It turned out that cunsen was the first one to come out of the Apocalypse pass, with a smile on his face, which obviously benefited him a lot in the passage.

Finally we can find a chance to attack emperor Tian!

"It's a pity you won't go."

Lin Fei perfectly integrates the two gods, and his harvest is no worse than cunsen's.

"It seems that you have learned a great trick. It happens that I have made a breakthrough recently. Would you like to have a try and see who is more powerful?" Lin Fei laughed.

Cunsen originally wanted to strike at emperor Tian, but he hesitated and bit his teeth fiercely. "You're good. It's OK!"

In the channel, cunsen understands the unique skill.

The unique skill of sabre technique.

Hearing that emperor Tian was promoted again, he lost his confidence.

I dare not to fight.

"Uncle Bai, why are you here?"

Cunsen saw that there were other people around him. After recognizing Bai Lengshan, he was stunned subconsciously.

"I heard you were in danger, so we came!" Bai Lengshan said with a smile, "by the way, the girl who hurt the rain is in it?"

Cunsen nodded. "Well, it should be coming out soon."

Bai Lengshan was relieved at last.


it did not take long.

Mengtian, Cang emperor, Shangyu and Fei Niang all came out of Tianqi Shenguan one after another.

They all got the chance in the Shenguan pass, and their strength was improved a lot. In particular, they created unique skills to enhance their combat effectiveness.

But when they heard that the emperor and heaven were also promoted, they said that it was too unfair. They worked hard and stayed for hundreds to thousands of years. They realized their unique skills, but they could not compare with God.

The wounded rain demon emperor was unconvinced and increased his combat power by ten times. After a unique move, he really didn't believe that he couldn't beat emperor Tian. He wanted to have a fight, but he was stopped by Bai Lengshan.

When they knew that Lin Fei was the empress dowager, they all looked at each other.

This world Lord's combat effectiveness is a little too terrible!

The four step strong will kill if they say so.

Xin Kui, they didn't do it before.

When the emperor of the wounded rain demon proposed to have a duel, Bai Lengshan was frightened by cold sweat. He was afraid that he might offend the emperor and cause death.


the Apocalypse was closed to Lin Fei and could not be sent out again.

Bai Lengshan and they dare not start to rob, more entangled than anyone else, do not know what to do.

In order to worry about the people of Qingfu, when they came out of the rain, they went back to the mansion instead of going to the secret place of Tianmen sect. After all, the most precious things were in the hands of others.

It's no use if they go.

"Emperor Tian, thanks to your help this time, we can create unique skills and improve our combat effectiveness. For our realm, it is not easy to improve our combat effectiveness!" Cunsen was very grateful, "you have helped us a lot. I don't know what you are doing in the demon world this time. If you need anything, just ask. As long as we can help, we will never let you down!"

They are very grateful for their unique skills to improve their combat effectiveness.

Vaguely, they perceived the politeness of the three four step strong men in Bai Lengshan.

The three of them are four step strong. At ordinary times, they always have the dignity of a four step strong man. But when facing the emperor, they are very polite and cautious.

What should have happened before they came out.

I can't guess what happened.

"I'm actually here for Kaiyuan secret place!" Lin Fei is no nonsense.

"Ah, it's for Kaiyuan secret place?"

"You can find Shangyu for this matter. Kaiyuan secret place is jointly controlled by the big forces of the heaven demon world, and the White House is qualified to recommend people to enter!"

They all laughed.

Kaiyuan secret place, they all know that the demon emperor power in the sky demon world controls.

It is said that the Kaiyuan secret place was brought back from the outside by the Lord of the heaven demon world. He set a lot of seals and handed it to the heaven demon world. The first six demon emperors mastered it.

"It's no problem!" Shangyu demon emperor promised, "our white house, every year we will arrange a group of disciples to go in. It's not difficult to arrange you to go in!"

The white house does have this qualification.


there is the limit speed of heaven.

It will take a lot of time to get back.

Lin Fei was idle and bored. He went to the Apocalypse pass and experienced it. Only then did he know that it was really a treasure. There are as like as two peas in the

apocalypse, one hundred of which are arranged in the same way. Each of them has the same strength. It is perfect and has no flaws.

It's very difficult to kill your perfect and flawless self.


One channel.

Lin Fei holds the sword of self extermination. The speed reaches the limit speed of heaven. With one sword, he stabs out, boundless shadow and attacks the golden self opposite him.Fast here, fast change then.

The other side's attack is also increasing, very terrible.

Lin Fei has no advantage.

"The powerful disciples of Tianmen sect have a lot to do with this Tianqi pass."

Lin Fei practiced in Tianqi pass.

Bai Leng Shan and their three four step strong men gathered together and set up an array to prevent being heard.

"What do you want to do now?"

The result was unexpected.

