Chapter 2758: roundhouse kick

When these people don't understand things, some things may not be done like this, but from the current situation, if they really want to do it, then some things we really can't control, if you insist If you take care of this matter, you have to see what you are thinking clearly, so in such a situation, no matter what the final result is, we cannot say much about this matter, if we say too much If there is too much, it may not be a good thing for us, so in such a situation, many people also know that we cannot do too much in the end. If someone does too much, then we are afraid of many situations in the future. It's hard to say, in this case.

Some people have to see clearly, and if they don't want to see clearly, it's hard to believe in the end, especially in this state, if you can't do it, then some things are Don't say it. If you don't say it, then some things are completely okay. If you can't say it, then some situations are hard to say. So in this situation, everyone is actually very Clearly, some people can understand this, but some people don't understand this. When they can understand, we won't talk about the future situation. If they don't understand, there are some things that cannot be said. If we go on, maybe we won't say much about some things. Under the current circumstances, everyone will figure out these things. As for what they are thinking in their hearts.

I'm afraid this is not something we people should take care of. If we let us take care of everything, then what will you people do in the end?

What serious things can you do?

If you can do serious things, then we will never say much about this matter. In the impression of all of us, we will definitely feel that this matter is very easy to handle. Of course, if If you have misunderstood, then we will not talk about this situation, no one wants to make you embarrassed about this matter, and in many cases, what everyone said may not be true, if you are tired of listening If so, you can choose not to listen, or even bite back, of course, if you don't have that ability.

Then we really don't want to say anything more. We have already reached this stage, and even finished everything. If you think you can, you are likely to become our partner. Continue on this road with us, but if you don't want to, then the distance between us will grow further and further, and even some things will cause great pressure on us, if we both part ways like this , then things are very tricky for us, so in this case, no matter what your heart is thinking, no matter what you want to make this thing look like, you have to make these things happen. It is necessary to figure it out. If it is not clear, some things will be even more helpless in the future, especially in the current situation.

Don't think that everyone is revolving around you. In fact, none of the people present want to tell you anything, and in their impression, even if you want to do these things, we will never listen to them. Yours, if we all listened to you, would you know what the future would be like?

Could it even give us some good endings?

If we can't give this ending, I'm afraid we don't need to continue to do it. What's more, under the current situation, what everyone wants to do may not be true, and if you think this thing is not good, you You can put your plan up, maybe we won't respect your plan, but at least we won't let you hang around here, this should be what we all want to do, if not even at all If you can believe it.

Then we people really have no way to continue, so in such a situation, everyone knows.

What is the final outcome?

If someone can understand this ending, I believe that what they have done is very good, but if someone does not understand, then this matter is likely to end, and it is precisely because of this that when this matter begins At that time, everyone should know the final result. If you don't know the final result, then we will not be able to figure out this matter. When we figure out this matter, the next situation will also be There is no need to say it, because no one will believe it if you say it. In their impression, maybe what you did was never correct.

If there is such a conclusion, no matter what we do, there will be no good results, so in such a state, try not to let yourself do too much, let alone let yourself fall in this matter. Actually, this is what all people should think at present. In fact, if they can figure it out, then many things can be solved very easily. Good things, at least from the current situation, we can’t say anything. Once someone says something good, it will be difficult to say what will happen in the future. So in such a situation, it’s best not to say anything else, because you Saying it out will not have a positive effect.

It is very likely that everyone will be caught in a kind of dispute. Once we are caught in this kind of dispute, it will not be good for us, and it will even make them have some difficult things to do, so In such a situation, it is best not to say anything. It is not good for everyone to say it. If you insist on saying it, you must see what they really think in their hearts. We do these things without asking for this or that. Yes, I just hope that we people can do this well. If we can't do it, then we won't say much about some things, and it's useless to say it, but it will make other people feel that we are very courageous. Small, in their impression, if they have such a feeling, I am afraid it is not a good thing, so under such circumstances.

