Chapter 304 40

Name:Invicinble Colorless Butler Author:
After Princess Freya heard that Ziel wanted to treat her mother, she rushed back to Queen Helena's room. She had to make sure that her father was no longer there and also wanted to convince her mother to be re-examined by Ziel. Princess Freya is afraid that her mother will become pessimistic after Megumi can't heal her.

Fortunately, King Leonida was no longer in the room. So the problem remains how to convince her mother to be examined by Ziel.

"Freya, didn't I say I'm well aware of my current state? You're wasting your friend's time if you bring him here." Queen Helena sighed heavily when she heard her daughter's request.

"But, mother… this time it's different. If he can't cure you, I promise I won't ask you to do that again. Just this once, I beg you to believe in me. Please." Princess Freya said with a sad face.

"Alright. I will listen to your request. But it would be best if you remembered your promise that this is the last time you asked me to do that. Do you understand?" Queen Helena sighed heavily and finally gave up because she couldn't bear to see her daughter begging.

"I understand, mother! In that case, I will immediately call him!" Princess Freya said excitedly, and her face quickly changed as the expression she showed earlier was a fake.

Queen Helena was taken aback when she saw Princess Freya change her expression and feel cheated by her daughter. She couldn't help but smile bitterly because she had already accepted her request.

(Where did she learn to act like that?)

Queen Helena could only shake her head and look at Princess Freya, who was talking using a brooch attached to her dress in the corner of the room. She knew that it wasn't just a decoration but didn't know the value of that brooch. Even so, she never asked because she wasn't interested in it. Queen Helena was curious about the person her daughter was contacting at this time.

After talking to Ziel, Princess Freya returned to her mother and showed a beautiful smile.

"Who are you calling? You seem to have great faith in him." Queen Helena smiled gently.

"That is… you will find out soon enough, mother." Princess Freya smiled mysteriously. Not long after, the space in the room's corner distorted, and a boy's figure appeared. That person was Ziel, in the form of gray hair and crimson eyes after testing the Archaic Knight's power.

Ziel didn't come through the door because Queen Helena's room was in an area that only certain people could enter. If Princess Freya had to pick up Ziel first, it would be a hassle and a waste of time. Ziel also didn't want someone to see them and make strange rumors about Princess Freya.

"Who are you!?" Queen Helena was surprised by Ziel's sudden appearance and became alert. She reflexively forced herself to stand up and tried to protect her daughter.

"Calm down, mother! He is the one I asked to heal you." Princess Freya frantically stopped Queen Helena's actions and gave Ziel a glare for startling her mother.

"Eh? He is the person you are referring to?" Queen Helena looked at Ziel closely because she felt she had seen him somewhere.

"Yes, mother. He is the person I said. His name is Ziel." Princess Freya smiled broadly and excitedly introduced Ziel to Queen Helena.

"Have we met before?" Queen Helena pondered as she stared at Ziel's face and tried to remember where she had met him.

"He is…" Princess Freya intended to explain, but Queen Helena didn't give her a chance to do so.

"Ah! You're the butler who was fighting in the corridor with a noble's son, aren't you? You look so different, and I almost didn't recognize you. You look much more handsome than back then. If I didn't have a husband and children, I might immediately fall in love with you!" Queen Helena clapped and said.

"Mother!! What are you saying!? You shouldn't be so excited as that! What if your illness worsens!" Princess Freya became anxious when she saw Queen Helena react like that. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead because she felt the joke sounded serious.

"So you are the one who will try to heal me? I know it's pointless, but I'll try it anyway because it's my beloved daughter's request." Queen Helena ignored Princess Freya and continued to evaluate Ziel. She was surprised that the boy, not far from her daughter's age, could maintain his composure in front of a Queen.

"Whether or not I can heal you, you will know after I check your condition. I also don't want to give you false hope by saying that you will recover because I'm not omnipotent." Ziel replied calmly.

"You are right. If so, please check me out immediately. I was afraid that my husband would suddenly return. If you can't heal me, I won't blame you for it." Queen Helena nodded slightly and agreed with Ziel's words.

"Alright. But before that, I ask for your apologies because I had to touch you, and my actions might be a little presumptuous, Your Majesty Queen Helena." Ziel came closer to Queen Helena's bed and saw her pale face.

"I understand. Please do it." Queen Helena nodded, giving permission to Ziel and extended her hand.

"Then excuse me." Ziel sat on the chair next to the bed and took her hand.

Ziel closed his eyes and poured his mana into Queen Helena's body. The gray mana flowed into her mana channel and spread out in search of the cause of her illness.

The process took quite a while as Ziel had to be very careful with the power he put out. Even if there was a slight error, Queen Helena's mana channel might be destroyed, and her condition would only worsen.

Queen Helena's face turned red because she felt her body become hot after the foreign power entered her body. That's not because it makes her uncomfortable but quite the opposite. Queen Helena would have moaned at the strange pleasure if it weren't for having her daughter with her. But she couldn't keep suppressing it, and a voice leaked from her mouth.

"Ahn..." Queen Helena moaned but quickly covered it with her other free hand. Princess Freya opened her mouth wide at her mother's indecent attitude.

Queen Helena turned her face the other way, and the neck up to her ears turned red with embarrassment for revealing something unsightly. She gritted her teeth to hold back the strange pleasure she was feeling and tried to keep her moan from leaking out.

