Chapter 297: The Winner is...
Miles collapsed onto the ground near Alex. Tutor and the medical team were running towards them. Miles's arms were lying at his side. Black blood was oozing from his body. He couldnt feel them at all. His energy had been sapped dry, and his body was in pain.
He looked at Alex and saw him looking back with a smile.
You are a fucking beast! Alex hardly said. Miles smiled back.
Pot calling kettle black. He unhurriedly answered.
They were both too tired to move, and neither had energy in their bodies. Miles lay on his back as he laughed.
What are you laughing at? Alex asked with a surprised eye.
Since you debuted my brand, I won something from this competition. I will let you have the first place. He said and slowly raised his hand to forfeit, but he could hardly move a pinky.
No, no. I took first place when we first came to the academy, and never questioned if I am really stronger or not. Since you let me take the first place, I will let you have it now. Alex said.
How can that be? You let me have most of the cores in the factory. So we are even for that. Miles rebuked.
You wasted precious orb for them, and you even gave me loads of cores. Alex insisted.Nêww chapters will be fully updated at
You guys are lucky. This time the rewards are good. Milosh said. He was sitting behind the mighty table, looking at the hat in front of him. There are two pieces of paper inside the hat. Pick one and see your ranking. Milosh said.
Why do we need to do so backward? We can just have wristwatches drawn a lot. Miles said.
This way it would be fairer, Milosh said and urged them to pull the papers. Miles and Alex shrugged their shoulders and walked to the desk to pick a paper. Miles opened his and on it was written number 1. Alex showed himself too and it was Number 2.
With this competition, your rankings can be changed too. So, if you want, you are Number 1 now, and you are Number 2, Milosh said.
It is fine, I am used to my name now, so I will stay as Number 2 and I dont want to move out from my villa, Miles said. Miles looked at Alex and showed he wasnt opposing so he shrugged his shoulders.
He said and pulled out three boxes from his desk. Every year, one of the companies in the city sponsors the newbie fights and gives away rewards for the younglings. And in return, I have to introduce them to you and their offer if you want to work for them. Now, I will talk about this company for an hour.
You can sit down, close your eyes, but under no circumstances can you sleep. Got it? Milosh said with an exaggerated wink.
Miles, Alex, and Safire, who was now Number 3, sat on a couch and closed their eyes. The body would feel tired after too much energy is used, and a small nap would feel good. Just after an hour, Milosh woke them up.
Now, the rewards. The Feline Industries sponsored the competition this year and wants to recruit three of you. They will send their agents in the following days. Although companies offer a large number of Merit Points, let me remind you, no one lazing around can stay in my Academy, doesnt matter how much merit points you pay. You have to contribute one way or another. So, dont think you can just weasel your ways out by just working with them.
But there is no rule preventing you from joining them if you want to have a comfortable life here. Milosh said. Now for the rewards.