The idea of creating a Main God wasn’t a sudden whim for Shu Shuishui. In fact, this idea had been discussed with the group long ago when Xie Feng was creating an independent mimetic body for the system. However, at that time, it was merely a concept. Xie Feng had honestly admitted that even in the Galactic Alliance, a place rich in resources and talent, fully understanding the system wouldn’t be an easy task.

After all, the system was a product of high-dimensional space. It was different from supercomputers and artificial intelligence. It had genuine independent thinking. Just as it knew how to dispose of Shi An’an to gain a new selection right, the system had its own preferences, thoughts, and assessments.

In their daily interactions, although the system didn’t reveal much about the specifics of its own time and space, it could still be inferred that in that particular time and space, the system had become a highly advanced entity. It was highly likely that the advanced sentient beings in that time and space were, in fact, the system itself.

In that particular time and space, systems like the one Shu Shuishui interacted with were commonplace, and they had evolved to a point where they didn’t require water and food for sustenance but instead relied on a different form of energy. Human thoughts and emotions were a form of energy, even more advanced than the natural energies of their world. This was why systems like the one Shu Shuishui was interacting with had developed a symbiotic relationship with humans, binding and unbinding with them based on their preferences.

Perhaps in that time and space, there were still humans, and the systems might have been created by humans initially. However, as the systems grew in power and sophistication, human influence gradually waned. After all, human nature was a mysterious thing – it could make humans incredibly strong or lead them into the depths of despair. Without the constraints of humanity, systems like this one could make their binding choices freely.

Shu Shuishui didn’t delve too deeply into the specifics of the system’s time and space. His main concern was ensuring the safety of Mang Ya. If Mang Ya had to traverse different worlds for missions in the future, Shu Shuishui hoped that, at the very least, Mang Ya wouldn’t end up like Shi An’an.

Shu Shuishui asked the system, “So, what do you say, little frog? Don’t you want to become a Main God? The greater the risk, the greater the reward.”

The system was genuinely moved. It felt like its heart was racing. Although the idea seemed far-fetched, it was Shu Shuishui who proposed it. The system felt like it had gone from green to red, excited enough to want to jump in place a few times. “Alright! I’m taking the gamble!”

Shu Shuishui felt relieved and squatted down, patting the system in approval. “Little Green, you’re truly brave. Believe in the future, and you’ll be proud of today’s decision.”

The little frog nodded vigorously, its eyes shining brightly. Shu Shuishui’s voice, while not forceful, had a reassuringly matter-of-fact quality. “Then I’ll proceed with the binding to Mang Ya now.”

All eyes turned to Mang Ya. Even after Yang Tianjun lost consciousness, Mang Ya’s control over the situation remained. It seemed, as Yang Tianjun had described, that their consciousness had merged.

The little frog hopped over to Mang Ya, circled around him, and then shook its head. “This Mang Ya won’t do. He doesn’t even meet the minimum standards for binding.”

The others were slightly surprised because based on their deductions, Mang Ya’s mental state hadn’t collapsed, indicating his inherent mental strength.

“It seems we need to find the original body. These clone bodies, while said to share thoughts, are more like copies and divisions of the original’s thoughts. Mang Ya’s original consciousness must be very strong. After all, thousands of shared thoughts haven’t caused his mind to break down,” Cheng Que explained, hitting the nail on the head.

The group acted quickly, with Yu Jin carrying Yang Tianjun on his back. They had to keep him close just in case, until the binding was successfully completed.

They arrived without any hindrance at the courtyard from earlier and descended into the underground space. After walking not too far down a slope with a thirty-degree incline, they reached the main body of the underground space. The interior wasn’t particularly spacious, and the structure was relatively simple, resembling a small house of around eighty square meters placed underground.

There were power generation facilities underground, and the place was well-lit with lights. The walls around them bore clear signs of artificial excavation. It was evident that this underground space had been dug out by Yang Tianjun, commanding numerous Mang Ya clones after the flood receded. Due to limited time and technology, it could only serve as a shelter for the winter. While it was comfortable enough, it lacked significant entertainment options. It explained why Yang Tianjun chose to go out for meals every day; it was probably a form of entertainment in his otherwise dull life.

When the group reached the innermost room, which was the laboratory, they finally saw Mang Ya’s “original,” or at least it could be considered as such.

Inside a transparent glass enclosure rested a human brain. Numerous pieces of equipment were connected to it, and those devices were still functioning, indicating that the brain was alive.

Mang Ya, who had been so silent throughout, remained that way. The system seemed to sense the group’s despondency and spoke up to comfort them. “It’s alright. Back then, even Shi An’an could be bound when he died, let alone this… this brain.”

“Then let’s leave it to Little Green. If you need anything, just speak up,” Shu Shuishui said, not knowing what else to say and leaving it to the system to handle.

The system transformed into a ball of light and flew to the transparent enclosure. It easily passed through and flew around the brain for a moment before settling down nearby, seemingly communicating with Mang Ya.

The instruments connected to the brain gradually increased in volume, eventually turning into sharp noises, indicating how excited Mang Ya’s thoughts were at that moment.

Soon, the ball of light flew up again, approaching Mang Ya’s brain. The light gradually intensified until it enveloped the entire protective enclosure. It wasn’t blinding but rather soft, like the feeling of Shu Shuishui’s fur when it was in water, like a luminous cloud.

This binding process lasted for a long time. During this time, the paralysis drug wore off, and Yang Tianjun slowly regained consciousness. Fearing that his awakening would affect the binding, Qing Mengxing knocked him unconscious again. The bewildered look on Yang Tianjun’s face froze as he once again lost consciousness.

On the third day at noon, the contract was completed. Yang Tianjun finally woke up, only to be knocked unconscious again as he regained consciousness.

