Chapter 64: What you said makes sense, but I don't accept it

Chapter 64: What you said makes sense, but I don't accept it

"Kill them all?"

The once-bold crowd was taken aback upon hearing the words of the figure in the coffin. His tone seemed to suggest that he didn't view these Northern Region prodigies with any importance.



As if sensing the intentions of the figure in the coffin, the two Annihilation Realm demonic beasts no longer remained prostrate; they rose to their feet and emitted low growls. The weighty vibrations caused the ground to tremble slightly.

Only now did the crowd realize that Leng Yanran had brought two Annihilation Realm demonic beasts with her. Putting aside the figure in the coffin's power, just those two beasts alone were enough to annihilate them all!

In an instant, panic spread among the people. Their gazes involuntarily shifted towards Leng Yanran, seeking her guidance.

"Fairy Leng, we're all people of the Northern Region; there's no need for this extreme approach. If Fairy Leng insists, won't you offend the entire Northern Region? At worst, we can offer Fairy Leng some other rare materials as a token of gratitude for entering the second stage. How about that?

"Moreover, not everyone received Profound-grade treasures; some only received Yellow-tier treasures. What does Fairy Leng think?"

Suddenly, a youth from the Northern Region's many prodigies stepped forward, voicing his opinion. The crowd's eyes lit up upon seeing him.

"Zhang Guangjing, the Chief Disciple of the Hong Guang Sect!"

"He speaks sense. I'm willing to contribute some rare materials as a token of gratitude."

"Indeed, I agree with Brother Zhang's proposal!"

At that moment, it was as if a leader had emerged among the crowd. They all rallied behind Zhang Guangjing's suggestion, proposing to follow his idea and present rare materials to Leng Yanran as a thank-you gesture.

Under the collective gaze of the crowd, Leng Yanran's brow furrowed slightly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Do you people even consider what you're saying? Offend all the forces of the Northern Region? Miss, as long as you give the word, once the secret realm ends, I can uproot the entire Northern Region."

Upon hearing these words, the figure in the coffin found it laughable. Was the Northern Region truly that formidable?

In the wake of Leng Yanran's words, the crowd fell into silence.

Driven by group psychology, they had initially tried to resist her. However, her words had reminded them of a fact: if the Luo Heaven Sect could fall at the hands of this demoness, was there any force more powerful than them?

Leng Yanran had the ability to eradicate the Luo Heaven Sect, one of the four major sects of the Northern Region. Therefore, she naturally had the power to annihilate any sect represented here. What leverage did they have to threaten her?

Leng Yanran's words were like a bucket of cold water splashed over their heads, jolting them awake. Some even broke into cold sweats upon realizing the implications of their actions.

What had they done? Challenged Leng Yanran?

The mysterious master behind her had obliterated a clone of the Eastern Domain's Ancestral Patriarch with a mere flick of her finger!

Their judgment had been clouded by the allure of the treasures.

"Damn you, Zhang Guangjing! Fairy Leng only wanted us to hand over our acquired rewards. But now, everyone is required to contribute treasures of Mid-Rank Profound-tier standards! Alas, I only received rewards of Mid-Rank Yellow-tier!"

Suddenly, a person with red eyes and gritted teeth spoke up. Upon hearing this, everyone turned their furious gaze towards Zhang Guangjing.

They held him responsible for everything; it was his suggestion that prompted Leng Yanran to raise the standards! Almost everyone had been deceived by Zhang Guangjing. Except for a few hundred people who received Mid-Rank Profound-tier rewards, the rest had received nothing!

"This... Why are you all blaming me?"

Zhang Guangjing stood stunned in place, bewildered by the sudden turn of events. The admiring gazes that had been directed at him just moments ago now felt like daggers. What on earth was going on? It was as if they were looking at a sworn enemy who had murdered their fathers!

In the end, the crowd refrained from acting against Zhang Guangjing due to his status as the Chief Disciple of the Hong Guang Sect, one of the top-tier sects in the Northern Region. In accordance with Leng Yanran's standards, they each handed over a considerable amount of rare materials to the figure in the coffin's feet.

Some even had rare materials that didn't meet the Mid-Rank Profound-tier standards. Gritting their teeth and glaring at Zhang Guangjing, they turned away and began searching for rare materials within the secret realm, aiming to hand them over before the realm closed.

After all, who dared to gamble when it came to Leng Yanran's words? If they didn't meet the standards, it would mean the destruction of their sects. Who would take such a risk?

"Tsk, tsk, I've truly broadened my horizons."

The figure in the coffin looked at the now obedient crowd handing over their contributions, clicking his tongue in wonder.