What should we do and what should not be done, this is actually what we should be prepared for a long time ago. If we are not well prepared, then the situation will be difficult to say. These people on the scene actually understand how much they weigh. Two, or what to do with this matter, they already have an idea in their impression. If you can solve it for them, I believe these people will know what to say next, but if you don’t If you solve it for them, the ghost knows what will be planned in their hearts for you.

Some people can understand these things, but some people don't, and this part of the people can't say it either. They really don't understand. In fact, they have such and such thoughts in their hearts, but they don't want to say it. .

And even if they say it, no one may take these things as true. You can tell by looking at them. Under the current situation, everyone is really helpless in doing things. If you can give this thing to If it is done well, it is also a very good thing, but if they are allowed to analyze this matter slowly, then this matter is not a trivial matter, at least it is not a trivial matter from the current situation. , after all, there is no way for ordinary people to solve it. If you can solve this problem, maybe the situation in the future will be completely different, so these people are actually holding back their hearts. If you can understand these things, then you You can have an upper hand in this matter, but if you don't understand, then we can't say more about some situations, in the impression of these people.

Some things do, and if we can really feel it, then we're quite right about it, but if we can't feel it, then there's nothing to say about the situation, and that's precisely because On this point, in the current situation, everyone should do something. If there is no action in this situation, then in the future, we will not know what to say, and no one will be in this situation. Things really carry you on your shoulders, don’t look at the fact that everyone is called brotherhood in normal times, but if you really want these people to understand your thoughts, then let’s not mention other things now, because there is no need to mention other things Yes, and everyone knows it very well.

If you really think these things are okay, then we will have some other ideas in the future. As for what these ideas are about, we don't know what to say at the moment. Some people can see it, but still There are many people who can't see it at all. If they can see it, it's a good thing, but if people just don't want to see it, what can you do to them?

This is the situation at the scene. If you can still hear clearly, then some things in the future will be very happy, but some things may not become true. If they do not become true, you can know what to do in the end. Do it?

If you don't know, but even if it's really troublesome, in some cases, what everyone is talking about is actually an opinion.

As for whether it can bring some benefits to everyone, no one can know for the time being, and in their impressions, there are many things that may not be true, even if they express it on their lips, it is absolutely impossible. It's true, you can tell by looking at their appearance. If you think all these things are true, then some situations will not be formed in the future. It is precisely because of this that in the current situation, some Things can actually be done, but some things may not be able to be done well. If you think they can do it well, then you must invest in it. If there is no investment at all, don't expect it. This thing can pass, in this situation.

In fact, everyone can see it very clearly. When everyone can understand this matter, the future results will be obvious. If you still think this matter is not important, then you can completely follow your own thoughts. We can't control what it looks like. After all, we are just a partnership relationship. If you insist on making us responsible, then I'm afraid it's too much. So under such circumstances, People still can't talk about this. If they do talk about it, then the situation will be very good. When they can't do it, they don't know how to do it. .

No matter what we want to do, the future results will be like this, as long as we can take good care of the results.

We don't have to be afraid of the next things. Whenever these things need us to be afraid, we should actually hold our heads up and let everyone see the situation here today, so that they can know what we are talking about. What is it, so in this case, everyone should understand the things they don't understand, so they should get out of the way early. Maybe you think this matter is not so worrying, but then again , Is it really only the things that are written on the surface?

If these people don't speak up, how should we think about this in the future?

Who can know the final result of this matter?

So in the current situation, some things may not be as we thought, and it is very likely to bring us some great trouble. In this case, our life is not very good, or even It may be very bad, so in this case, let's try not to go too far, if it is to go too far, some things are very 2, and you can't find it in others. Some places that can be relieved, if you can find it, this is a very good thing for everyone, but if you can't find it, then you can do things yourself, but even if you have lost adults, don't think that others can Bring this thing back to you, there is no such good thing in the world, and of course there is no such good person.