Chapter 4511: Land government, reincarnation sword!

Name:Inverse Sword God Author:K Classmate
Lin Xuan also frowned slightly, this thing is too troublesome, not to mention a large number, some strength is so scary,

If you are not careful, you may fall.

He guessed right, many other geniuses and strong men have fallen in other places,

Fortunately, although dangerous, they have learned a lot.

Lin Xuan summoned Xiaobai. Xiaobai was holding the will of the King and his eyes were crescent.

Lin Xuan took it over, wielding a sword, splitting the will of the King into three halves,

He took one piece and gave the other two pieces to Toad and Xiaobai.

Lin Xuan held the will of the Holy King and asked while absorbing it.

Toad, what do you know?

What is the Jiuyoudi Mansion you just said?

I think when you were in the real world, you should have heard of the world, the land, and the heaven.

Among them, you have already seen in the world, the land government, heaven, are two other mysterious beings, not weaker than the world.

They have survived since ancient times, no one knows where they are, and no one knows who their organization is.

All I know is that they are all over the world.

Lin Xuan was surprised. He naturally heard that when he was in the real world, he also encountered hell, the killer ’s killing.

I just did n’t expect to meet Hell again today,

This funeral star is really amazing,

The world is here, **** is here, and it is also in the ancient city of Qiankun,

What is the connection between the two?

Toad knows a lot, he said, you should be aware of the punishment behind the world.

Lin Xuan nodded, he was named the person who abandoned the sky, and every time he broke through, a **** punishment came, and he would be destroyed.

Behind these people, there is a connection with the world, so it is said that the world controls the punishment of the sky,

Hell, what is in control?

The toad took a deep breath and said, hell, take control of samsara.


He has also seen the power of reincarnation. The reincarnation protection method that controlled the channel before, and the power of reincarnation of Ji Feng seem to be related to reincarnation.

Lin Xuan said, is it possible? What is the relationship between **** and misty peak?

I don't know this, though. I think it doesn't matter much,

Although the power of reincarnation is scarce, it is not under the control of one party. The main control is in hell.

Other reincarnation powers are powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of top powerhouses, I am afraid they are just some hole cards.

It ’s getting more and more interesting. Toad looks like an old monster and smiles very mysteriously.

Lin Xuan said, what else do you hide?

Toad said, do you know the main force behind the natural punishment and reincarnation?

Lin Xuan was shocked, could it be a sword of heaven punishment and a sword of reincarnation?

Toad nodded, yes,

Behind the world must have a sword of heaven punishment, and behind hell, there should be a sword of reincarnation.

Of course, I do n’t know if it ’s a complete Sword and Reincarnation sword.

After all, there have been terrible wars,

In that battle, even the Great Dragon Sword was broken, and the Great Dragon Sword left.

The reincarnation sword and the sky punishment sword are also probably broken.

Lin Xuan was shocked. What level of war was able to break such a magic sword.

All he has now is the Dragon Soul, and the Dragon Sword is still missing.

Listening to the meaning of toad, it seems to be broken,

Could it be a battle at the Emperor level?

He was asking, Toad had shook his head and said, I am not very clear, too long,

Yeah, look, he's disappearing. At this moment, Xiaobai shouted, pointing at the fragmented body in front of him.

Lin Xuan and Toad turned their heads,

They saw that the shadow that had been broken by them was slowly healing at this moment,

Then, his body gradually grew larger, with a disc-like thing that seemed to absorb him.

Boy, leave it, maybe you can find a secret of reincarnation, Toad shouted,

Lin Xuan casts the dragon sword soul, sweeps the sword energy, cuts off the nothingness, and slays the power of reincarnation.

He forms a sword field, covering the shadow of the demon.

Since this thing has something to do with reincarnation, Lin Xuan ’s child prodigy has absorbed the power of reincarnation,

He is going to try it out and see if he can control this Daemon,

The magical eyes of the heavenly gods bloom, the terrible runes emerge, a force of reincarnation falls down, covering the demon shadow,

The phantom struggled painfully, his eyes became red, and it seemed to be bleeding.

In the end, it was controlled by Lin Xuan.

so amazing,

Lin Xuan was surprised. If you replaced it with another person, you could use the magical pupil of the heavenly machine to launch pupillary attacks, but this ghost seems to have no blood or soul.

So it can only be controlled by the force of reincarnation,

attack. Lin Xuan ordered,

The shadow snarled all his life, his claws opened up and shattered the void in front,

Great. Lin Xuan laughed, this is equivalent to a powerful war servant.

This time, a lot of strong men in Dongtian came in, as well as Taiko people.

People who want to come to Misty Peak will come, and they will have to meet sooner or later.

Those people, who are strong themselves, also bring many war servants. If they really meet, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

In case of siege, it is even more dangerous,

But now he's not worried anymore. With such a shadow war servant, is he afraid of those strong men in other caves?

Besides, there are so many shadows here. If he controls a few more, and then he will have more people than him, it will be death.


With a wave of his hand, Lin Xuan stowed the shadows, and they turned into streamers and disappeared into the sky.

Uninhabited street.

The eight figures, combined with each other to form a matrix, have heavy mountain shadows around them, it seems to suppress a world,

The terrible laws of power are flowing, the surrounding void is constantly broken.

In the formation method, some two demon shadows growled in the sky,

Their strength is very powerful, and every attack makes the formation tremble, and there is always a broken crisis.

Nearby, there was a figure in white. Carrying the ancient sword, beautiful face,

At this moment, she was staring at an empty hall in front of which there was a holy king's will floating up and down,

Sister Xueqi, hurry up, we can't hold up! Among the people who formed the formation, one of them said,

These people are thousands of people. ~ This beautiful woman carrying an ancient sword is Xue Qi,

She nodded, without hesitation, her figure flickered into ice, and she immediately came into the hall.

Looking at the will of the Holy King floating there, he waved his hand and shrouded it.


At this time, another crazy roar came, and a shadow of the devil shattered the void and killed it.

He appeared so suddenly, and came directly to Xue Qi, a pair of sharp claws seemed to be able to tear everything,

Xue Qi grunted coldly, and her body appeared terrible black frost, freezing the world.

The whole hall was completely frozen, and the shadow of the demon was frozen.

Xueqi seized the will of the King and quickly retreated,

As soon as he left the hall, the shadow in it broke free and shattered the ice, and killed it.