On the other hand, Ziel raised his eyebrows as he felt deja vu by the situation. But he decided to keep quiet and not make Queen Helena even more embarrassed by his words. Ziel suddenly frowned as his mana stopped and couldn't flow any further. Finally, he found the source of the problem of Queen Helena's condition. She suffers from a mana disorder similar to Princess Aishia's disease but much more severe because it is chronic.

"I can cure your illness, Your Majesty Queen Helena." Ziel removed his hand from Queen Helena and said casually.

"Are you serious, Ziel!?" Princess Freya asked to confirm Ziel's words. She believed that Ziel could heal her mother, but she just wanted to make sure what she had heard wasn't wrong. Queen Helena also turned her face to Ziel with flushed cheeks and waited for his answer.

"Yes." Ziel answered curtly under the gazes of the two people.

"Yay! Didn't I tell you before, mother!? Ziel can heal you!" Princess Freya jumped up and screamed with joy. Queen Helena smiled gently at her daughter's behavior.

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"I'm not done with what I said." Ziel interrupted their excitement.

"Eh?" Queen Helena and Princess Freya were confused by Ziel's words.

"Your Majesty Queen Helena's illness is similar to Aishia's. Back then, it took me a few days to heal it. At that time, my strength was not sufficient. So to treat Her Majesty Queen Helena, I need a whole day, but I'm afraid that His Majesty King Leonida might suddenly come to this room." Ziel said seriously. It was a matter the two of them had to think about if they wanted Ziel to treat Queen Helena's illness calmly and undisturbed.

"That is…" Queen Helena and Princess Freya looked at each other, not knowing what to say. King Leonida cared deeply for his wife and must have taken the time to visit her room several times a day to check on her condition. He is the type of man who is overprotective of his partner. If he were asked not to come for a day, King Leonida would feel suspicious.

In addition, Queen Helena did not want her husband to misunderstand when he saw that his wife was in contact with another man in a room for an entire day. Even though it was for her treatment, she was sure her husband would be angry and jealous.

"From your reactions, I know it would be tough to do this without His Majesty King Leonida knowing. So I won't be able to treat you inside this castle. If Her Majesty Queen Helena wants to cure her illness, you can come to Piqmentia Grand Academy. As a guarantee that I can heal you…" Ziel pointed his finger, and a gray light shot from the tip towards Queen Helena.

Queen Helena was enveloped in the warm gray light, and her pale face slowly became rosy. Her weak body was suddenly filled with energy, like her previous weakness was just an illusion.

"Eh? What's this? Why did the pain and weakness in my body disappear? I even feel like I can run around the castle a few times now!" Queen Helena quickly got up from her bed and moved her body. Queen Helena got up from her bed and moved her body. She even made small jumps in the room, making her dress flutter and revealing her smooth thighs.

"Mother! What are you doing!? Ziel is still here! You're showing something unsightly in front of Ziel again!" Princess Freya panicked and immediately stopped her mother, who seemed to want to make another jump. Queen Helena finally realized she had forgotten about Ziel because she was too excited.

"Cough! Have you healed me? Didn't you say it took you a whole day to do it?" Queen Helena tried to regain her composure in front of Ziel. She felt ashamed for acting so childish.

"I didn't heal you. I just suppressed the mana disorder in your body for one week. During that time, make a decision. Because after that, your condition will return to the way it was before." Ziel said seriously and then looked at Princess Freya.

"I've been healing your mother for a while, Freya. To fully recover, it is up to you to decide." Ziel smiled gently, and then his figure disappeared from the room.

Princess Freya wasn't surprised by that, but her mother looked around the place for Ziel's whereabouts. She didn't know how Ziel got into her room, covered by the strong barrier set up by some of the best mages of the Aurelia Kingdom. But Queen Helena quickly dispelled that thought because the most important thing now was to decide what she would do about her treatment.

"What do you think I should do, Freya?" Queen Helena sat on her bed and asked Princess Freya's opinion.

"I want mother's illness to be cured. So, I wanted my mother to come with me back to the academy under the pretext of dropping me off. That way, dad won't be suspicious of it." Princess Freya answered firmly without any hesitation.

Queen Helena was silent when she heard her daughter's words. It made sense, and King Leonida wouldn't be suspicious of what she was about to do. With her current condition, her husband didn't need to accompany her to the academy. After all, he must have had much to do after the Five Kingdoms Conference.

(I don't want to suffer pain like before. I'm tired of having to stay in the castle. That boy, Freya's friend, has proven he can heal me. I won't miss this opportunity. But what feelings did I feel from him? I never got that from Leonida)

Queen Helena was deep in thought. But it didn't take her long to decide what she should do.

"Alright. I will follow your word, Freya." Queen Helena used her daughter as an excuse to go to the academy and treat her illness. Princess Freya naturally wouldn't be suspicious because she felt happy after hearing that answer.

"Yay! Then, let's tell father about this! We're leaving this afternoon, and you need to pack up soon." Princess Freya said cheerfully and walked out of the room while pulling her mother's hand.

"I understand. You don't need to be in such a hurry." Queen Helena shook her head but still followed Princess Freya's footsteps.

(Hopefully, the feelings I feel from the boy are just the effects of the checkup and nothing else)

Queen Helena sighed heavily. She put her hand on her chest and felt her heartbeat quicken as she thought about that.