Shuishui was slightly surprised. “Really? Will it hurt? If it hurts, forget it.”

This time, Bai Ye finally smiled, and his deep laughter sounded like music from an instrument. “It won’t hurt. These flowers fall off from the antlers when they mature at regular intervals. And you have scientists, right? These flowers can help other beings calm their frenzy. Perhaps they will come in handy.”

Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu both showed expressions of interest. The fact that flowers matured and fell off was quite intriguing, almost like a tree, but this happened to be a deer.

Coincidentally, at this moment, a lotus flower on Bai Ye’s antler suddenly burst into a strong white light, pure spiritual energy emanating from it. Under everyone’s gaze, the palm-sized lotus flower slowly rotated on the antler.

Bai Ye slightly lowered his antler, and Shu Shuishui instinctively extended his hand, palms up, in a receiving gesture.

After a slow rotation, the lotus flower gently descended and landed perfectly in Shu Shuishui’s hand. Shu Shuishui curiously held the just-matured lotus flower to examine it carefully, only to discover that while most of the flowers were in full bloom, the degree of their blooming was different. It turned out that these flowers on the antler continued to grow. “Xiao Bai Bai, you’re truly amazing! I’ve never seen such beautiful antlers or flowers.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” Bai Ye gracefully responded, showing no signs of being flustered by the nickname “Xiao Bai Bai”.

Shu Shuishui thought for a moment, then took a hazelnut from his spiritual storage and handed it to Bai Ye. “This is my favorite food. It’s a gift for Xiao Bai Bai.”

Bai Ye looked down and said, “Alright, I’ll accept it.”

“Then we’ll be on our way. See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Shu Shuishui temporarily bid farewell to Bai Ye and the unreactive mutant beings behind him. The team that had completed their mission began their journey back.

The mutant beings behind them slowly dispersed, but the group of parrots continued to follow, persistently flying and shouting, “Flowers for you!”

The team that had completed their mission no longer rushed, and Shu Shuishui didn’t need to transform back into his dormouse form. However, Gu Langu, not wanting to waste the mimicry seal, still maintained his mimicry form. He now sat comfortably on Shu Shuishui’s shoulder, cradling the palm-sized lotus in his arms.

Shu Shuishui observed for a moment, then picked up the lotus flower and Gu Langu together. He switched them, and in an instant, Gu Langu went from holding the flower to sitting inside it.

Sitting within the palm-sized lotus, Gu Langu found it a perfect fit, feeling quite fascinated.

Shu Shuishui leaned in and took a sniff. “It smells so nice; you’ve become fragrant, Gu Gu. Let me tell you a story, the story is called ‘Thumbelina’…”

Gu Langu gently touched the petals of the lotus, listening contentedly as Shu Shuishui told the story with a joyful heart.

The gray rats by their feet also listened attentively to the story, their ears perked up. Occasionally, if they found food, they would scamper over and collect it.

At moments like these, Gu Langu’s gaze would involuntarily drift until one of the gray rats blinked at him, and both sides conveyed an understanding of each other.

After the story of “Thumbelina” concluded, Gu Langu didn’t really feel like he would be snatched away by a toad like Thumbelina, so he didn’t have much personal connection to the tale. He completely forgot that when they first entered the forest, they were blocked by a frog.

During their leisurely walk, Shu Shuishui transitioned from storytelling to singing, and the gray rats, being faithful listeners, applauded him enthusiastically. Not a single one lagged behind or left.

“I’m a little bird~ I want to fly~ but I can’t fly very high~” Shu Shuishui’s cheerful singing finally startled the parrots that had been following overhead.

Shu Shuishui sighed and commented, “Even the down jackets have flown away,” before continuing to sing with indifference.

Gu Langu was once again brainwashed, sitting in the palm-sized lotus, lost in thought, contemplating seaweed, little frogs, and little birds, wondering which one Shu Shuishui liked the most.

The fleet anchored near the mountains had long grown anxious. Nan Ge and the others had moved from the ship to the edge of the mountains, occasionally peering into the jungle.

In the end, before they saw anyone, they heard Shu Shuishui’s melodious singing. In an instant, their racing hearts settled down, and they found his singing exceptionally pleasant.

Several of the younger members of the group couldn’t wait and dashed into the jungle, following the direction of the singing. They began shouting for Shu Shuishui from afar.