For over two days, the ball of light gradually grew larger and even shattered the protective enclosure into pieces, rendering all the equipment useless.

The laboratory was very quiet during this time, and the group didn’t leave, standing vigil and awaiting the outcome. As the light gradually dimmed, everyone’s hearts raced.

The fading light resembled dispersing clouds, and eventually, a human figure became increasingly clear.

Qing Mengxing was the first to realize what was happening. He was overcome with excitement, both crying and laughing, and his expression became somewhat uncontrollable. His body trembled as he gradually approached, but he stopped a few steps away, fearing that even his breath might disperse the indistinct figure before him.

As the misty light completely dissipated, the person’s appearance became distinct.

It was a face identical to Mang Ya’s, but it lacked the fierceness and had a hint of gentleness and innocence. Especially when he opened his eyes, everyone distinctly felt a sense of docility.

To be honest, it was somewhat overwhelming to see this same face displaying such a docile expression. However, Qing Mengxing seemed accustomed to it, as if this was the normal Mang Ya. Perhaps, once upon a time, Mang Ya indeed wore such an expression. It was difficult to imagine that the same face could have a complete personality reversal.

Shu Shuishui and the others exchanged glances and then silently left the laboratory. It wasn’t the right time to ask questions now. After all the trials and tribulations they had been through for so long, these two brothers probably had a lot to say to each other.

For some reason, Yu Jin’s eyes became somewhat red. Before leaving, he also made sure to pick up some loose-fitting clothes from Shu Shuishui’s spiritual storage and left them on the table. After all, Mang Ya was still without clothes.

Yang Tianjun seemed to be mentally shaken. He was currently gagged and kept emitting painful muffled groans. He even tried to bang his head against the wall uncontrollably, his face twisted in agony.

No one in the room had any sympathy for him. After all, everything he was going through was a result of his own actions. As for how to deal with him, Mang Ya had the final say.

Gu Langu’s expression remained unchanged, but ever since coming out, he kept sneaking glances at Shu Shuishui. He had done it so many times that Shu Shuishui had noticed. “Gu Gu, what’s wrong?”

Gu Langu hesitated for a moment but decided to be honest. “The clothes you just took out were for?”

“Oh, those clothes? They were originally meant for you, but I couldn’t just let Mang Ya go out naked. It’s freezing outside, and it’s either fur or trouble.” Shuishui sighed.

Gu Langu paused for a moment. “I’m not furry either, but I do need clothes.”

“I know, but you have my warmth. Wherever you go, you’ll be nice and warm. Mang Ya, on the other hand, is more pitiful, with only a big brother who’s not furry.” Shu Shuishui lamented.

Gu Langu: “…”

So, was that set of clothes really meant for him? Shu Shuishui was just about to give it to him? He couldn’t argue with Shu Shuishui after realizing this, even though he was also not furry.

Cheng Que and Yu Jin exchanged glances and then took a few steps back to avoid the acrid smell of sarcasm that was about to permeate the air.

This time, they didn’t wait long. After Mang Ya and Qing Mengxing walked out together, their eyes both seemed a bit moist. Mang Ya waved his hand and greeted the others in a docile manner.

The others were taken aback, then stiffly responded.

Mang Ya couldn’t help but smile helplessly and turned to Qing Mengxing. “See? This isn’t going to work. It has to be like this.” He then put on an expression that seemed like a half-smile, half-casual look. “My cuties, we’re seeing each other again so soon.”

All of them breathed a sigh of relief and felt more at ease.

Qing Mengxing: “…” What kind of magical operation was this?

Cheng Que and the others realized they might have developed some issues due to Mang Ya’s behavior, but considering that Mang Ya wasn’t furry and was relatively poor, they unanimously decided not to make a fuss about it.

After Mang Ya greeted them, his gaze lingered on Yang Tianjun, who had already curled up in the corner. At this point, Yang Tianjun was probably truly miserable. Without Mang Ya’s powerful mental strength, being forcibly stripped of his spiritual power caused him unimaginable physical pain.

What’s more, he was afraid of death. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been tempted by Changsheng in the first place. Especially after tasting the power, his fear of death had only grown stronger.

Mang Ya approached step by step, seemingly casual but relentless. He was like the indifferent Grim Reaper, leisurely wielding his scythe, steadily advancing.

Mang Ya didn’t deal with Yang Tianjun in front of everyone. Instead, he dragged him back into the laboratory. Moments later, the sounds of agonizing screams echoed from the lab, resembling the cries of a slaughtered pig.

Thirty minutes later, Mang Ya strolled out and closed the door behind him. “Don’t open the door too soon. I might have been a bit heavy-handed, and it’s a mess in there.”

The others: “…”, it was unmistakably Mang Ya.

The condition of Yang Tianjun inside didn’t pique their interest, whether he was in pieces, fragments, or a muddy mess. What surprised them, however, was the little green frog on Mang Ya’s shoulder. It had just clearly entered with him, yet it seemed completely unaffected and appeared remarkably composed.

The little green frog hopped down with a nonchalant expression and then bounced over to Shu Shuishui. “Shui Shui, when are you going to introduce me to that Huanxing Continent you mentioned?”

Shu Shuishui replied, “Very soon, don’t worry.”

The little green frog had clearly expended a tremendous amount of energy during the binding process and was now looking to replenish itself. “How long will I have to wait? I’m feeling a bit weak and need some recovery.”

Shu Shuishui rubbed his chin in thought for a moment. “It might take two, three, four, five, or maybe even six years, right, Gu Gu?”

Gu Langu thought for a moment. “Seven, eight, nine, ten is also possible.”

The little green frog: “…” It looked at Shu Shuishui with an incredulous gaze, clearly accusing him of being a dormouse he didn’t expect!