A young man is so strong that they feel powerless for the first time.

"We can only take a step and see a step!" Bailengshan demon emperor opposite is Baiguan mountain demon emperor, did not come up with a better way.

"We have made the vow of heaven, and we must not disclose anything. Otherwise, we can inform the Lord of the mansion and make good friends with the emperor. Maybe we can be qualified to enter Tianqi Shenguan!"

Bai Lengshan nodded, "it's a good way. They went in to hurt the rain. They practiced for at least 500 to 1000 years through time acceleration. Under the pressure of potential, they created unique skills. If our disciples of the White House can experience it, their overall strength can be greatly improved."

In fact, even they are very excited.

Due to the powerful power of emperor Tian, they dare not to move.

They don't have the courage to pay their own lives for things.

"Third uncle!"

As they discussed, the sound of white rain broke out.

The three remove the array and let the white wounded rain come in.

"Hurt the rain, how did you come?" Bai Lengshan said with a smile that he didn't have the look of frowning before.

Bai Shangyu also directly said, "in this case, Emperor Tian wants to go to Kaiyuan secret place. I want to ask if there is any vacancy in our white mansion, so we can arrange him in!"

"Emperor Tian wants to go to Kaiyuan secret place?"


"Yes, no problem!"

Bai Shangyu curiously agreed to be so straightforward, "uncle, don't you want to ask why?"

Bai Lengshan is worried about how to open his mouth. Emperor Tian wants to go to Kaiyuan secret place. He knows that he is too quick to respond to the words of Shangyu. He laughs and says, "as the leader of the world, although he is a leader of a small world, he may be able to share the same level with our God demon world Master in the future. Our white house will send personal feelings to each other, but there is no loss, don't you think?"

That's true.


Tianqi Guanzhong.

Lin Fei is still fighting in gold.


The golden Lin Fei stabbed with a sword, surpassing the limit speed of heaven. A sword stabs on the chest and shakes him out.

It lasted three hundred years.

"What a tough guy!"

In the past three hundred years, Lin Fei tried his best to help each other.

"This guy has perfect defense and perfect sword technique. My swordsmanship is useless. It's not so hard to deal with!" Lin Fei wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes kindled a sense of war again. "If you want to deal with this guy, you must be faster!"

Lin flies out of his sword.

Just a shot obviously slow a rhythm.

Lin Fei was hacked out again.

Come again!

Another hundred years have passed!

Repeat the process of sword every day.

The limit speed of the heavenly way begins to loose!

For 400 years, the golden Linfei's fighting power has been at its peak, and all the moves and routines are familiar with.

Come on!


Lin Fei's sword is faster.

We can't catch the shadow.


As soon as Lin Feiren disappeared, he stabbed out a sword in the void. The sword light in the dark flashed and stabbed the golden Linfei's eyebrow, and the other side chopped it with a sword.


Lin Fei's speed reaches the limit, and the opponent's first sword comes straight.

Hua ~

the original speed of Zhihao was finally improved. Lin Feiren twisted and entered the void and appeared on the other side with a sword on his eyebrow.

"It's a breakthrough at last!"

Lin Fei disappears again and takes out his sword again.

Breaking through the limit speed of heaven.

Five times the limit speed of the heavenly way!

The limit speed of the heavenly way is a limit, and there is a limit after the limit.

Lin Fei found himself faster.

If you want to kill the demon emperor at the beginning of the day, you can catch up and kill each other. You don't need all kinds of means, and you can't catch up with each other.

The speed limit of the heavenly way has broken through five times.

The speed of Jinlin Fei no longer threatens Linfei.


this time, Jinlin Fei was pierced by a sword.

"It took 400 years to raise the limit speed of the way of heaven to five times, and Tianqi Shenguan is really amazing!" Lin Fei watched the golden Lin Fei disappear in front of him and realized the importance of this treasure.It took 400 years to break through in speed.

It can be said that relying on the perfect body, or don't mention breaking through the barrier, I'm afraid you will die directly under the opponent's sword.

"I don't know if the top four steps can break through 100 times the limit speed of the heavenly way?" Lin Fei can't help but think that if it is 100 times the speed of the heavenly way, it is really not a general terror.

If you kill with one sword, you can't resist it.

"Five times the limit speed of the heavenly way has just begun, and I will continue to work hard!" Lin Fei took a deep breath and turned to the next passage.

There's another golden forest fly.


Lin Fei just out of the sword, the golden Lin Fei spread out a terrible speed, a sword will split him out, strong body, leaving a sharp wound.

"My flesh is broken!"

Lin Fei is shocked!

This guy is terrible.

Hua Hua ~

the golden Lin Fei rushes up again, his face is expressionless, he waves his sword, and his invisible power falls on his body. In less than a column of incense, his body is covered with dense scars. , the fastest update of the webnovel!